Mauro Gatti
Via M. L. King 3, 25025 Manerbio (BS)
May 2013: Ph.D. in EU Law (Università di Bologna - Université de Strasbourg) - 2008: M.A. in International Relations (Università di Bologna) - 2006: Bachelor of International Studies (Università degli Studi di Milano).
"External Representation of the European Union in the Conclusion of International Agreements" (with P. Manzini), in Common Market Law Review, vol. 49, 2012, pp. 1703-1733.
"The Role of the European External Action Service in the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom Security and Justice", in C. Flaesch-Mougin and L. S. Rossi (Eds), La dimension extérieure de l'Espace de liberté, sécurité et de justice, Bruylant, 2012, pp. 171-193.
"Autonomy of Religious Organisations in the ECHR and EU Law", in L. S. Rossi and G. Di Federico (Eds), Fundamental Rights in Europe and China -Regional Identities and Universalism, in course of publication.
“Coherence vs. Conferred Powers? The Case of the European External Action Service”, in L. S. Rossi and F. Casolari (Eds), The EU after Lisbon: Amending or Coping with the Existing Treaties?, in course of publication.
Introductory note to judgement "Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v. Switzerland (Eur. Ct. H.R.)", International Legal Materials, vol. 51, 2012, pp. 925-971.
Introductory note to judgement "Fogarty v. UK (Eur. Ct. H.R.)", in Baroncini E., Giudici e diritto internazionale, Bonomo, 2011, p. 155.
"Who Do I Call if I Want to Give Europe a Nobel Prize?" EJIL Talk!, October 2012,
"Looking for a New Global Player? Watch out for the European Union", e-International Relations, October 2012,