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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

ACAI-LA Adopciòn de enfoques de calidad, accesibilidad e innovaciòn en la educaciòn superior de Latinoamerica

Programme global: Erasmus +
Programme spécifique: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity building in Higher Education
Appel: 2015
Durée: 36 Mois (15/10/2015 - 14/10/2018)
Superviseur: Elena Campo Motalvo - Universidad de Alcalà


The specific objectives of the project are:
- Cooperation to improve higher education, so that it will be open and accessible, and ensure the quality of programs 
- Modernization of the technological resources to implement online training programs so that they can be certified, accessible, multilingual and with open content, in order to support virtual mobility of graduates and teachers
- Creation and updating of online services to support teaching, to ensure the access and permanence at University of disadvantaged groups and to develop professional qualifications to enhance employability of graduates by establishing links with companies.
- Promotion of cooperation between European Union and Latin America, through the creation of a trans-regional network of research, scientific and technological innovation and the drafting of recommendations to policy makers.


The objective of  ACAI-LA is to contribute to the modernization of online higher education, ensuring the quality of training, innovating the pedagogical approaches, ensuring equal access to higher education for the most vulnerable population, encouraging the development of qualifications to help graduates to enter the labor market, upgrading the resources of the Latin American universities.
The project is based on an online cooperative methodology, open, flexible and transnational, aimed at promoting the convergence between Latin American countries and the European Union, helping to optimize the levels of competences among higher education institutions and stimulate virtual mobility.  
The innovations included in the project are:
- Diagnosis/comparative analysis of the quality and accessibility to virtual higher education with a comprehensive overview of the elements influencing the educational system.
- Launch of the ACAI-LA Virtual Campus, with consultant services provided by the universities for graduates, students and teachers supporting them in the integration of innovative methodologies and teaching techniques into their professional practices.
- Development of professional courses open and flexible and development of skills through the ACAI-LA Virtual Campus and MOOCs.  
- Design of an international online master, based on the mentioned services and the experiences, aimed at supporting virtual mobility 
- Educational materials open and accessible trough MOOCs
- Dissemination on social networks and web-TV channels


The specific objectives of the project are:
- Cooperation to improve higher education, so that it will be open and accessible, and ensure the quality of programs 
- Modernization of the technological resources to implement online training programs so that they can be certified, accessible, multilingual and with open content, in order to support virtual mobility of graduates and teachers
- Creation and updating of online services to support teaching, to ensure the access and permanence at University of disadvantaged groups and to develop professional qualifications to enhance employability of graduates by establishing links with companies.
- Promotion of cooperation between European Union and Latin America, through the creation of a trans-regional network of research, scientific and technological innovation and the drafting of recommendations to policy makers.


Within the ACAI-LA project the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will:
- Support in the setting of the basic skills and professional qualifications of graduates, and development of training materials available online
- Production of video lessons for Master courses available through the MOOCs and accessible by disadvantaged groups
- Creation of remote virtual labs 
- Production of the video promo, multilingual promotional materials and video lectures for the dissemination of the project through the Web-TV covering the European and southern Mediterranean


International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalieContactsWeb
UAH - Universidad de AlcaláEspagneContactsWeb
UAM - Universidad AmericanaNicaraguaContactsWeb
UCN - Fundación Universitaria Católica del NorteColombiaContactsWeb
UGAL - Universidad GalileoGuatemalaContactsWeb
UMET - Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied ScienceFinlandContactsWeb
UNAN-Leòn - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-LeónNicaraguaContactsWeb
UNC - Universidad Nacional de CórdobaArgentinaContactsWeb
UNIMAGDALENA - Universidad del MagdalenaColombiaContactsWeb
UNL - Universidad Nacional del LitoralArgentinaContactsWeb
UPANA - Universidad PanamericanaGuatemalaContactsWeb