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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

MED-MEM: Sharing our Mediterranean Audio-visual Memory

Global programme: ENPI
Specific programme: Euromed HERITAGE IV
Call: EuropAid/126266/c/act/multi
Project number: ENPI 2008/150-924
Duration: 36 Months (28-01-2009 - 31-01-2012)
Project Manager: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Website: http://www.euromedheritage.net


The audiovisual heritage of the Mediterranean is a resource of inestimable value, a way to promote and facilitate an “entente” and an intercultural dialogue throughout the region. This resource is currently difficult to access and runs the risk of deteriorating rapidly, possibly being lost forever. Saving the major part of the documents is still possible, but such an undertaking is becoming quite urgent. How can we organize access to this heritage and guarantee its safeguard and hand it down to future generations? This is the objective of this project.


  Associated Partners Website Nation
  Tèlèvision ègyptienne (Web) Egypt
  Tèlèvision palestinienne (Web) Palestine
  Tèlèvision libyenne (Web) Libya
  Tèlèvision croate (Web) Croatia
  Tèlèvision israèllienne (Web) Israel
  Tèlèvision grecque (Web) Greece
  Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion (Web) Switzerland
  Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle (Web) France
  Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (Web) France
  International Telematic University Uninettuno (Web) Italy
  Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Web) Egypt
  Bibliothèque Virtuelle (Web) Palestine


The scope of the project is to ensure simultaneously the digitisation of the Mediterranean audiovisual archives and their immediate global access. These archives can be seen essentially as themes which encourage dialogue and mutual understanding : discovering images of archeological sites on the Mediterranean rim, its inestimable architectural heritage,
sharing traditional and contemporary artistic treasures (songs, dance, music, visual arts…), the development of economic and social changes, issues related to the environment and sustainable development.
Archive holders of the Mediterranean region, in particular their main broadcasters, requested INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) and the COPEAM (Conférence Permanente de l’Audiovisuel Méditerranéen) to develop a strategy and an action plan so as to promote and support the preservation of the Mediterranean’s audiovisual heritage as well as the discovery, the sharing and the handing over of this common heritage to the populations of the Mediterranean rim.
The Med-Mem project includes three main sectors :
-  the Med-Mem site
- actions toward preservation
- activities specific to the project : management, evaluation, communication
1. The online site with editorial notes giving access to Mediterranean audiovisual heritage
This site will be developed, hosted and managed by INA, using the functionalities and the technology of the ina.fr site which already offers full access to French radio and television archives. Uninettuno will supply the pedagogical approach in cooperation with MMSH. Jordanian television will be responsible for setting up a network of educational and cultural organizations which will act as relays for broadcasting the site. The Algerian TV will be responsible for transcriptions, translations and subtitling. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina will offer its premises free of charge for certain training sessions and seminars planned as part of the project; this will also serve as another means of publicity for the audiovisual collections. The Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l`Homme (MMSH), as an associate in the project, will look after the editorial content of the site in close association with the research programmes it is conducting.
2. Implementation and boosting a preservation programme for the Mediterranean audiovisual heritage
The creation of the online site will require the digitization of thousands of audiovisual documents. Conversely, the digitization of selected documents will allow for an audiovisual archive preservation policy to be set in motion by those holding the archive content. In this way, the visibility conferred by the site should enable the project partners to convince the decision makers of the necessity to preserve audiovisual archives.
To facilitate this process, RAI will coordinate and take part in the digitization. The Moroccan SNRT will be in charge of the legal aspects based on the expertise and the collaboration with the Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Maroc, and on work undertaken as part of the EuromedMarché project related to authors’ rights and neighbouring rights. With this purpose in mind, we invite those who own or hold archives, educational and cultural centres, together with regulatory authorities, to sign the “Med-Mem Chart”.
3. Global coordination, promotion, project management, evaluation and dissemination
The experience acquired by INA and the COPEAM in leading international projects is an asset for the proposal. The management of the project will be based on the logical framework approach. Its evaluation will be entrusted to an independent university partner. The promotion of the project and dissemination of the results will be ensured through various international events organized in particular within the COPEAM network, dedicated seminars, and through the online visibility of the project.


The general objective of the Med-Mem project is to encourage intercultural dialogue and the understanding that countries of the Mediterranean share a common history. To achieve this, specific objectives are linked and complementary:
1.      to offer researchers, students, the genera l public, broadcasters, together with cultural partners, online access to audiovisual archives – cultural, educational, scientific and professional - from the Mediterranean area.
2.      to encourage and facilitate the preservation of the Mediterranean region’s audiovisual heritage

دور أونينتونو

Uninettuno International Telematic University : Uninettuno will be in charge of proposing approaches and educational tools using the site’s resources to facilitate its use, and to encourage use of the site by teachers. It will contribute by proposing pedagogical tools using the online resources within the network of universities with which it works: for example, teaching files on how to discover Mediterranean audiovisual heritage.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
Institut National de l'AudiovisuelFranceجهات الاتصالWeb
Societe Nationale de Radio et de Television MarocaineMoroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
Etablissement de Ratio et de Television JordanienneJordanجهات الاتصالWeb
Radio Televisione ItalianaItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
Conference Permanente pour l'Audiovisuel MediterraneenFranceجهات الاتصالWeb
Etablissement Public de la Television AlgerienneAlgérieجهات الاتصالWeb

MED-MEM: Sharing our Mediterranean Audio-visual Memory

Global programme: ENPI
Specific programme: Euromed HERITAGE IV
Call: EuropAid/126266/c/act/multi
Project number: ENPI 2008/150-924
Duration: 36 Months (28-01-2009 - 31-01-2012)
Project Manager: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Website: http://www.euromedheritage.net


The audiovisual heritage of the Mediterranean is a resource of inestimable value, a way to promote and facilitate an “entente” and an intercultural dialogue throughout the region. This resource is currently difficult to access and runs the risk of deteriorating rapidly, possibly being lost forever. Saving the major part of the documents is still possible, but such an undertaking is becoming quite urgent. How can we organize access to this heritage and guarantee its safeguard and hand it down to future generations? This is the objective of this project.


