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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271


Communty program

SOCRATES - Minerva


First contractor

Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti


Project description

The aim of the project is to contribute to the activities of dissemination of the Socrates Minerva projects among all potentially concerned subjects as well as among an non-specialized audience. The Spread Project, in addition, aims at supporting the activities carried out by the Socrates projects through innovative promotional and publicizing strategies. The Socrates program is meant to develop educational innovations in order to improving the quality of educational systems and enhance their accessibility. The Spread project, therefore, aims at developing a collaborative approach among the stakeholders of the Open and Distance Learning field, facilitating the circulation of information and developing a network structure that allows these stakeholders to share their own experiences and develop synergies among these experiences. Another goal of Spread is to encourage the trainers’ community, mainly that of the countries that are about to join the EU, to play an active and wide-ranging role in the process of exchange of good practices and excellence-level experiences in the field of ICT for education. In brief, the general objectives of Spread are to:

  • Publicize the Socrates program among a non-specialized audience through an innovative strategy of the project results promotion.
  • Promote and disseminate the process of integration that developed among the activities carried on by the Socrates program and the different country-systems in general and the activities carried on by the Socrates program and the various educational agencies of the country-systems in particular.
  • Develop, in an innovative and efficient way, the utilization of databases in order to gather the results reached by the various projects of the Socrates program and enhance their synergy and coordination.
  • Open a new channel of dissemination and develop promotional strategies based on innovative and original approaches.


NETTUNO, in synergy with other partners, contributed to identifying the best practices related to the projects developed within the Socrates Minerva program. In the following phases of the project, NETTUNO will be involved also in production activities and in the preparation of the video promotional material and in its broadcasting through its satellite channels and on its web-hosting structures.
NETTUNO plays an active role in the Work Packages dealing with the:

  • Selection of the Minerva projects and analysis of the best practices and production of a thematic report (Work Package 2 Thematic Analysis of the Best practices );
  • Selection of Minerva projects and analysis of the best practices and production of thematic report (Work Package 2 Thematic Analysis of the Best practices);
  • Production of videos on the best practices indentified by the project partners (Work Package 3: Preparation Phase);
  • Broadcasting of the videos and e-dissemination of the promotional materials through emerging communication channels (Work Package 4: Dissemination Activities).


May 2004 - June 2005



University Politehnica of Bucharest
Romanian Learning Network
NETTUNO - Network per l'Università Ovunque
European Distance Learning Network
Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Radiotelevizija Slovenia