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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 -

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

3DP-VET - Activités

Status mise en oeuvre
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

Activités / résultats Description Partenaire Délivrables
IO1 - Research report on 3D Printing Education The project will firstly investigate the possibilities and benefits of using 3D printers in education. Our main concern is to clarify and present in which educational subjects 3D Printing could be used; and which are the appropriate didactical methods for the application of 3D printers in education. Moreover, partners will present the different applications of 3D printing in the field of education, and the educational projects and activities that could be developed with a 3D printer in educational processes.
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
  • European Education & Learning Institute
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
  • Inercia Digital
IO2 - Needs Analysis report Partners will search and record the essential skills and competencies that an educator should have in order to use 3D printers in VET classes. While the need for better practices and a sound methodology of 3D training for trainers of VET is evident, each society and national context are different. For this purpose, a needs analysis of the state of affairs and specific requirements of individual countries is necessary. These national needs analysis reports will then be combined into a needs analysis transnational project report that will inform the methodology of the training package (O4, O5 and O6).
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
  • European Education & Learning Institute
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
  • Inercia Digital
IO3 - Curriculum on 3D Printing Based on the needs analysis and research completed in O1 and O2, a curriculum on 3D Printing training will be developed for VET. This curriculum also aims at integrating further teaching material development activities. The curriculum will be broad enough to provide VET trainers with an adequate overview of the field.
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • European Education & Learning Institute
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
  • Inercia Digital
IO4 - Training materials for Online use Set of modular training materials on 3D Printing in education: Course materials, including theory and practice which can be adapted in line with national, regional needs. The lead partner will undertake the adaptation of the Course curriculum to a Moodle, adequately formated to address different audiences. The Moodle will be later on tested and approved by all partners and ultimately will be accessible to all interested stakeholders.
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • Inercia Digital
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
  • European Education & Learning Institute
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
IO5 - Training guide for VET educators In order to assist the trainers that will take part in the JSTE and provide them with instructions on theories and study content of the curriculum, a handbook for adult educators will be developed for the target users translated into national languages.
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • European Education & Learning Institute
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
  • Inercia Digital
IO6 - Course Syllabus A course syllabus in each of the partner languages will be designed in order to provide information on: Course content; Learning objectives; Characteristics of class meetings; Logistics; Course topics and assignments; Schedule of topics and readings; Assignments, projects and assessment; Course policies and values.
Partenaires chefs de file:
  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii I Innowacji W Lublinie
Autres partenaires impliqués:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • KEKAPER - Region of Crete - Lifelong Learning, Education And Employment Department - Development Direction Rethymno Regional Unit- Region Of Crete
  • European Education & Learning Institute
  • Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie
  • CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'educazione e lo Sviluppo
  • Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação Aplicada
  • Inercia Digital

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