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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

REINPO RETAIL. REgional INnovative POlicies to reinforce the Retail sector

Global programme: MED Programme
Specific programme: Axe 1. Objective 1.2
Call: 2nd Call for proposals
Project number: 2G-MED09-357
Duration: 26 Months (01-01-2011 - 28-02-2013)
Project Manager: Beatriz Soler – Local Europe
Website: http://reinpo.uninettuno.it/portal/en/default.aspx


Reinpo Retail is an interregional cooperation project in which all strategic partners (public authorities, economical agents, etc.) will cooperate together in order to improve regional politics in the field of innovation and knowledge economy, focusing, more precisely, on regional capacities for research and technological development, supporting enterprises and new entrepreneurs and developing business and innovative initiatives in retail sector.
It counts on the participation of 9 entities from 5 Member States of the MED Area: regional public authorities, Chambers of Commerce and Universities.
The project will be carried out in three stages:
1. The Project will begin with the creation of a collaborative platform (Virtual Community), technically ready to insert a knowledge map in the retail sector including all the studies and analysis made at a regional level. This virtual community will act as a technological Marketplace. The map has never been developed at a transnational level, which makes more difficult the
transfer of knowledge. Reinpo Retail will allow to know “who does what” in commerce innovation in the European Union.
2. The second stage of the project will focus on the transfer of innovation from regional public agents to economical agents involved in the project, going from the theory analysed in the first stage to the practice.
3. The last stage will lie in the start-up of pilot projects as a result of the transfer of innovation and knowledge developed in the second stage. This stage will reinforce the transnationality of the project, the capitalisation of the results and the start-up of the stimulation projects of regional cooperation between agents in order to increase their innovative potential and improve
Pilot projects will be focus on 4 strategic areas:
1.- ICTs.
2.- Commerce innovation.
3.- Green Commerce Innovations .
4.- Innovation on the implementation of new Business.
Finally, the project will try to promote all these results at a European Level so as to promote the retail sector as a key activity sector in fields such as innovation and technology transfer. The main idea is to promote a new White Paper at a European Level to involve all the stakeholders on the process.
As a result of promoting this initiative we will show the potential of the sector and the new Virtual Community created by partners.


The main objective of the project is to improve regional policy in the Med area in retail sector through innovation. The project will design and implement local and regional innovation policies, through mutual learning and best practices transfer, trying to promote business development and innovation initiatives. This main objective will improve the capacity of economic and
territorial actors for strengthening and innovation.
Specific objectives:
1) Fostering at a local, regional and European level the innovation culture in the retail sector in the following areas:
- Innovation in retail and Town Centre Management.
- Innovation in retail and Trainee.
- Innovation and modernization projects.
- Innovation in retail, for the integration of immigrants and women.
2) Promoting and transferring selected best practices. Through the Virtual Community created by the project, all partners will share their innovative experiences in retail sector.
3) Developing common and innovative tools based on ICTs in order to improve the understanding and cooperation in the project.
4) Green Paper on Innovation in the Retail Sector. To promote at a European level the elaboration of a Green Paper on Innovation in the Retail Sector that could become a road map to help the European Commission and other Institutions and Bodies to include retail among its priorities.

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Creation and Implementation of a Virtual Community of the Retail Stakeholders. Virtual Community: design and programming.
Design and programming of the Virtual Community managed by the lead partner and the Uninettuno, technological partner in charge of the start-up of the platform. ICT tools and innovative products focused on retail agents and sector will be the essence o this collaborative environment.