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Marina Mancini

Universita' degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ed Economia, Via dei Bianchi n. 2, 89127 Reggio Calabria

Marina Mancini is Senior Lecturer in International Law (Ricercatore confermato di Diritto internazionale) at the Department of Law and Economics of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. She is also Adjunct Professor of International Criminal Law at the Department of Law of the LUISS University in Rome. She is a member of the Italian Bar. Marina Mancini earned her degree in Law, summa cum laude, from the LUISS University in 1998, and received her PhD in International Law from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 2003. She was visiting scholar at the Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law of the University of Cambridge in 2001 and at the Georgetown University Law Center (Washington D.C.) in 2004. Her research stays abroad also include stays at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg) in 1998 and 2001, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva in 2000 and at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London in 2009. She is the author of the book ‘Stato di guerra e conflitto armato nel diritto internazionale’ [State of War and Armed Conflict in International Law], Torino, Giappichelli, 2009. The book explores the concept of “state of war” and investigates the consequences of the outbreak of international armed conflicts in contemporary international law. Marina Mancini is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Italian Yearbook of International Law. She is also a member of the Italian Society of International Law and the European Society of International Law and an associate member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law.

Her publications include:

MANCINI M (2013), 'Conseguenze giuridiche dell’attribuzione alla Palestina dello status di Stato osservatore presso le Nazioni Unite', RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, vol. XCVI-2013, pp. 100-118.

MANCINI M (2012), 'A Brand New Definition for the Crime of Aggression: The Kampala Outcome', NORDIC JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. 81, pp. 227-248.

ALTAFIN, MANCINI M (eds) (2012), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party and Agreements and Understandings to which Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces are Parties', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XXI-2011, pp. 401-421.

MANCINI M (2012), 'Orna Ben-Naftali (ed.), International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 424', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. 23, pp. 594-597.

MANCINI M (2012), 'The National Legal Frameworks Relating to Disaster Response: How is Incoming International Assistance Regulated?', in DE GUTTRY, GESTRI, VENTURINI (eds), International Disaster Response Law, The Hague, Asser Press, pp. 267-285.

MANCINI M (2012), 'The Day After: Prosecuting International Crimes Committed in Libya', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XXI-2011, pp. 85-109.

MANCINI M, NTOUBANDI, MARAUHN (2011), 'Old Concepts and New Challenges: Are Private Contractors the Mercenaries of the Twenty-first Century?', in FRANCIONI, RONZITTI (eds), War by Contract, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 321-340.

MANCINI M (ed) (2011), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party and Agreements and Understandings to which Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces are Parties', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XX-2010, pp. 463-491.

MANCINI M (2011), 'La Corte penale internazionale, l’indagine sui crimini commessi in Libia e il mandato d’arresto nei confronti di Gheddafi', DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, vol. 5, pp. 587-592.

MANCINI M (2011), 'Contractor: il nuovo mercenario?', in PANELLA, SPATAFORA (a cura di), Studi in onore di Claudio Zanghì, Torino, Giappichelli, vol. I, pp. 341-361.

MANCINI M (ed) (2010), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party and Agreements and Understandings to which Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces are Parties', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XIX-2009, pp. 469-496.

MANCINI M (2010), 'Defining Acts of International Terrorism in Time of Armed Conflict: Italian Case Law in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001 Attacks', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XIX-2009, pp. 115-128.

MANCINI M (2010), 'Private Military and Security Company Employees: Are They the Mercenaries of the Twenty-first Century?', in EUI Working Papers, Academy of European Law, PRIV-WAR Project, Firenze, European University Institute, vol. 2010/5, pp. 1-16.

MANCINI M (ed) (2009), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party and Agreements and Understandings to which Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces are Parties', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XVIII-2008, pp. 409-430.

MANCINI M (2009), Stato di guerra e conflitto armato nel diritto internazionale, Torino, Giappichelli, pp. XI-336.

MANCINI M (ed) (2008), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party and Agreements and Understandings to which Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces are Parties', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XVII-2007, pp. 357-380.

CASOLARI, MANCINI M (eds) (2007), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XVI-2006 pp. 367-392.

CASOLARI, MANCINI M (eds) (2006), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XV-2005, pp. 389-409.

MANCINI M (2006), 'Air Operations against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1999)', in RONZITTI, VENTURINI (eds), The Law of Air Warfare – Contemporary Issues, Utrecht, Eleven International Publishing, pp. 273-297.

MANCINI M (2006), 'Santa Sede (Soggettività internazionale)', in Dizionario di Diritto Pubblico (diretto da CASSESE S), Milano, Giuffrè, vol. VI, pp. 5419-5423.

MANCINI M (2006), 'Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta (Soggettività internazionale)', in Dizionario di Diritto Pubblico (diretto da CASSESE S), Milano, Giuffrè, vol. VI, pp. 5651-5656.

