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Research Projects

The scientific and research activities of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, as provided for by art. 30 of the General Regulations of the University of the Ministerial Decree of the 15th April 2005 (published in the “Gazzetta Ufficiale” of the 12th May 2005), are defined in art. 20 of the University Didactic Rules, envisaging the development of research activities on technologies and methodologies related to distance teaching and learning processes.
This research activity is identified as university research since its outcomes are applied to UNINETTUNO’s organizational models as well as to the psycho-pedagogic and technological models applied to distance teaching and learning processes and are utilised by all Faculties that, of course, participate in the conduct of the research work.

For each implemented study Faculty the Dean can request to the Faculty to start up research activities that must be strictly related and coherent with their own class of studies or grouping of similar studies.

The research work conducted at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, which is, by now, considerable in the various scientific sectors in which the Institution is structured, has been lately increased thanks to the inclusion of a large team of young researchers, reaching high levels both at national and international level. We began analyzing the skills of the teachers and, above all, those of the researchers, reviewing the tools, that were mainly computer-based of which our research work could benefit. Research laboratories are available on UNINETTUNO technological platform, among hardware and software packages, tele- and videoconferencing systems, distributed calculus, computer-based networks with other research laboratories of different countries and universities of the world allow our researchers to carry on their research work using the Web to exchange data, standardize research protocols and share materials, equipments and laboratories. UNINETTUNO platform allow collaboration with other international research centers and teams and working together at distance. Studies and research work that are conducted by these teams are divided in several units participating in the realization of complex experiments requiring ever more diversified competencies that can hardly be found in a single research centre, but in several research centers and universities of different places of the world (see the research work of the Engineering Faculty).
This choice allowed to maximize costs, reduce travels and missions, share knowledge and make assessment before, during and after the realization of expensive and complex experimentations. Additionally, we concluded some agreements with the CNR (National Council of Research) in order to utilize, when needed, their research laboratories. Also as it regards humanistic subjects researchers have at their disposal on the Web book collections of many libraries worldwide. The digitization procedure allowed the creation and updating of national book catalogues that can be accessed via the Internet and everybody, from anywhere in world, can access knowledge that would be otherwise accessible only on the spot, in libraries and study centers. This procedure not only makes accessible to many users and researchers precious cultural resources that would be otherwise precluded, but preserves rare book collections that could run the risk of being destroyed and allows the exchange of knowledge among cultures that have been set apart for thousands of years. Thanks to connection facilities, available in UNINETTUNO’s premises, it is possible to work in constant contact with colleagues of other laboratories – exchanging documents and data – as well as access the databases of the most prestigious national and international online journals of several disciplines, thus allowing a continuous updating of knowledge in a sector and making interactions and interdisciplinary exchanges easier.
More specifically, an agreement made with the CNR (National Council of Research) allowed UNINETTUNO to include into some PCs in the head office, of some our teachers and researchers and into the PCs of the Library a password to access the following databases:

Multidisciplinary publishers:
Elsevier (2468 journals, 3011 e-books and SCOPUS database)
Springer (2396 journals and 33571 e-books)
Wiley (1735 journals and 14704 e-books)
Annual reviews (52 journals)
Oxford University Press (286 journals)
SAGE (642 journals)
Taylor & Francis (1537 journals)
IOS Press (108 journals)
Nature Publishing Group (39 journals)
ISI Thomson (9 databases)
JSTOR (archive of 640 journals in the field of humanities and mathematical sciences)

Publishers in the field of chemical sciences:
American Chemical Society (62 journals)
Royal Society of Chemistry (94  journals , 34 e-books and 6 databases)

Publishers in the field of physical sciences:
American Institute of Physics (26 journals)
American Physical Society (11 journals)
Institute of Physics (91 journals)

Publishers in the field of computer sciences:
American Association for Computing Machinery (128 journals and 1005 proceedings)

Publishers in the field of engineering sciences:
Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (452 journals, 5090 standards and 17786 proceedings)

To the above-mentioned publishers you have to add the following resources dealing with various issues that can be hardly included into a specific discipline:

For the Law Faculty, the University made a subscription to Pluris, through which it is possible to consult UTET juridical database , always from the workstations set up in the Library.

Very important were the agreements for common research work in various sectors with public Institutions as well as with private companies having a greatly innovative character. These allowed a fruitful exchange of ideas and skills as well as the inclusion of highly-skilled professionals among the teaching staff. In addition, we fostered the work on three-year degree theses dealing with original research contents – an experience that will give its fruits in the forthcoming years with the second-cycle degree theses. Monthly Inter-Faculty meetings are devoted to programming activities, to the preparation of new programs and to make final assessments. The coordination of the research activities is entrusted to a teacher of the University. Particular attention is paid to developing synergies among the different cultural expression of the various Faculties, promoting common initiatives that highlight the University’s in-house competencies. The PRIN and FIRB/SIR programs of MIUR, European calls for proposals, such as Horizon 2020, ESA calls, regional calls are the main occasions of cooperation. The more specifically departmental functions are carried out by the Faculties that have the task of promoting and coordinating each initiative to make the related scientific literature available online for all fields of knowledge.


The research activities of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO are managed and supervised at central level by the University and, at more specialized level, by each Faculties. The University allocates to research activities a share of its annual budget, as shown in the budget report. In particular, it allocates to them 30% of the revenues given by the students’ fees. To these we have to add revenues gained with research projects, funded at national and international level.


Beside research activities linked to the Faculties and to each discipline there is a sector of university research that is aimed at:
  • Carrying on research work to be able to keep on innovating distance study courses’ psycho-pedagogic-didactic models;
  • Identifying the application of technologies allowing for improving the services offered by the University;
  • Identifying patterns of qualitative and quantitative assessments of the efficacy and efficiency of UNINETTUNO University overall system;
  • Identifying distance assessment models of the students;
  • Developing tridimensional and augmented-reality applications within UNINETTUNO distance teaching and learning processes.

