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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

LMPT - Detailed activity plan

Activity legend
Completa In corso

Da attuare

A1 - Establishment of the management structure
A2 – Formalization and selection of professional specializations
A3 – Program development, curriculum content and pedagogical resources of the Bachelor and Master in Open and Distance Learning for Sustainable Tourism
A4 – A system for initial and continuous training accessible at a distance and online
A5 – Training of at least 270 students in each partner country and sustainability of the teaching offer
A6 - Optimizing the employability and entrepreneurial spirit of students
A7 – Lifelong Learning Module (LLM) in sustainable tourism - 50 professionals trained in each country
A8 - Design and implementation of an action plan for the dissemination and ongoing use of results
A9 - Quality control and monitoring
A10 – Project management