Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Bachelor Degree - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’industries - MEMEVET

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Specific objectives of the course

Curriculum Bachelor Degree - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’industries - MEMEVET  

CoursCrédits ECTSLangueEnseignant vidéoProfesseur/Tuteur responsable enseignementProfesseur/Tuteur
Soft skills
English--Pancho Tomov
English--Pancho Tomov
Production Planning, Control and Supply Chain Management
Prof. Roberto Revetria
Università di Genova (Genova - Italia)
Elpidio Romano
Professore Associato Uninettuno Legge 240/10 ING-IND/17 Impianti industriali meccanici
Elpidio Romano
Professore Associato Uninettuno Legge 240/10 ING-IND/17 Impianti industriali meccanici