The university research aims at achieving results that can be applied and utilized by all Faculties that, of course, take part in the realization of the research work.
The new cognitive society and the evolution of multimedia technologies applied to distance teaching point out to the birth of a kind of educational communication that represents a particular form of dialogue in which the general rules of communication theories need to be revised. Therefore, it is necessary to develop research programs and compare their results in order to assess the potentials of the various technologies (computer and telematic networks, digital television and education, hypertextual and multimedia systems, models of cognitive interfaces etc.) so as to construct a coherent body of theoretical and operational knowledge establishing a fair balance between technological-engineering components and cognitive, methodological, cultural, educational components that actually pertain to information technologies. At present the first type of components, namely the engineering-technological ones, tend to predominate compared to the cognitive ones, and thus place serious obstacles and dangerous distortions in the use of the results. This problem – which arises in many of the fields where the technologies are used – assumes particular relevance in the educational area, given the characteristics and the delicate nature of the functions to be carried out. Cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, pedagogy have all already produced epistemological models and strategies for analyzing specific problems in the fields of their respective disciplines and which are useful for identifying the complex interrelations that exist between means of communication, cognitive processes and messages. A distance teaching system based on the use of technologies, since it triggers the mechanisms of didactic communication which make up a particular form of dialogue between professors and students together with new interactive procedures between the source of the message and the receiver, requires the development of programs of applied research as a basis for planning and executing psycho-pedagogical and didactic models for distance teaching and learning. Applied research becomes essential so as to ensure that the results can constitute the basis upon which found the organizational psycho-pedagogical models for distance teaching and learning. Actually, the results of the research projects realized with NETTUNO represented the basis for the pedagogical and didactic model’s evolution which led to the realization of the new distance teaching and learning model applied by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
Most of the research programs carried out are aimed at building up a coherent body of theoretical and operational knowledge on the basis of which there has evolved a complex distance teaching system founded on the use of technologies and cognitive and connectionist theories. The results of the research conducted so far allowed to keep a fair balance between the engineering/ technical components and the cognitive, cultural and educational ones at the heart of the development of information technologies, and have involved scholars from various disciplines (technologists, computer scientists, educationalists, educational psychologists, experts in various languages); the research activity carried out was at once theoretical and experimental, pure and applied.
The results, therefore, made it possible to identify new ways of carrying out the teaching-learning process whether face-to-face or at a distance, and they have already had a significant effect on theories linked to the learning processes, to teaching methods, and to the distance learning relationship. From the economic point of view, the results have also supplied the basis for developing new e-learning models.
For this reason the activity research of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is based on the results of the researches carried out by NETTUNO; in particular, the main researches’ results applied to establish the theoretical basis of the psycho-pedagogical model of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO are:

  • "Elaboration of television models for distance university teaching and learning with the use of satellites and telematic and informatic network”, linked to the CNR’S strategic research project “Didactic multimedia communication and distance learning” coordinated by the Prof. Maria Amata Garito. The results of this research provided the elements for the creation of the didactic communication model and new languages for the realization of NETTUNO video-lessons; the analysis carried out in the field of this research created the basis for the realization of prototype of videolessons linked to the theoretical hypothesis experimented with 15000 distance learning students.
  • VERDI, [The Description is in Italian]in this project the psycho-pedagogical model for the realization of the virtual university campus “The Virtual Knowledge City” was designed. This model was designed on the basis of the learning theories about memory, mental activity functioning, anticipating the implementation of a 3D virtual world, designed as a collaborative learning environment.
  • BIC, [The Description is in Italian] that allowed to design and realize a group of automated classes for distance learning that enable students and professors to interact using a computer network in a pedagogically efficient way and that led to the formalization of the concept of Virtual Class.
  • SOCRATES ECHANG, [The Description is in Italian] that brought to the definition of new learning and teaching model; thanks to this project, it was possible to assess the impact of new communication technologies in the field of distance learning, to formalize the role of the camp mediator, under a scientific point of view, in distance learning and teaching and to verify and experiment the collaborative learning approaches through new technologies.
  • GIOTTO, [The Description is in Italian] HERMES-GIOTTO and HAMLET, that allowed to theorize, develop, verify and realize a model of digitalized, modular and indexed videolesson, as well as the design of the learning environments on the Internet.
  • E-xcellance,[The Description is in Italian] in the framework of the Community Program eLearning program, where we laid the foundations for the realization of a excellence e-learning model for higher education, through the definition of excellence standard and best practices as it regards evaluation tools, internal quality monitoring tools.

Below are listed the research projects that were realized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (clicking on the name of the individual project, you will get a detailed description):

CBVE - Cross-Border Virtual Entrepreneurship
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013 Version 1-2007
Specific Program: EAC/61/2006
Duration: 01 October 2007 – 30 September 2009
Prime Contractor: EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - (Netherlands)
P1 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) - (Netherlands)
P2 Estonian Information Technology Foundation - Tallinn University - (Estonia)
P3 University of Miskolc (NHRDEC) - (Hungary)
P4 Marie Curie Sklodowska University - (Poland)
P5 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) - (Spain)
P6 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UNINETTUNO) – (Italy)
The main objective of CBVE is to enhance the professional skills of students by lifelong open and flexible, didactically-innovative and pedagogically-rich learning approaches, with a specific focus on the development, extension and expansion of entrepreneurial skills.
The project aims to address some inadequacies in the field of vocational training guidance for self-entrepreneurial opportunities and the lack of external network liaisons with business, such as the lack structured entrepreneurial training, the lack of relations with external networks and employment market, of flexible learning approaches regarding entrepreneurship suitable to reach students outside traditional training cohorts. The CBVE Project, which is aimed at distance students, contributes to the development of innovative contents thanks to services, practice work, research and educational tools that are based on ICTs.
It promotes a model of collaborative learning that enhances the quality and level of cooperation relations among higher education centers and businesses. In this process the students will be supported by teachers and experts of entrepreneurial skills development and will be stimulated to learn and concretely test the knowledge learnt being guided by experts and tutors coming for the academia and from the business world. The project will involve small and medium enterprises, professional associations, commerce chambers and local partners and associations.
The contribution given by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO mainly deals with sharing research work and studies on the development of multimedia educational contents from which to start the development of innovative approaches to education. In particular, thanks to the CBVE Project, we realized some tools that can help accessing the employment world for a non-traditional and mainly adult student population.

ARCHEOMAP - Archaeological Management Policies
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Emma Angelini
Community Program: 6th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demostration
Specific Program: Integrating and Strengthening the European Research. Area - Scientific Support to Policies
Duration: 01 November 2007 – 31 October 2009
Prime Contractor: Regione Sicilia – Assessorato Regionale Beni Culturali e Ambientali – Dipartimento Beni Culturali e Ambientali Soprintendenza del Mare (SOPMARE) – (Italy)
P1 Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento Beni Culturali e Ambientali - Soprintendenza del Mare (SOPMARE) – (Italy)
P2 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
P3 Comitato Pro Arsenale Borbonico (ARSENALE DI PALERMO) – (Italy)
P4 Consorzio Universitario per l’Ateneo della Sicilia Occidentale e il Bacino del Mediterraneo (UNISOM) – (Italy)
P5 International Institute for the Study of Man - Istituto Internazionale per gli Studi dell’Uomo per l’Area Mediterranea (INTERINSTITUTE) – (Italy)
P6 Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche-Sur-Mer (ASPMV) – (France)
P7 Liasons Mediterranèe (ex Ministère Tunisien de la Culture TUNISIA) – (Tunisia)
P8 Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (UNINETTUNO) – (Italy)
P9 Archeological Museum of Florina AMF (ex Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki) – (Greece)
P10 Department of Underwater Archaeology – Supreme Council of Antiquities EGYPT-DUA-SCA (ex Greco-Roman Museum (EGYPT) – (Egypt)
P11 Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalanuya AMC (ex Consorci de les Drassanes Reials i Museo Maritim de Barcelona) – (Spain)
P12 Fondazione Athena Sviluppo (ATHENA) (Italy)
P13 Associazione Archeo-Antropologica Approfondimenti Interdisciplinari Operativi (AAA.AIO’) – (Italy)
P14 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – France
P15 Groupe de Recherche en Archeologie Navale (GRAN) – France
P16 Fondazioni Wirt Artna (WIRT ARTNA) – Malta
The project analyzed innovative tools and methods for defining a model for sustainable development by studying the management of archeological, coastal and submarine sites of the Mediterranean Basin.
Project general aim was to assure the development of science and technology aimed at defining and realizing innovative tools for protecting coastal sites and, above all, archeological sites. Thanks to this project in-depth studies and accurate surveys were carried out on the impact produced by some human activities on the sites being studied. These studies examined global events such as climate effects and more local ones such as the impact of cultural tourism. These survey were aimed at promoting environmental protection, prevention of geological and earthquake risks, socio-economic development and sustainable and responsible human actions. This study was useful to supply the partnership members and all European Union countries with tools that were integrated with guidelines for the assessment and launch of policy measures and directives.
An International Forum, a media window of the project, disseminated the questions that were treated by these studies and promoted wide-scale communication, particularly as it regards sustainable development of the archeological sites. The participation of UNESCO gave an added value to the project in terms of coordination and in technical and scientific fields.
The project results were published in final report aimed at making the international public more aware about the value and symbolic role of our common Mediterranean heritage.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, as expert partner in new information and communication technologies, supervised the dissemination of the project results, spreading them in the Mediterranean Area through its own satellite television channels and within the Mediterranean University Network.

