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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

DigiLEAP - النشاطات

حالة التنفيذ
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

الأنشطة / النتائج الشرح الشركاء يمكن تسليمه
IO1-Crash-course on the digital transformation of the legal/law system (OER) After a secondary and primary research done by the consortium in the preparation phase (28 skill-related sources on digital learning in law programmes as well as an analysis of of the market requirements in the law/legal sector with regards to digitalization to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, complemented by 10 interviews with academics and 62 surveys with legal professionals and students), the following competence units (CUs) aimed at boosting the digital readiness towards online law education of university students (and potentially legal practitioners) have been identified. CU1: Cultural change competences towards adopting a digital working way: Document automation for paperwork reduction and integrated customer-processes; eBilling solutions to support transparent accounting and limit interactions with accountants and customers; eFilling solutions to support contact-less requests and interaction from customers as well as integration with wider public judicial systems (courts, tax authorities, etc); eHearings/Audiences skills to integrate to court’s digital transformation requirements of limiting the disruptions caused by social interaction restrictions; Remote working and time-recording solutions for legal/law companies to monitor their employees and properly bill customers; Enhanced customer experience in a digital context abilities (i.e. awareness of voice-recognition based booking appointments). CU2: Collaboration and communication competences: Effective video conferencing skills; Automated legal support systems (i.e. legal chat-bots); Utilisation of CRM software. CU3: Productivity & casework consolidation competences: Productivity via AI: Awareness of AI solutions and tools that enable case solutioning, negotiations, litigation, risk assessment, identification of key trends/patterns in past case data making thus the work of legal system employees more effective, IPR breach identification, etc.; Ability to utilise legal case management software. CU4: Entrepreneurial skills & legal-tech: competences and abilities to foster creativity and entrepreneurship in the legal sector via technological innovations (legal tech) CU5: Engaging with online law education competences (extended from DigComp and DigCompEdu frameworks): familiarity with online education tools, methods, approaches and cybersecurity, responsible technological use, self-motivation and empowerment skills, active learning skills, psychological wellbeing capabilities, fighting the sense of isolation, fostering connectionism and constructivism, re-learning how to learn.
الشركاء المسؤلين:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
الشركاء الآخرين:
  • Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
  • ISQ e-learning, SA
IO2-Digital teaching toolkit for law lecturers This IO aims to boost the digital readiness of academic lecturers in terms of helping them with the shift to digital teaching education delivery in law studies. The competence units (CUs) provided by the DigCompEdu framework (DigCompEdu, 2020) will serve as base for equipping the lecturers with such skills (and will be extended with law/legal sector specific competences). This toolkit will comprise of a set of hands-on guidelines and best practices (as OERs) that academic lecturers can utilise to improve their digital readiness based, while also to facilitate the exhibition/show-case of various LegalTech applications embedded in IO1. CU1: Professional engagement of law lecturers (focus on: crowdsourcing mechanisms for joint law OER development and on education analytics to ensure constant improvement) CU2: Digital resources in online law education (focus on: understanding quality elements of OERs, become technology-driven, understanding how to integrate LegalTech applications into teaching, developing capabilities to constantly train the students on the latest digital solutions for the law/legal sector, digitally co-creating with legal sector professionals, etc) CU3: Teaching and learning in online law education (focus on: developing tailored education for various learning, digital readiness or cognitive levels of learners and adopting neuroscience/behavioural approaches to ensure effective learning, helping students monitor their learning progress, facilitation of virtual types of learning (i.e. digital meetings, digital courthouses, e-governance, etc))) CU4: Digital law education assessment focus on: innovative digital assessment methods, real-time feedback loops to students) CU5: Empowering law students and learners (behavioural approaches to foster connectionism & constructivism, accessibility and inclusion for all learners, foster learners’ transversal skills, deep thinking and creative expression and help female learners in the legal sector enhance their digital skills and abilities. CU6: Facilitating law students' and learners'' digital competences when engaging in online law education(developed in IO1).
الشركاء المسؤلين:
  • Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
الشركاء الآخرين:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • ISQ e-learning, SA
IO3-DigComp and DigCompEdu certification methodology for students, practitioners and lecturers This IO aims at developing the assessment and procedural specifications for awarding the separate types of certifications that will be delivered to each the of participants such as: *CERTIFICATION 1: DigComp Certificate in Practicing Digital Law (for students and law/legal practitioners) *CERTIFICATION 2: DigCompEdu Certificate in Teaching Digital Law via Online Education (for lecturers) *CERTIFICATION 3: DigCompEdu Certification in Online Learning in Law& Legal studies (for students) The certifications will be awarded at various competence levels as provided by the DigCompEdu framework such as: A1 - Newcommer (awareness, uncertainty, basic use) A2 - Explorer (exploring digital concepts and encouraging/motivating others to do so) B1 - Integrator (upgrading old practices with digital ones, training others on digital use) B2 - Expert (strategic use of advanced digital solutions) C1 - Leader (holistic empowerment of technological use, constant technological upgrades in training & assessment) C2 - Pioneer (constant innovation in digital use/applications) The above 6 levels' requirement will be extended from the standard DigCompEdu ones as digiLEAP introduces new competences to further boost the digital readiness towards online learning. To achieve this, the certification scheme will comprise the following stages for the validation process: a) Operational framework: commitment from university administration for the certifications, agreement on who will issue the certification (branding), institutionalisation. b) Marketing: applicant recruitment strategy, providing the information about the qualifications, certification process, pre-requirements, rights and duties of the candidate, associated costs/scholarships and advantages of the process. c) Online application: in this stage, the applicant must register online for the certification. d) Assessment: the applicant is provided with the available OERs for training (i.e. IO1, IO2) and upon successful completion of the online modules, the applicant will gain access to online assessment procedures and schedule (i.e. combination of multiple choice questions, webquests, concept-mapping/concept-testing, real-time interview) e) Certificate awarding: At the final stage (if successfully scored at least 60% of the overall examination scoring), the candidate is awarded a certificate which for each category ff Certification with a scaling/grading of each DigCompEdu or DigComp competence units (as well as a final classification as mentioned above). Specialised DigCompEdu and DigComp assessment will be developed for each category of certification. Regardless of whether in IO1 a specific assessment already exists for students, that assessment is mostly ECTS-compliant in order to facilitate easy integration and credit-transfer in higher education systems and therefore, an additional assessment for digital skill certification will be developed in this IO. This kind of practical assessment which relies on the LOs based on DigCompEdu to develop digital skills, critical thinking and others, are a great element of innovation. For this kind of qualification it is not enough to provide theoretical questions as the only assessment, therefore, innovative assessment tools (as proposed in IO2) will be adopted. This certification scheme will be another way to accomplish the Harmonisation of the DigCompEdu competences translated into the law and legal sector (for higher education and practice).
الشركاء المسؤلين:
الشركاء الآخرين:
  • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
  • Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
  • ISQ e-learning, SA

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