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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 -

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271


Programme global: Erasmus +
Programme spécifique: KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Appel: Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Numéro projet: KA226-389ADD5A
Durée: 17 Mois (01/03/2021 - 01/08/2022)
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Luca Cerniglia
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Davide Vietri


EU-TeachPaaS foresees a strong link between building the digital skills of three main actors (university lecturers, university administrators and students) and the improvement of EU's digital readiness towards inclusive and high-quality online education delivery (HBR, 2020, EC, 2020). In this context, EU-TeachPaaS aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres (IO1) in higher education that will provide training and certification for university lecturers (IO3), administrators (IO4) and students (IO2) operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs.


EU-TeachPaaS foresees a strong link between boosting the digital skills of three main actors (university lecturers, university administrators and students) and the improvement of EU's digital readiness towards inclusive and high-quality online education delivery (HBR, 2020, EC, 2020). Whether isolated efforts of digitalization of higher education have been done recently, the outcomes of this approach have deemed to be inefficient leading to: frustrated academic staff unable to cope with technology, ineffectiveness of the taught content and delivery mode, limited engagement of students (lack of focus/attention/interest, limited connectionism and constructivism), lack of inclusiveness and personalized online teaching, rigidity of university administrators towards online teaching, and overall confusion and concern over the value of university services in such online format (EACEA, 2020).


The overall impact is to boost the digital readiness of universities (holistically) towards online education, while connecting universities in the digitally transformed ecosystem (i.e. with policy makers, businesses, third sector, parents, etc). In this context, EU-TeachPaaS aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 certification centres (IO1) in higher education that will provide training and certification for university lecturers (IO3), administrators (IO4) and students (IO2) operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs in order to offer online education excellence passports. During the project lifecycle, EU-TeachPaaS will: pilot-train virtually 850 (fully gender and age- balanced) university lecturers, students and university administrators (from which 340 will come from groups at risk); At least 600 people will apply for EU-TeachPaaS certifications; The project partners will boost their digital readiness with at least 1 upper level in the DigCompEdu scale; The number of other types of training institutions that will incorporate EU- TeachPaaS' outputs will be at least 30; At least 50 people will change their mindset from "against" to "in favour" of online education; At least 6 request of collaboration from public authorities will be received; At leat 5% boost in EduTech applications measured and at least 5% decrease in unethical digital technology use. Furthermore, at least 300 people will participate physically (if allowed) at the multiplier events (while 300 virtually) and an overall number of 150 000 people will be reached throughout the dissemination campaigns (including paid ads).


Intellectual Output 3 Leader: Digital transformation toolkit for university lecturers: (synchronous & asynchronous) online education delivery


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ISQ e-learning, SAPortugalContactsWeb
Carlos III University of MadridEspagneContactsWeb