E-xcellence +: cross sectoral valorisation
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Joost Lowyck
Community Program: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013
Specific Program: EAC/61/2006
Duration: 01 October 2007 – 30 September 2009
Prime Contractor: EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - (Netherlands)
P1 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) – (Netherlands)
P2 University of Oulu – (Finland)
P3 Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) – (Netherlands)
P4 The Open University (OUUK) – (United Kingdom)
P5 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO – (Italy)
P6 Accreditation Organisation for the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) – (Netherlands)
P7 Estonian Information Technology Foundation (EITF) – (Estonia)
P8 Hungarian e-University Network – (Hungary)
P9 Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU) – (Sweden)
P10 Spanish National DistanceUniversity (UNED) – (Spain)
P11 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – (Belgium)
P12 Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities – (Czech Republic)
P13 University of Hradec Kràlovè – (Czech Republic)
P14 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology - (Slovakia)
P15 State educational Institution of Higher professional education “Moscow State University for Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)” – (Russian Federation)
P16 Distance Learning University Switzerland – (Swizterland)
The project promoted international-level cooperation aimed at identifying quality benchmarks in the field of higher education with particular reference to the use of e-learning.
The project pooled the experience gained in this field by 13 countries and the expertise of ENQA members. Target groups were: academic institutions, evaluators, designers and students.
The E-xcellence+ main objectives were: e-learning enhancement and innovation processes through self-assessment, continuing assessment and validation; to this end, the project promoted a specific reference tool named as “E-xcellence tool”, that is available online. This educational tool is based on some shared standards indentified among all partners and aims at increasing interest, flexibility and accessibility with regard to the lifelong education opportunities in the Member States (half of which are already familiar with it).
The tool standards were regularly monitored by a consortium of organizations with expertise in the field of higher education (online universities and traditional universities) and by European quality assurance agencies. Finally, the E-xcellence+ Project promoted the enhancement and innovation of e-learning by harmonizing this tool with institutional and national policies.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was actively involved in all work phases. In particular, UNINETTUNO used the “Quickscan” tool, that was devised by EADTU, for analyzing the courses selected by the University. To this end a study and experimentation team was established and it included representatives from the management of the University, tutors, students and staff involved in the research work.
In addition, UNINETTUNO organized a two-day meeting during which the organization of the University Quality Assurance System was illustrated, the results of the Quickscan tool were assessed and the possibilities for integration and interaction of the tool of the University Quality System were analyzed.

Re.ViCa - Reviewing (traces of) European Virtual Campuses
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013
Specific Program: EAC/61/2006 (Multilateral projects, Networks, Accompanying Measures, Studies and Comparative Research, ERASMUS, Virtual Campuses)
Duration: 01 October 2007 – 30 September 2009
Prime Contractor: EuroPACE (Belgium)
P1 Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) – (Belgium)
P2 EuroPACE – (Belgium)
P3 AtiT – (Belgium)
P4 FernUniversität Hagen – (Germany)
P5 Helsinki University of Technology, Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli (TKK Dipoli) – (Finland)
P6 Université Louis Pasteur (ULP) – (France)
P7 University of West Hungary – (Hungary)
P8 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO – (Italy)
P9 Matic Media Ltd – (United Kingdom)
The Re.ViCa Project faced the complex question of Virtual Campuses and, more specifically, supplied a study and an analysis of the Virtual Campuses currently existing in the European Union countries represented by its partners. In this frame work the project highlighted some successful solutions in the launch and management of the activities of Virtual Campuses and supplied the users with a full mapping and selection tools based on the needs of each individual student.
Re.ViCa main objectives were:

  • to make an inventory and to carry out a systematic review of cross-institutional Virtual Campus initiatives of the past decade within higher education at European, national and regional levels.
  • to look not only at currently operational Virtual Campuses, but also at the legal aspects and impact within higher education generally of those Virtual Campus initiatives that have ceased activities.
  • to identify relevant parameters and success factors for evaluating and comparing Virtual Campuses, based on thorough research and expert input.
  • to organize in-depth discussions at various stages of the project, to incorporate the input of different interest groups: including Virtual Campus management bodies, relevant networks, students, policy makers and a range of experts at a global as well as European level.
  • to compare in-depth studies of European cases to selected non-European initiatives in order to refine and elaborate success parameters and factors.
  • to formulate a set of action points that can be applied to ensure the realization of successful European Virtual Campus initiatives.

In addition, the Re.ViCa Project started a reviewing European Virtual Campuses and spreading the results of this research work throughout Europe, offering an updated overview of the best practices that were compared with extra-European initiatives (Japan, Australia, Canada and Latin America). This process highlighted several success and quality factors giving accurate hints on how to maximize performance in this field.