CASOLARI, DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, MANCINI M (eds) (2005), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XIII-2003, pp. 295-322.

MANCINI M (2005), 'Lo status della minoranza slovena in Italia e della minoranza italiana in Slovenia', in RONZITTI (a cura di), I rapporti di vicinato dell’Italia con Croazia, Serbia – Montenegro e Slovenia, Milano, Giuffrè, pp. 45-70.

MANCINI M (2005), 'La tutela della minoranza italiana in Slovenia e Croazia: lo stato dei rapporti internazionali', in PIERGIGLI (a cura di), L’autoctonia divisa – La tutela giuridica della minoranza italiana in Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia, Padova, CEDAM, pp. 263-286.

BOTHE, MANCINI M, RONZITTI (2005), 'Report from Rome on Redefining Sovereignty: The Use of Force after the End of the Cold War – New Options, Lawful and Legitimate?', in O’CONNELL, BOTHE, RONZITTI (eds), Redefining Sovereignty: the Use of Force after the End of the Cold War, Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers, pp. 3-11.

CASOLARI, DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, MANCINI M (eds) (2005), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XIV-2004, pp. 407-432.

MANCINI M (2005), 'Yoram Dinstein, The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 275', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XIV-2004, pp. 501-505.

MANCINI M (2003), 'L’euro e i Paesi enclavés', LA COMUNITÀ INTERNAZIONALE, vol. LVII-2002, pp. 407-444.

DELICATO, DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, GIOIA, MANCINI M, PAGANI (eds) (2003), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XI-2001, pp. 363-390.

DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, GIOIA, MANCINI M (eds) (2003), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. XII-2002, pp. 321-340.

MANCINI M (2002), 'L’attuazione degli accordi in materia di difesa', in RONZITTI (a cura di), Il diritto dei trattati nelle attività d’interesse delle forze armate, Gaeta, Artistic & Publishing Company, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, pp. 119-132.

MANCINI M (2002), 'La violazione delle norme interne sulla competenza a stipulare come causa di invalidità degli accordi in materia di difesa', in RONZITTI (a cura di), Il diritto dei trattati nelle attività d’interesse delle forze armate, Gaeta, Artistic & Publishing Company, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, pp. 133-141.

MANCINI M (2002), 'L’applicazione provvisoria degli accordi in materia di difesa', in RONZITTI (a cura di), Il diritto dei trattati nelle attività d’interesse delle forze armate, Gaeta, Artistic & Publishing Company, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, pp. 97-117.

MANCINI M (2002), 'Gli accordi relativi alla sospensione e alla cessazione delle ostilità', in RONZITTI (a cura di), Il diritto dei trattati nelle attività d’interesse delle forze armate, Gaeta, Artistic & Publishing Company, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, pp. 143-158.

MANCINI M, NENCI (2002), 'Italy', in LOUIS J-V (ed), The Euro in the National Context, London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, pp. 205-226.

MANCINI M (2001), 'Sull’attuazione delle decisioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza nell’ordinamento italiano', RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, vol. LXXXIII-2000, pp. 1027-1049.

DELICATO, DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, GIOIA, MANCINI M, PAGANI (eds) (2001), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. X-2000, pp. 351-384.

DELICATO, DI FILIPPO, GESTRI, GIOIA, MANCINI M, PAGANI (eds) (2000), 'Agreements to which Italy is a Party', ITALIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, vol. IX-1999, pp. 253-310.

MANCINI M (2000), 'L’impegno italiano nella gestione del flusso dei profughi', in ALIBONI, BRUNI, COLOMBO, GRECO (a cura di), L’Italia e la politica internazionale – Edizione 2000, Bologna, il Mulino, pp. 167-176.

MANCINI M, RIGACCI HAY, RONZITTI (2000), 'Italian Report', in LOUIS J-V (ed), Euro Spectator: Implementing the Euro, 1999 National Reports: Greek Report / Italian Report – EUI Working Papers in Law, Firenze, European University Institute, vol. 2000/7, pp. 51-87.

MANCINI M (2000), 'La dichiarazione di guerra nel diritto internazionale e la Costituzione italiana', in RONZITTI (a cura di), NATO, conflitto in Kosovo e Costituzione italiana, Milano, Giuffrè, pp. 119-155.

MANCINI M (2000), 'Cronologia del conflitto del Kosovo', in ALIBONI, BRUNI, COLOMBO, GRECO (a cura di), L’Italia e la politica internazionale – Edizione 2000, Bologna, il Mulino, pp. 205-220.

MANCINI M (1999), 'Restituzione e principio di non discriminazione dinanzi al Comitato dei diritti dell’uomo e alla Commissione europea dei diritti dell’uomo: il caso della ex Cecoslovacchia', RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE PRIVATO E PROCESSUALE, vol. XXXV-1999, pp. 223-254.