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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Danilo Bilotta



via Ulpiano 11, 00193 Roma

Danilo is an official at the Italian Civil Protection Department – International Relations Unit. During the last two and half years he has been working as civil protection attaché at the Italian Permanent Representation to the EU, following the negotiations in the Council on the reform of the EU Civil protection Mechanism and other civil protection related files, such as the solidarity clause implementation and the review of the Crisis Coordination Arrangements. Before joining the Civil Protection Department he worked as parliamentary assistant at the Italian Chamber of Deputies, focusing on EU affairs, and in a public affairs consultancy. Previously he was a trainee at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and at the European Parliament.

He is a graduate of the College of Europe of Bruges/Natolin where he majored in EU law after having completed his university studies at Università la Sapienza di Roma where he graduated with honors in Political Science. He has completed the training cycle of the European Civil Protection Mechanism in 2013 when he attended the High Level Coordination Course.