CSVM - Stimulating European Employability through Cross Sector Virtual Mobility
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: 2006 EC Leonardo Da Vinci Program
Specific Program: NL/06/B/P/PP - 157622
Duration: 01 October 2006 – 30 September 2008
Prime Contractor: EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (Netherlands)
P1 EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (Netherlands)
P2 ESIB – The National Unions of Students in Europe - (Belgium)
P3 Estonian E-University (EITF) – (Estonia)
P4 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) – (Spain)
P5 e−Collegium Foundation –(Hungary)
P6 University of Miskolc (NHRDEC) - (Hungary)
P7 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UNINETTUNO) - (Italy)
P8 Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) – (Netherlands)
P9 Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands)
P10 Marie Curie Sklodowska University (MCSU) - (Poland)

The CSVM Project was based on an innovative approach to distance education and was target to students, professionals and entrepreneurs involved or interested in being trained this field. The project beneficiaries were universities and employers. The specific aim of the project was to establish a sustainable mechanism of interaction between the business world and the field of distance education to enhance knowledge about distance education and facilitate the access of distance students into the labor market and offer a distance education system able to develop business opportunities and connections with labor market.
Through the CSVM project a European Web-based Single Portal was developed in order to allow the access to virtual internships on the distance teaching mode. The CSVM project and the related Virtual Internships Portal is in line with the Lisbon Strategy and the Copenhagen Declaration since they contribute to the development of the European labor market through the modernization of the European education and training system. Actually, the project final product was a Web-based Portal, that can be accessed and used by everybody and that supports applications and their guidance within the programs of European Virtual Internships.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO played a very important role in this project supplying its know-how as it regards student’s training through distance learning tools and combining guidance paths and preparation based on the needs of the job market that now demands permanent education and the renewal of the traditional training paths. Additionally, the network of companies and universities with which UNINETTUNO University cooperates represented the strong point of the project since it allowed to bring learning and internships opportunities closer to labor market, linking students/users and experts and supplying as well examples of expertise in several fields. According to the psycho-pedagogic model of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, virtual internship can represent a unique opportunity in Europe, promoting employment, dialogue among cultures, creating of thematic networks, internationalization of knowledge and competences.
During the project implementation phase we prepared the description of vacant internships positions, the design of the website, hyperlinks, newsletters and related registration systems, project overviews, articles, posters, brochures, DVDs and CD-Roms. The project results were promoted and highlighted also by using an active approach towards its beneficiaries who were consulted during the entire implementation of the program itself. In a short-run perspective, the project supported distance students in suitably meeting the demands of the labor market. In the long run, new technologies may be used by the students to satisfy the need to study and work in international settings, having also the possibility of developing their careers in a framework of virtual mobility. Moreover, we laid the foundations to start a systematic and reciprocal flow of knowledge between the labor market and the field of distance education.

MED-MEM-Sharing our Mediterranean Audio-visual Memory
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: Euromed HERITAGE IV
Specific Program: EuropAid/126266/c/act/multi
Duration: 36 months
Prime Contractor: Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) – (France)
P1 Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) – (France)
P2 Société Nationale de Radio et de Télévision Marocaine (SNRT) – (Morocco)
P3 Etablissement de Radio et de Télévision Jordanienne (JRTV) – (Jordan)
P4 Radio Televisione Italiana (RAI) – (Italy)
P5 Conférence Permanente pour l’Audiovisuel Méditerranéen (COPEAM) - (France)
P6 Etablissement Public de la Télévision Algérienne (EPTV) – (Algeria)
Associated Partners:
La Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (MMSH) – (France)
La Bibliotheca Alexandrina – (Egypt)
International Telematic University Uninettuno UNINETTUNO – (Italy)
Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle (CMCA) – (France)
UER Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion – (Switzerland)
The audiovisual heritage of the Mediterranean region is a resource of inestimable value, a way to promote and facilitate an “entente” and an intercultural dialogue throughout the region. This resource is currently difficult to access and runs the risk of deteriorating rapidly, possibly being lost forever. Saving the major part of the documents is still possible, but such an undertaking is becoming quite urgent. The project aims at assuring access to this heritage and guarantee its safeguard and hand it down to future generations.
The scope of the project is to ensure simultaneously the digitization and immediate and global visibility of the Mediterranean audiovisual archives. The issues that were dealt with encourage dialogue and mutual understanding: discovering images of archaeological sites on the Mediterranean rim, its inestimable architectural heritage, sharing traditional and contemporary artistic treasures (songs, dance, music, visual arts…), the development of economic and social changes, issues related to the environment and sustainable development. Archive holders of the Mediterranean region, in particular their main broadcasters, requested INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) and the COPEAM (Conférence Permanente de l’Audiovisuel Méditerranéen) to develop a strategy and an action plan so as to promote and support the preservation of the Mediterranean’s audiovisual heritage as well as the discovery, the sharing and the handing over of this common heritage to the populations of the Mediterranean rim in order to promote intercultural dialogue and the understanding of their common history.
The achieved results allowed:
1. Universal online access to archives from the Mediterranean area for researchers, students, the general public, broadcasters, together with cultural partners in the cultural, educational, scientific and professional fields including 4,000 documents.
2. To set up protection procedures and best practices in preserving audiovisual archives by those who hold them.
The knowledge of culture and that of one’s own country, as well as that of the neighbouring countries, together with the recognition and identification of shared values that were at the unavoidable basis for creating a Mediterranean Area that can favor development. The vision of a common identity among the populations of the Mediterranean region is nowadays recognized as a major element of civilization, made difficult by historical, political and religious events which have left often painful memories. Audiovisual collections originating from the Mediterranean countries are still lacking visibility on the new communication and information media and represent a sort of “texture”. Institutional and cultural policy-makers and among them Mediterranean broadcasters, are well aware of this fact and went on to support the project to promote actions aimed at preserving and giving visibility to their historical and cultural heritage.

USBM - University Strategies and Business Models for Lifelong Learning in Higher Education

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: Lifelong Learning Programme Sub-programmes
Specific Program: Multilateral Projects, Networks, Accompanying measures
Duration: 01 September 2008 – 31 Agust 2010
Prime Contractor: EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - (Netherlands)
P1 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) - (Netherlands)
P2 Universidade Aberta (UAB) - (Portugal)
P3 Open University (OUUK) - (United Kingdom)
P4 Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) - (Netherlands)
P5 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) - (Spain)
P6 FernUniversität in Hagen (FernUni) – (Germany)
P7 CNED - (France)
P8 Anadolu University (AU) - (Turkey)
P9 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO - (Italy)
P10 Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU) - (Sweden)
P11 DAOU/Aarhus University (AU-DK) - (Danimarca)
P12 Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) - (Belgium)
P13 Lund University (LU) - (Sweden)
P14 Moscow State University for Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) - (Russian Federation)

The main aim of the project was to boost the organization of Lifelong Learning in universities by paving the way for actual changes in institutional strategies. Even if, there are many universities in Europe that have already developed full-comprehensive learning environments including software packages and interactive features related to the guidelines for self-learning, they do not practice appropriate policies for Lifelong Learning, suitable strategies and working business models for a further and sustainable method. The project allowed the development of university strategies and new business models for Lifelong Learning that can be put into practice in collaborative framework between traditional and distance universities. The project lead to wider awareness among the academic communities. We presented a wide range of experiences of Lifelong Learning and we create a business model for the organizing Lifelong Learning courses. At local level, several meetings were organized among universities, social community partners and students to involve them into the debate and define Lifelong Learning mission as input for new business models.
The achieved results and the identification of innovative business models led to the development of Lifelong Learning institutional strategies.

EPICS - European Portal for International Courses and Services for Virtual Erasmus

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Community Program: Lifelong Learning Programme Sub-programmes
Specific Program: Multilateral Projects, Networks, Accompanying measures
Duration: 01 October 2008 – 30 September 2010
Prime Contractor: EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities – (Netherlands)
P1 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) – (Netherlands)
P2 EuroPACE International Non-profit Association - (Belgium)
P3 Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education (NSHU) - (Sweden)
P4 Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) - (Netherlands)
P5 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) - (Spain)
P6 Open University (OUUK) - (United Kingdom)
P7 Estonian Information Technology Foundation/Tallinn University (EITF / TU) - (Estonia)
P8 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO - (Italy)
P9 Universidade Aberta (Uab) - (Portugal)
P10 Anaolu University (AU) - (Turkey)
P11 Formation Universitaire à Distance Suisse (FS-CH) - (Switzerland)
The EPICS project general objective was to integrate Virtual Mobility (VM) initiatives offering international courses as an integral part of university study programs to shift from Virtual Mobility projects and initiatives to an integrated program of Virtual Erasmus.
To this end, the project brought together existing VM networks in order to enhance capacities for organizing pilot exchange experiences in the framework o bilateral or multilateral networks. We developed an supporting infrastructure that allowed to realize the European Portal for International Courses and Services (EPICS Portal) into which all existing VM offers were included.
The universities were given the opportunity to offer and present a selection of courses that were made available through EPICS in customized section of selected international courses put at the students’ disposal. Only a selection of international courses that meets the requirements and completes the universities’ offer was made available to students. This way, they can attend this courses being assured that their educational credits will be recognized further to bilateral agreements with the participating universities. Of course, students and universities have also the possibility to visit the whole EPICS portal and to display and select all available courses.
EPICS put into connection universities, students and courses all over Europe. EPICS works as a database, but it also offers online services for guided and high-quality training and supports the organization of VM integrated programs in the framework of Erasmus programs. The EPICS project, therefore, contributes to enhance the amount of mobile students in whole Europe and support the implementation of a Higher Education European Area by means of the realization of Virtual Erasmus programs.

EDICT - Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)’s “Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology for Iraq” (EDICT) project, in partnership with the International Telematic University (UNINETTUNO) of Rome, is funded by the Italian Cooperation for Development and implemented through the support of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq, Thi Qar Province Council.

The project has the overall objective of helping reduce poverty in Iraq and creating employment opportunities for Iraqi people. To meet these ends, EDICT aims to support directly both Iraqi institutions and the private sector, mainly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Through the use of information and communication (ICT) technologies, beneficiaries, both from Iraqi institutions and the private sector, will be provided with capacity-building inputs such as trainings, tutoring, and advisory and counseling services.
This will increase the capabilities and outreach of the already-existing and UNIDO-supported Enterprise Development Units (EDUs) in governorates of Baghdad, Thi Qar and Erbil, as these Units host the technical infrastructure to facilitate beneficiaries to access EDICT services.

Specific objectives
The project is aimed at realizing distance education courses on issues related to Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion - EDIP in Iraq by means of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs).
Most specifically, the project envisages capacity building aimed at promoting the development of new business companies in the three Governorates of Baghdad, Erbil and Thi Qar, in Iraq and works in close connection with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Baghdad, with Kurdistan Regional Government of and Thi Qar Province Council, areas where the training activities are going to take place.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO supplies the competences, technologies and methodologies to implement distance education courses on the Internet and on satellite television.
UNIDO supplies course contents that are going to be adapted and consolidated in order to be delivered according UNINETTUNO didactic model; it coordinates all project activities in its head office in Vienna, supplies teachers, technical staff and administration staff in the three Governorates of Baghdad, Erbil and Thi Qar.
In particular, the UNINETTUNO shall:
−    Realize a dedicated UNIDO-UNINETTUNO e-learning platform based on the UNINETTUNO psycho-pedagogic model (under copyright) supporting e-learning activities in Iraq.
−    Train the experts selected by UNIDO as video teachers in UNINETTUNO methodologies as it regards didactic communication aspects on video and on the Internet to enable them to record training sessions based on the latest distance education methodologies and to produce the related training materials supplementing the videolessons.
−    Train the tutors selected by UNIDO in the use of the distance training platform and methodology to enable them to play the role of guide for the students who will attend the distance training courses.
−    Train the counselors selected by UNIDO in the use of the platform and web-based tools to enable them to operationally manage the requests of the future entrepreneurs and support them also after the completion of course delivery;
−    Train the technical staff in the management and maintenance procedures of the Technological Poles technological infrastructure.
−    Train the didactic managers as it regards the coordination and supervision activities and the management of the training activities at the local Technological Poles and the coordination and the monitoring of the tutors’ activities.
−    Produce 360 hours of training modules in English or Arabic adapting them to be delivered on the Internet and on satellite television and most specifically:

  • 160 hours of videolessons (in English or Arabic or a mix of both languages) realised jointly with UNIDO experts at UNINETTUNO production centre in Rome;
  • 200 hours of training materials and texts linked to the videolessons (in English, or Arabic or a mix of both languages) realized by UNIDO experts and adapted by UNIETTUNO experts to be posted on the Internet-based platform.

−    Produce 1500 CDs or DVDs as off-line training tools.
−    Broadcast UNIDO training modules produced through the UNIDO-UNINETTUNO Internet-based e-learning platform for 12 months during the project execution period and 12 months after the project duration (for 24 months on the overall) and on satellite TV for 12 months;
−    Realize 3 Technological Poles at the EDU (Enterprise Development Unit) institutions in the Iraqi Governorates of Erbil, Baghdad and Thi Qar (one for each Governorate). The Technological Poles shall installed and commissioned.
The Technological Pole is didactic structure equipped with the new information and communication technologies (ITCs) that, beside delivering training services to the students/users, performs the function of coordination and supervision of the training activities in the area it is competent for. Its main role can be identified in the management of the distance training course: the Technological Pole manages and delivers training services, supplementing those at distance, according to the identified training needs. In particular the Technological Pole:
−    Promotes and coordinates design, reporting and development activities in the territory it is competent for;
−    Manages the Distance Learning Office made available to the enrolled students/users;
−    Sets up multimedia workstations and sees to the maintenance of the networked and of the technological equipments;
−    Sees to the management and maintenance of the Internet site area including all local information according to the students/users’ specific needs.

International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Funded by the Italian Cooperation to Development
Implemented with the support of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Kurdistan Regional Governorate – Iraq, Thi Qar Province Council.

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO supplies the technological infrastructure required to realize the three Technological Poles in the hosting institutions of the Iraqi Governorates of Baghdad, Erbil and Thi Qar made available to the local entrepreneurs.
The three Poles are equipped with all the technologies required to attend distance teaching courses, to participate in training activities by videoconferencing system and they are a physical place for meetings where it is also possible to organize face-to-face exams as well as meetings, seminars with teachers and students.
A dedicated UNIDO web-based e-learning platform was realized and monthly updated according to UNINETTUNO psycho-pedagogic model (under copyright). This platform envisages several categories of main users involved in its use, that is to say entrepreneurs, experts, tutors/counsellors, technological poles managers and can:
-    include institutional information on the project
-    present the UNIDO training courses available
-    manage administrative relations between the project and the students/entrepreneurs
-    enable the entrepreneurs to study using the UNIDO learning environment
-    supply information to the entrepreneurs, institutions and the private sector on the project activities.
 Through the web-based platform the users will have at their disposal:
-    a Virtual Classroom area for online lessons, seminars and assessment tests
-    a chat system to carry on tutoring and counseling activities

In addition, UNINETTUNO is in charge of the training of experts and technicians, selected by UNIDO, in the didactic and organizational methodologies to be used. The selected experts, are trained at UNINETTUNO site in Rome, to be able to deliver the new teaching models using the television and Internet languages.
Tutors and counselors are trained to make them acquire the skills required for distance teaching and to use the related supporting and tutoring tools based on UNINETTUNO methodology. Upon the project completion, UNINETTUNO will also deal with the production of 360 hours of didactic modules in English and Arabic and of the recording of the training sessions in DVD format to be used as off-line training tools as well as of the broadcasting of UNIDO training contents on the Internet and on satellite TV.

OEII - Open Eeducational Innovation & Incubation

The Open Educational Innovation & Incubation (OEII) Project is aimed at defining the principles and operational aspects of innovative models of an organizational interface. These models, through the integration with new contents, courses, supporting tools, modules, contribute to meet the actual labor market demands enhancing the students’ employability. In addition, the organization interface acts as propeller for the enhancement of business incubation processes.
The project aims at strengthening universities’ links with the labor market exploring the European universities’ good practices and promoting an ideal knowledge chain.
OEII will perform a cross-comparison of university interfacing models and assess their associated market receptiveness. This will result in the realization of a more flexible interface organizational model, which are increasingly designed to improve the effectiveness of educational/training activities aimed at promoting incubation processes, involving various stakeholders. OEII seeks to obtain more systematic empirical insight as to the incubation process through emerging or running pilots that will produce shared guidelines.

EADTU, UNED, The Open University, Miskolci Egyetem, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Tallin University, University of London, Hellenic Open University, Universidade Aberta, Maria Curie Slodwska University

Role of UNINETTUNO in the project
UNINETTUNO actively engages in the following activities:

  • WP 2 - Comparative analysis of the universities models of organizational interface thanks to participation of several partners of the Mediterranean area;
  • WP 3 - Flexible Organizational Interface Models
  • WP 4 – Assessment of pilots progress - UNINETTUNO will be among the universities involved in the definition, design and delivery of a pilot;
  • WP 5 – Toward a university system for innovating education;
  • WP 7 - Dissemination.

REINPO RETAIL - Regional Innovative Policies to Reinforce the Retail Sector

Main objective: improve innovation policies in Europe in the retail sector and promote effective transnational cooperation among partners; additional, it envisages the design of innovative tools for the retail sector for the SMEs.
The project aims at realizing a knowledge network to share the expertise of the various partners and works as a laboratory for experimenting innovative actions promoting competitiveness.

Specific objectives:

  • Develop skills both at public and private level in order to enhance research, technology and innovation;
  • Foster and support entrepreneurship and the development of new business initiatives in the retail sector
  • Enhance regional and local policies in the field of innovation;
  • Promote cultural innovation in the retail sector at European level.

Andalusian Regional Council of Chambers of Commerce,
Chamber of Commerce of Naples,
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO,
Region of Western Greece,
Drama Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon,
Institute for Economic Research Ljubljana
Role of UNINETTUNO in the project
Creation of a collaborative platform (Virtual Community), technically equipped to include a knowledge network for the retail sector, based on studies and analyses conducted at regional level.

CBVI - Cross-Border Virtual Incubator

The main objective of the CBVI (Cross-Border Virtual Incubator) is the promotion of entrepreneurship and incubation processes promoting the development of the involved regions and the exchange of expertise among partners. The project specific objective is to implement a learning virtual environment linked to entrepreneurial issues.
The virtual learning environment is platform for developing courses on business planning through the use of innovative methodologies for the training of new entrepreneurs, optimizing the advantages granted by the Web 2.0 technologies. These platform promoted flexible learning modes for the development of the users’ entrepreneurial skills. Unlike traditional entrepreneurial incubators, based on top-down pattern, the virtual platform is implemented through initiative from the bottom, promoting the exchange of knowledge among the those involved (SMEs, universities, research centers, public administrations, economic development agencies, trade unions, professional associations etc.). The result is an open and big virtual environment, a social and technological infrastructure integrating several services of promotion of entrepreneurial skills.
The project proposal is rooted into the theories on social capital and optimizes the potentials of social networking identifying it as driver for entrepreneurial success. The platform supplies virtual spaces/offices, training on entrepreneurial skills, administrative/financial support tools, communication tools and promotion of collaborative activities, IT infrastructures and Web-based services, access to specific contents, contacts with external stakeholders, guidance and support etc.
The Web-based virtual incubation system represents an fundamental asset for current educational and training needs since it promotes dialogue among different disciplinary sectors, spreading of virtual workforces, production and experimentation of creative ideas and a significant cost reduction.
The model will be tested by realizing several pilots, tested by students and stakeholders of different regions. In addition, all partners will carry on research work on regional and national best practices, they will assess pilot testing and, at the end, they will define the guidelines for promoting regional and transnational entrepreneurial processes.

EADTU, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research, UNED, International Development management Espanola, Iberian Equities AV,SA, Miskolci Egyetem, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Swansea University, Open Universiteit, Politechnica University of Timisoara, Timisoara Software Business Incubator, Technische Universitaet Graz, Tallin University, CITY Conversity AB, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Maria Curie Slodwska University (MCSU), Anadolu University

Role of UNINETTUNO in the project
UNINETTUNO, by means of is online platform, contributes to the development, delivery, integration, testing and assessment of products/services for promoting entrepreneurship processes in the field of distance learning.
UNINETTUNO has the task of supervising WP8 dealing with the valorization of the project results and sustainability. WP8 envisages the production of valorization of results and the organization of a final event.
UNINETTUNO, in addition, actively cooperates to the achievement of the project objectives and supports the development of the activities envisaged by other work packages.

Below you find the description of the Current Research Projects:

Erasmus Mundus Green IT for the Benefit of Civil Society

“Green computing” or “Green IT” refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It spans a number of focus areas and activities, including design for environmental sustainability; energy-efficient computing; power management; environment-related risk mitigation; use of renewable energy sources; and eco-labeling of IT products. In a broader view, Green IT tries to convert IT infrastructure in a Green support for the environment but also for the society, that is, to green IT not only for minimizing the environmental impact but also to maximizing the social benefits (more social & environmental responsibility in the IT industries).
The Erasmus Mundus “GreenIT” Project aims at creating a mobility network around "Green IT", involving 10 European partners and 10 Arab Countries partners. Higher education institutions include: 2 Arab ones from Tunisia, 3 from Morocco, 2 from Algeria and 3 from Egypt. In addition, the project aims at paying particular attention to its spreading in Libya in order to attract mobility from this country and in particular students living in disadvantaged situations.
On the overall, 185 mobility fluxes are envisaged: 71 BA, 46 MA, 22 PhD, 18 post-docs and 28 staff mobility fluxes. 22 mobility fluxes come from Algeria, 31 from Egypt, 3 from Libya, 40 from Morocco, 39 from Tunisia and 50 from the EU.