  Associated Partners Website Nation
  Tèlèvision ègyptienne (Web) Egypt
  Tèlèvision palestinienne (Web) Palestine
  Tèlèvision libyenne (Web) Libya
  Tèlèvision croate (Web) Croatia
  Tèlèvision israèllienne (Web) Israel
  Tèlèvision grecque (Web) Greece
  Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion (Web) Switzerland
  Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle (Web) France
  Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (Web) France
  International Telematic University Uninettuno (Web) Italy
  Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Web) Egypt
  Bibliothèque Virtuelle (Web) Palestine


The scope of the project is to ensure simultaneously the digitisation of the Mediterranean audiovisual archives and their immediate global access. These archives can be seen essentially as themes which encourage dialogue and mutual understanding : discovering images of archeological sites on the Mediterranean rim, its inestimable architectural heritage,
sharing traditional and contemporary artistic treasures (songs, dance, music, visual arts…), the development of economic and social changes, issues related to the environment and sustainable development.
Archive holders of the Mediterranean region, in particular their main broadcasters, requested INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) and the COPEAM (Conférence Permanente de l’Audiovisuel Méditerranéen) to develop a strategy and an action plan so as to promote and support the preservation of the Mediterranean’s audiovisual heritage as well as the discovery, the sharing and the handing over of this common heritage to the populations of the Mediterranean rim.
The Med-Mem project includes three main sectors :
-  the Med-Mem site
- actions toward preservation
- activities specific to the project : management, evaluation, communication
1. The online site with editorial notes giving access to Mediterranean audiovisual heritage
This site will be developed, hosted and managed by INA, using the functionalities and the technology of the ina.fr site which already offers full access to French radio and television archives. Uninettuno will supply the pedagogical approach in cooperation with MMSH. Jordanian television will be responsible for setting up a network of educational and cultural organizations which will act as relays for broadcasting the site. The Algerian TV will be responsible for transcriptions, translations and subtitling. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina will offer its premises free of charge for certain training sessions and seminars planned as part of the project; this will also serve as another means of publicity for the audiovisual collections. The Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l`Homme (MMSH), as an associate in the project, will look after the editorial content of the site in close association with the research programmes it is conducting.
2. Implementation and boosting a preservation programme for the Mediterranean audiovisual heritage
The creation of the online site will require the digitization of thousands of audiovisual documents. Conversely, the digitization of selected documents will allow for an audiovisual archive preservation policy to be set in motion by those holding the archive content. In this way, the visibility conferred by the site should enable the project partners to convince the decision makers of the necessity to preserve audiovisual archives.
To facilitate this process, RAI will coordinate and take part in the digitization. The Moroccan SNRT will be in charge of the legal aspects based on the expertise and the collaboration with the Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Maroc, and on work undertaken as part of the EuromedMarché project related to authors’ rights and neighbouring rights. With this purpose in mind, we invite those who own or hold archives, educational and cultural centres, together with regulatory authorities, to sign the “Med-Mem Chart”.
3. Global coordination, promotion, project management, evaluation and dissemination
The experience acquired by INA and the COPEAM in leading international projects is an asset for the proposal. The management of the project will be based on the logical framework approach. Its evaluation will be entrusted to an independent university partner. The promotion of the project and dissemination of the results will be ensured through various international events organized in particular within the COPEAM network, dedicated seminars, and through the online visibility of the project.


The general objective of the Med-Mem project is to encourage intercultural dialogue and the understanding that countries of the Mediterranean share a common history. To achieve this, specific objectives are linked and complementary:
1.      to offer researchers, students, the genera l public, broadcasters, together with cultural partners, online access to audiovisual archives – cultural, educational, scientific and professional - from the Mediterranean area.
2.      to encourage and facilitate the preservation of the Mediterranean region’s audiovisual heritage

دور أونينتونو

Uninettuno International Telematic University : Uninettuno will be in charge of proposing approaches and educational tools using the site’s resources to facilitate its use, and to encourage use of the site by teachers. It will contribute by proposing pedagogical tools using the online resources within the network of universities with which it works: for example, teaching files on how to discover Mediterranean audiovisual heritage.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
Institut National de l'AudiovisuelFranceجهات الاتصالWeb
Societe Nationale de Radio et de Television MarocaineMoroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
Etablissement de Ratio et de Television JordanienneJordanجهات الاتصالWeb
Radio Televisione ItalianaItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
Conference Permanente pour l'Audiovisuel MediterraneenFranceجهات الاتصالWeb
Etablissement Public de la Television AlgerienneAlgérieجهات الاتصالWeb