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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 -

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Research Doctorates

The research doctorate provides the skills necessary to carry out high qualification research activities in public and private bodies, as well as also qualifying in the exercise of private practice, contributing to the creation of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.

The PhD courses are implemented by UNINETTUNO, subject to accreditation granted by the Ministry, on the approval of the ANVUR, in accordance with guidelines shared at European level, as the University that develops a specific, broad, original, qualified and continuous teaching and research activity, appropriately recognized at international level in the areas of interest for the doctorate.

The research doctorate represents the third level of studies, the highest level of university education in the Italian academic system. To access the doctorate programs, it is necessary to hold a second level degree (laurea di secondo livello) (second cycle degree/specialist/single cycle/old system) (corsi di laurea magistrale/specialistica/a ciclo unico/vecchio ordinamento); admission is obtained through a competition. The duration of the PhD course is three years; at the end of each year the PhD student is admitted to the following year after a positive evaluation by the PhD Faculty Board; the course ends with a dissertation on an original research discussed in presence of a commission.

Operational and scientific facilities

Doctoral students have adequate teaching and research facilities, and they have at their disposal remote laboratories with computer-based connections to other research laboratories in different countries and different universities around the world.

In particular, a workstation Windows and a server multicore Linux care installed in the University’s premises, which doctoral students can access, login in providing their credentials, to carry out research activities such as data analysis, numerical simulations, code development, parallel computing, network development, etc.

This enables doctoral students to conduct their research activities using the network to exchange data, standardize research protocols, and share materials, equipment, and laboratories; to collaborate with other international research centers and groups; and to work together remotely.

In addition, the University offers Databases (access to the content of sets of journals and/or publishing series): the University provides access to publishers and scholarly electronic journals and resources, e.g. to about 6,000 electronic journals and more than 126,000 ebooks Digital libraries

As regards equipment and physical laboratories, the University entered into agreements with the following boards that make their laboratories available:

Software specifically relevant to the intended areas of research: the University provides doctoral students with software suitable for the training activities envisaged in the curricula.

Spaces and resources for doctoral students: the University ensures that doctoral students have a workspace in its premises, equipped with the necessary equipment and compliant with Covid-19 regulations.

The PhDs running at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO are: