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Vet traIning for trainers dEaling With migrantS

Global programme: ERASMUS+
Specific programme: KA2 - Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Call: 2020
Project number: 2020-1-NL01-KA202- 064794
Duration: 30 Months (12/1/2020 - 5/31/2023)
Project Manager: Christina Irene Karvouna
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Dario Assante
Website: https://www.viewsproject.eu/


Trainers’ professional development continues to be high on the EU policy agenda. In 2010 the Bruges communiqué invited Member States to invest in VET trainers by offering flexible training provision. Riga conclusions (2015) have put renewed emphasis on this, calling for more systematic approaches and better cooperation. According the EU policies, Countries should work together in identifying best practices and guiding principles with respect to changing competences and profiles of VET trainers, strengthening the anticipation of skills and competences development. According to the CEDEFOP briefing note “Professional development for VET teachers and trainers” (2016) it is essential that trainers have opportunities to develop and keep up to highest standards their technical competences, pedagogical skills and transversal competences e.g. digital, intercultural communication, co-shaping quick and flexible responses to emerging needs (e.g. the migrant crisis). These aspects that are relevant generally speaking are once more relevant for VET trainers dealing with migrants that, indeed, belong to a complex network of trainers coming from diverse sectors with heterogeneous Initial&Continuous Training, facing diverse types of learners: newly arrived migrants,2nd-generation migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, migrants with residency permit, with different duration of permanence, cultural background, learning behaviour,
learning styles and training needs. In addition, they are involved in a deeply differentiate training delivery organization: diverse curricula, teaching tools, programs and hours, etc.
employed as well in a very heterogeneous System of Training providers addressing migrants. The joint EC-OECD confirms that education&training are essential to the inclusion process. The central role of personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship represents the underpinning frame of EU strategy, with special reference to the set of key competences for lifelong learning. By 01.01.2016, the # of people living in the EU-28 who were citizens of non-member countries was 20.7 million, while the number of people living in the EU-28 who had been born outside of the EU was 35.1 million. Especially in Turkey due to irregular migration (official migrant population is 3,5 million by 02.2017 most of them;
Syrian people), not only homeland VET trainers have been working for migrants but also migrated trainers are increasing; there is a clear need to increase their competencies and to support their Vocational&Educational learning, too. And there is no training of VET trainers system except language courses provided for migrant trainers. Online platforms are quite weak to interact&support their learning in EU. That is why VIEWS aims at supporting professional development of educators and training professionals dealing with migrants facing equity and inclusion challenges in learning environment to enable and promote participation of learners with disadvantaged background; strengthen learner centered approaches and learning personalization; support improved practices to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups and to deal with differences in learning outcomes; experience new approaches to address social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity.


VIEWS aims at supporting professional development of educators and training professionals dealing with migrants facing equity and inclusion challenges in learning environment to enable and promote participation of learners with disadvantaged background; strengthen learner centred approaches and learning personalization; support improved practices to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups and to deal with differences in learning outcomes; experience new approaches to address social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity.
This is done by matching in a matrix (IO1) the trainers' profiles and the related map of competences with the learners' profiles and training needs, providing a (IO4) tool for self assessment of competences highlighting which ones need to be empowered in order to deal with the different typologies of migrant learners linked to (IO5) resources and indications supporting the empowerment of these competences and of the training profile, together with a (IO3) Open Educational Resources repertory to be used with migrants within a (IO2) Web open space allowing a wider social net working in a European perspective.
In a transnational perspective the Project, contributing to the European priorities and policies, doesn’t aim to structurally solve the highlighted fragmentations yet it can define a common reference framework, based on the European experiences and not only on national practices, allowing stakeholders to manage these fragmentations recomposing them at the level of collaboration, sharing, networking, integrating the available resources, practices and solutions in a EU perspective. The EU added value also relies on the opportunity to increase in turn common basis for exchanges and mobility of Trainers (at least) among the (participating) VET Organizations potentially offering common approaches to migrants who moves from a Country to another.
Furthermore, being focused on the professional development of educators and training professionals dealing with learners with disadvantaged background, the expected results and intellectual outputs may be relevant for other fields of education.


UNINETTUNO, given its methodological and technical know-how on distance learning platforms leads IO2 (E-Learning Environment). UNINETTUNO also contributes to all the other outputs, especially for IO4 (Competence Assessment Tool).


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