Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

DIGITELPRO - Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning

Global programme: Erasmus Plus
Specific programme: KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Call: Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project number: KA226-DE8D92E6 D
Duration: 24 Months (3/1/2021 - 2/28/2023)
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Alessandro Pollini
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Davide Vietri


DigiTeL Pro brings together excellent groups of experts from universities, well-known for research and innovation in digital education and having developed good practices in digital solutions during the Corona crisis.


DigiTel Pro enables universities and EUI alliances to respond to the extreme challenges of the Corona crisis with continuous professional development of staff for digital education.


DigiTeL Pro brings together excellent groups of experts from universities, well-known for research and innovation in digital education and having developed good practices in digital solutions during the Corona crisis. They are prepared to valorise their expertise in continuous professional development courses (CPD) in order to reinforce the ability of universities to provide high quality, inclusive digital education. They are at the edge of expertise in teaching and learning scenarios, connecting with main trends in practices observed during the crisis, and in the student learning experience:
  • - synchronous hybrid learning: based on settings that have in common that both on-site or ‘here’ students and remote or ‘there’ students are simultaneously included (synchronous hybrid learning (KU Leuven-imec);
  • - blended learning: based on a course design with a deliberate combination of online and offline learning activities (EMBED strategic partnership, TU Delft, KU Leuven);
  • - online and distance learning: based on a course design with a continuous physical separation between teacher and learner, synchronously and asynchronously (OUNL, UOC, UNINETTUNO); 
  • - student readiness for digital learning (NIDL, Dublin City University);
  • - Institutional policies and strategies: based on maturity dimensions in institutional policies and quality assurance approaches for digital education (EADTU, EMBED and e-xcellence partnerships).


Objectives are:

- to explore and forecast educational needs of teaching staff and learners within and after the COVID+ era;

- to exchange expertise between researchers and innovators on synchronous hybrid, blended and online distance learning, optimizing models and guidelines for short-term and future CPD;

- to design, plan and develop continuing education courses enabling anyone involved in course and curriculum development in adapting to hybrid, blended and online distance learning;

- to empower student readiness for digital learning by an online course and integrating the “student voice” in all learning scenarios;

- to reinforce the ability of universities to provide high quality, inclusive and scalable digital education.

By doing this, DigiTel Pro enables universities and EUI alliances to respond to the unstable reality in which we are living, keeping all learners included and leaving nobody behind in this disruptive challenge. The partnership will design, develop and implement three CPD courses on respectively synchronous hybrid, blended and online teaching and learning for anyone involved in digital course and curriculum development for leaders steering this process. They will optimize models, guidelines and pedagogies leading to mature and high quality education. A course has a modular structure and will be designed in alignment with the needs of universities, strong educational concepts and relevant learning objectives. This will accelerate the Modernization Agenda and the digital transformation of education systems across Europe (the new Digital Education Action Plan and the report on the European Education Area 2025), supporting ultimately the Green Deal.


Uninettuno will be involved in each of the six Intellectual Output with supportn and advisory. a Focus with 40 Working days will be given to IO4: The objective of IO4 is to design, develop and implement a CPD course to enhance online and distance teaching and learning in European universities. UTIU will support Fundatio per a la universitat oberta de Catalunya in delivery the services.


EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching UniversitiesHollandContactsWeb
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenBelgiumContactsWeb