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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

iSurvive - Activités

Status mise en oeuvre
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

Activités / résultats Description Partenaire Délivrables
IO1 – Comparative Study: Boosting the effectiveness of online HE learning The Output includes two outcomes: 1) QUALITATIVE RESEARCH with focus group methodology in order to research the opinion of academics and university faculty. Each group will be composed of at least 5 stakeholders who have recently been in the position of having to transfer their courses online. At least one focus group per country will be conducted. 2) QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH using questionnaires that will research the views of students, who have recently taken online HE courses that if it were not for COVID 19 restrictions would have occurred face-to-face. The sample size will be at least 100 students per partner country with a maximum of 400. Activities: A1 - Quantitative research methodology. A2 - Qualitative research methodology A3 - Qualitative and Quantitative Implementation of the field research A4 - National Reports A5 - Comparative Study UNINETTUNO's role providing feedbacks regarding the questionnaires to be submitted to the students and translating them into Italian language submission of the questionnaires to 100 students preparation of a national report on the results of the focus groups and of the quantitative research on the basis of the document prepared by the IO Leader Output: - The level of satisfaction of the online activities - The difficulties that the parties involved had to face when they were involved in the e-learning procedures - What were the most interesting and effective parts of the activities - What they would do differently to increase effectiveness - What would be most motivating for students? - Any other suggestions -
IO2-Guide of Key Pedagogical Principles for effective Online Teaching and Learning -
IO3- iSurvive compass: Online orientation toolkit and customized digital roadmap application for Interactive and Gamified online content Creation Objective: This deliverable will provide faculty and academics with the "hands on" tools they need to create the interactive and playful content they need. Someone can find endless tools, plug-ins and software, online activities that can help them facilitate a very interesting and playful content for their online course. However, most academics either don't have enough time to research, choose and learn all those tools that will make their content interactive and motivating, or they just find a few tools that seem fun and useful and use those, no matter if they are the correct ones for their target group, disciplines, class duration etc. Activities: A1- Methodology Development and Work Plan. A2- Technological tool for interactive content creation A3- Algorithm on appropriate available resources/tools that best suit each purpose. A4- Custom application for interactive and playful electronic content creation A5 - Application Pilot A6 - Monitoring and Evaluation Role of UNINETTUNO IO Leader Coordination of the whole IO with the support of DIMITRA for the technological development: Development of work methodology Support to A2-3-4-5 Review of all procedures Results: Final version of application validated -
IO4- MOOC training Objective: In order for HE faculty and academics to be able to successfully use the interactive and playful content creation tools that the roadmap will finalize for their courses, faculty will need to receive training on all of the tools. Following the general principles of the project, the training activities will be developed as an online course in the form of a MOOC. Activities: A1: Development of methodology and work plan A2: Definition of the approach, guidelines and templates for the online course A3: Development of online content A4: Development of online platform A5: Translation into national languages A6: Upload materials to platform A7: MOOC Course Pilot A8: Evaluation and Report with Recommendations A9: Best Practices and Evaluation Results Role of UNINETTUNO support in the definition of the most appropriate tools and methods to be followed for the realisation of the online course Development of the online training contents translation of the course materials into Italian Output: Final MOOC -

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