Coordinator Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Joint Coordinator University of Sfax, Tunisia
P1 Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
P2 University of Porto, Portugal
P3 Politecnico di Milano, Italy
P4 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy
P5 Bordeaux 1 University, France
P6 Telecom SudParis, France
P7 Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
P8 Lodz University of Technology, Poland
P9 University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – Sofia, Bulgaria
P10 Universidad de Leon Spain
TCP1 University of Monastir, Tunisia
TCP2 Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
TCP3 Abdelmaled Esaâdi University Morocco
TCP4 University Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco
TCP5 University of Beni-Suef, Egypt
TCP6 Future University, Egypt
TCP7 Cairo University, Egypt
TCP8 University Abderrahmane MIRA of Béjaïa, Algeria
TCP9 University M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes, Algeria
A1 Externaliza, Spain
A2 SocialWare Lab, Spain
A3 Gradiant, Spain
A4 GEG – Gabinete de Estruturas e Geotecnia Portugal TCA1 CYNAPSYS Software Enterprise, Tunisia
TCA2 GreenTIC, Morocco
TCA3 Association of Sustainable Innovation, Tunisia

UNINETTUNO, as project partner, hosts post-doc students and teachers from Tunisian, Moroccan, Egyptian and Algerian universities in his premises in Rome, for cultural exchanges aimed at conducting educational and research activities. In addition, the students and teachers of the University can go to the partner Universities to spend periods of study and research.

FIRB 2012 – International Disaster Law Project (Law Faculty)

Recent studies hint at an increased incidence of calamitous events due both to natural phenomena and dangerous human activities. At times these two factors come together, generating catastrophes capable of causing immense human and material losses and irreversible harm to the environment (See, for instance, the latest events in Japan).
States affected by disasters often sought help from the international community which assisted concerned populations providing relief. In doing so, involved actors confronted with a fragmented and deficient international legal framework. As a consequence, the effectiveness of assistance action had been frequently compromised.
Moreover, at present international regulation of disaster prevention and mitigation activities appears to be unsatisfactory. Indeed, only few legal instruments exist which, what is more, only apply to specific categories of disasters, or either are regional in scope. The large majority of them have no binding effect.
This research project is aimed at giving a contribution to solving problems described above, trying to identify the law system currently in force related to prevention of (and response) to natural and man-made disasters (so called International Disaster Response Law, IDRL). This study will help in discovering existing legal gaps and inconsistencies, and will be instrumental to the formulation of recommendations meant at addressing them. The project general objective is to make these international mechanisms, aimed at disaster prevention and management, more effective hoping that a more exhaustive legal regulation could reduce the destructiveness of these events and the related human and material losses.

The research outputs will be multifaceted. Beside preparing accurate scientific contributions on the issues being dealt with, mainly in the English language to assure their widest dissemination, we will develop codes of conduct and handbooks to promote the application of the IDRL principles by relevant stakeholders. We will also submit proposal for structured interventions with regard to the Italian legal framework that in partly inadequate to face these questions. In order to facilitate the dissemination of the results, we envisage the creation of a devoted project website and of newsletter.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva (IFRC Disaster Law Program
International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo – Geneva
University of Cordòba, Departamento Ciencias Jurìdicas Internacionales, e Històricas y Filosofia del Derecho
Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP)
Italian Red Cross, National Commission for the Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law
Italian Department for Civil Protection

PRIN 2012 – The Protection of the Landscape between Conservation and Transformation. Economy and Beauty for Sustainable Development (La difesa del paesaggio tra conservazione e trasformazione. Economia e bellezza per uno sviluppo sostenibile) (Engineering Faculty)

The Engineering Faculty coordinates a research unit participating in PRIN (PEA4H8) whose title is “The Protection of the Landscape between Conservation and Transformation. Economy and Beauty for Sustainable Development (La difesa del paesaggio tra conservazione e trasformazione. Economia e bellezza per uno sviluppo sostenibile)”, co-funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research for the Area 08, Civil Engineering and Architecture.
UNINETTUNO unit has adepted a multidisciplinary approach and includes:
Gerardo Maria Cennamo, Engineering Faculty, Unit Head;
Marta Flamini, Engineering Faculty, Member;
Nora Moll, Literature Faculty, Member.
The project basic research line is mainly addressed to the question of landscape intended in the widest and current meaning of the term, that is as a complex resource including elements that can be materially, naturally and artificially identifiable as well as by immaterial factors, essential elements for developing the potentials existing in the territories in terms of natural, economic, cultural and social capital.

In the project framework and coherently with its main objectives and aims, UNINETTUNO research units deepens the question of the energy-sparing renewal of historical town and tries, conceiving design as a fundamental tool for studying and analyzing the changes of the architectural heritage, to highlight the main procedural questions, cooperating in the identification of suitable methodologies and operational tools.
The cases that more properly address these research themes is represented by the many urban areas, city centers, city districts and suburbs largely shaping the urban areas of the Italian territories that, even though they are not under specific rules of protection or linked to the definition of “historical centre” according to widely acknowledged city-planning meaning, are expression of valuable formal balance, synthesis of morphological and architectural features developed during successive epochs or, in more recent terms, centuries. Under these circumstances and also in consideration of the relevant productive capacity, that often can be found in these place (in terms of tourism, restaurants, craftsmanship, business resources), taken for granted the impossibility to defer the implementation of an organic and extensive reduction of energy dissipation due to the permanence of a common architectural heritage, this research work will analyze the main design and management methodologies linked to renewal actions of the buildings of historical cities, in order to promote an indispensable exchange of knowledge and good practices apt to guide the definition of governance operational tools for creating innovative models of valorization and development of historical areas.

After one year from its start UNINETTUNO project unit has produced the results listed below:


(2013). THE CONTRIBUTION OF DIAGNOSTICS IN ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY; CASE STUDY OF COMBINED THERMOGRAPHY APPLICATION.  In: Heritage Architecture Landesign focus on Conservation Regeneration Innovation. Napoli, La scuola di Pitagora editrice, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6542-290-8


(2013). LANDSCAPE PROTECTION BETWEEN PRESERVATION AND CHANGE. In: Recent Researches in Applied Economics and Management - Economic Aspects of Environment,- 3 - Development, Tourism and Cultural Heritage . CHANIA, 08 2013, WSEAS Press, ISBN/ISSN: 978-960-474-324-7


Università degli Studi di Catania – Dipartimento di ARCHITETTURA
Università degli Studi di NAPOLI "Federico II" - Dipartimento di CONSERVAZIONE DEI BENI ARCHITETTONICI ED AMBIENTALI
Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli - Dipartimento di COSTRUZIONE DELL'ARCHITETTURA E DELL'AMBIENTE
Università degli Studi di Genova - Dipartimento di SCIENZE PER L'ARCHITETTURA
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di ARCHITETTURA

MEDASTAR – Mediterranean Area for Science Technlogy Reserch

MEDASTAR is aimed at giving the students coming from Egyptian and Lebanese public and private universities additional opportunities trying to develop the skills of public managers in Lebanon and of the unemployed graduates in Egypt. Equal gender opportunities are valorized in this project. Its specific objective is to promote science and technological initiatives in these two MEDA countries. In the overall, 190 mobility flows are envisaged: 57 BA, 48 MA, 41 PhDs, 23 Post-Docs and 21 staff mobility flows and among them 12 will be for academic staff and 9 for staff involved in the institutional building. This way nine members of the administrative staff will receive a specific trained in university governance and quality assurance from one of the EU partner universities. 92 mobility fluxes will come from Egypt, 68 from Lebanon and 30 from the EU.

