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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

TOGIVE -Transatlantic Open Government Virtual Education

Programme global: Erasmus+
Programme spécifique: Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of higher education
Appel: 2015
Numéro projet: 561756-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Durée: 36 Mois (15/10/2015 - 14/10/2018)
Superviseur: Rodrigo Trujillo Gonzaléz - Universidad de la Laguna
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Dario Assante
Site web: http://togive.eu/


The project wants to improve the capacities of LAC HEIs to deliver high quality digital education in partnership with European HEIs through the establishment of an Open Government Digital Education Platform (OGDEP) for the promotion of good governance in LAC and EU for public officials.


Public bodies’ officials are currently facing an enormous challenge: a growing public demand for the creation of an opener and more inclusive governance and the emergence of several information and communication technologies (ICTs).
All this is generating a paradigm shift within the public administration towards the so-called Open Government.
With this objective in mind, on November 20 and 21 was held in Tenerife (Spain) the “I Iberoamerican Congress on Public Innovation”, which included leading specialists in the modernization of the public sector, as can be seen in www.congresonovagob.com. The Congress included 200 participants who were able to discuss on matters such as open government, democratic quality, open data, citizen participation, social networks, accountability and public innovation.
Simultaneously, a working group was opened online where participants both in and out the Congress could exchange thoughts and ideas. This work on social networks showed some important diffusion facts of Congress, surpassing the 3.7 million hits. During the Congress was unveiled the need to improve the efficiency of public workers to meet the great challenges of our time.
The intensive use of technology (Open Data, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Open Government, social networks etc) is already a reality in modern societies and governments cannot disregard this technological revolution.
It is also important that citizenship is more demanding in terms of public participation and transparency. The emergence of social technologies as tools that enable new forms of participation has contributed to the growth of this trend.
These topics highlight the need to implement projects that provide answers to these challenges through the pursuit of excellence in public professionals’ training through results-oriented tools that facilitate accessibility and quality.
In this sense, social technologies represent ideal tools which are transforming traditional learning methodologies. Therefore a 2.0 learning platform involving the participating institutions, teachers and students in a horizontal and collaborative community arises necessary and feasible.
TOGiVE project aims to close this gap by creating a digital platform where companies, public bodies, universities, foundations or any kind of organisation would be able to follow Open Government quality training and teach European and Latin American public servants from HEIs, local governments, national governments, regional bodies, etc., to improve their skills.


The specific objectives are: 
- Creation and/or improvement of Digital Education Departments in the Latin American HEIs to expand the use of Open Educational Resources.
- Joint development, recording and delivery of an Open Government MOOC in each consortium HEI.
- Creation of a mutually beneficial and lasting LAC-EU HEIs partnership that will enable a Digital Education Cooperation Programme designed to jointly manage the Open Government Digital Education Platform (OGDEP).
- Develop opportunities for international cooperation at regional (LAC) level fostering new forms of regional partnerships across disciplines and faculties of LAC HEIs.
- Development of new tools for the exchange of good “digital” practices among Latin American and European universities.
- Promotion of good governance: support to public-sector management for better service delivery and for governance actors and processes at local level (each consortium country) and sectorial level (HEIs).


International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, due to its large experience on web-platform education, will be a key piece in TOGiVE project contributing to the design, implementation and institutionalization of the Open Government Digital Education Platform (OGDEP) for Open Government MOOC collaborations with Latin America.
It will be co-leading WP2 – Capacity Building of Latin American Digital Education Departments training the Digital technicians of the LAC HEIs and being an essential part of the «Digital Education Experts Committee».
The University will use its top quality recording studio as an example for LAC HEIs equipment and for what it is necessary to produce the quality teaching units needed for the Open Government MOOC to be delivered in the OGDEP.
UNINETTUNO will be part of the dissemination strategy organizing the info-days like all the consortium HEIs and realizing a video promo of the project that will efficiently disseminate it through its communication channels (satellite tv + web-tv).
UNINETTUNO will also contribute to the definition and then exchange of best practices between public bodies from the two continents, contributing to the generation of the a handbook of best practices.


AV6 Consulting Group SCMexicoContactsWeb
Buckinghamshire New UniversityAngleterreContactsWeb
EVM S.L.EspagneContactsWeb
FGULL - Fundacion General de la Universidad de La LagunaEspagneContactsWeb
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalieContactsWeb
NOVAGOB - Red Social Novagob S.L.EspagneContactsWeb
Think Grupo de Comunicaciòn s.r.l.ArgentinaContactsWeb
UAMEX - Universidad Autònoma del Estado de MéxicoMexicoContactsWeb
UMET - Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo - Fundación Octubre Trabajadores de EdificiosArgentinaContactsWeb
UNIVDEP - Universidad del Desarrollo Empresarial y Pedagògico - Educacion y Formacion ProfesionalMexicoContactsWeb
Universidad de La LagunaEspagneContactsWeb
UNR - Universidad Nacional de RosarioArgentinaContactsWeb