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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

MEDUSA - Plan détailé activités

Légende activité
Completa In corso

Da attuare

IO2 - Training path, learning content structure and guidelines for trainers O2/A1 - Training Paths definition O2/A2 - Definition of learning content modules O2/A3 - Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path O2/A4 - Development of the guidelines for teachers and trainers
IO3 - Learning Platform O3/A1 - Elaboration of functional and non-functional specifications O3/A2 - Training Content Integration O3/A3 - Test release and platform improvement O3/A4 - Guidelines on how to use e-Learning Platform
IO4 - Modules Material O4/A1 - Training of Trainers: Content Editors O4/A2 - Development of classroom training modules for the International Master MODULES PROGRAMME O4/A3 - Development of online modules for the International Master Degree O4/A4 - Evaluation