American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Saint Joseph University, Lebanon
Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Nile University, Egypt
Helwan University, Egypt
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt
Sohag University, Egypt
Damanhour University, Egypt
Port Said University, Egypt
Compostela Group, Spain
Engineering Export Council, Egypt
6th October Investors Association, Egypt
Steinbeis Transfer Center Mechatronic Karlsruhe, Germany
Arab Science & Technology, Egypt
Goettingen University, Germany
SciencesPo, France
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Karlsruhe Applied Sciences University, Germany
UCTM Sofia, Bulgaria
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

UNINETTUNO, as one of the project partners, host Post-Docs students and Professors of Egyptian and Lebanese Universities in its premises in Rome for cultural exchanges aimed at carrying out training and research activities. In addition, the University students and professors can go to the Egyptian and Lebanese partner university to spend periods of study and research. UNINETTUNO will take part in the mobility fluxes.

Project objectives:

  • Increase research, innovation and exchange of knowledge between partners
  • Promote science and technology in cooperation with private industry
  • Internationalization and excellence of studies
  • Gender balance
  • Quality assurance for internationalization
  • Promote Internship programs and collaboration between Egyptian, Lebanese and European institutions

HOME - Higher education Online: MOOCs the European way

With this project we want to develop and strengthen an open network for European cooperation on open education, in general, and MOOCs, in particular.

With HOME we want to:

  • determine the opportunities and characteristics for a European cooperation on MOOCs and to further develop these characteristics based on European values like openness, equity, quality and diversity;
  • explicate and develop the didactic and pedagogic models for MOOCs on a European scale
  • develop the conditions for shared educational services in offering and monitoring European MOOCs
  • develop sustainable business models for joint efforts on these European MOOCs at a global, European, national and institutional level.
  • build up a sustainable open knowledge network for these types of MOOCs which is open to the whole world.
  • initiate activities in different learning communities to enhance European-wide competence development on main topics related to developing and offering MOOCs
  • create guidelines and the policy incentives on a local, national and European level for an open knowledge network in MOOC offerings.

23 partners of 22 countries
Project coordinator: EADTU

In this project, the partners will use a straightforward approach which includes the following elements:

  • Overall analysis of the opportunities and characteristics for European cooperation on MOOCs (WP2)

For each of the four main clusters (WP3 to WP6)

  • An in-depth analysis of needs and opportunities by open expert groups
  • Competence development in different learning communities. This will include the organization of, at least, a) a webinar, b) a hot seat on important sub-theme and c) an online master-class
  • Evaluation and development of guidelines and policy briefs, including updates of status reports, competence development materials, etc.

Separate work packages on project management (WP1), dissemination (WP7), exploitation (WP8) and quality assurance (WP9) will facilitate these steps during the project.

In WP2 we will start with an overall analysis of the current situation on the global background, the expertise and offerings of European HE-institutions, the opportunities to create a distinct added value in a European network, etc. In addition, a public call for position papers will be published and these position papers (together with the status report) will be presented during a one-day conference. The conference will consist of reports from, and reactions to, a series of expert groups. These expert groups will consist mainly of project partners but will include those who responded to the public call. Participation of external experts is important to widen the partnership during the project and increase the impact of the project beyond the project partners. This conference will be followed up by three additional one-day events aimed at building an open European network on MOOCs. (see milestones).

The other steps (2 to 4) are clustered over the following four crucial determinants in stimulating a sustainable network on MOOCs:

  • WP3: Didactical and pedagogical approach for European MOOCs
  • WP4: Shared (educational) services for European MOOCs
  • WP5: Sustainable business models for joint European MOOCs offerings
  • WP6: Building an open knowledge network on joint European MOOCs offerings

Each WP3 to WP5 will be guided by an open expert group. WP6 will encompass about four other expert groups, on topics to be determined.



Date (month)


Measured by




One day conference on opportunities of joint MOOC offerings. Presenting status report, positional paper and formation of different expert groups

Deliverable 2.1 and 2.2 on time (WP2).

All partners and external experts reacted on call for position papers



Online seminar with in-depth analysis of different topics and subthemes

Deliverables 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 on time. Active learning communities;

All partners and all non-partners member of expert groups.



Joint event of the (online) master classes of WP3 to WP6

Deliverables 3.2, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2 on time. Active learning communities;

All partners and all non-partners member of expert groups. Open for participants master-classes and learning community members



Final stakeholders' meeting

All project outputs available including guidelines and policy briefs.
Active sustainable network for post- project period.

All partners, coordinated Core-group

In addition, in September 2014 the European Commission notified that the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was among the winning partners for the three following projects:

  • SCORE2020 - Support Centers for Open education and MOOCS in different Regions of Europe 2020, coordinated by the EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program - Strategic Partnerships, involves apart from UNINETTUNO further 7 partners of 6 European countries. The project, whose activities started in September 2014, aims at establishing a European Centre for the development and exploitation of MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses, of open education in general.
  • ILPO55 - Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55, coordinated by the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology and funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program - Strategic Partnerships, involves, apart from UNINETTUNO, further 9 partners from 6 different European countries. The project, whose activities started in September 2014, aims at identifying common strategies to face employability and vocational retraining problems for over55 year-old people, through a European-level inter-generational partnership facing employment and lifelong learning problems and the preparation and dissemination of a Reference Framework supplying methodologies and tools for implemented the identified strategies.
  • ISOLearn - Innovation and social learning in HEIs, coordinated by the Universidade Aberta de Portugal and funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program- Strategic Partnerships, involves, apart from UNINETTUNO, further 7 partners from 4 different countries. The project, whose activities started in September 2014, aims at promoting the accessibility of innovative educational offers at higher education level for visual and audio impaired people. In the project framework we will prepare a handbook describing the tools and procedures for designing and implementing accessible ICT solutions.

In order to conduct specific research programs each Faculty can create dedicated structures, also jointly with the other Faculties of UNINETTUNO or of other universities or with public or private, Italian or foreign research centers.
The details of the research strands, of the projects and publication of each Faculty can be found in the Faculties Research Activities section: