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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Green IT - Green IT for the benefit of the civil society

Global programme: Erasmus Mundus
Specific programme: Action 2
Project number: 37227-1-2012-1-ES-ERA Mundus EMA 21
Duration: 48 Months (15-07-2012 - 14-07-2016)
Project Manager: Universidade de Vigo
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Dott. Dario Assante
Website: http://www.emundusgreenit.uvigo.es/


Green computing or Green IT refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It spans a number of focus areas and activities, including design for environmental sustainability; energy-efficient computing; power management; environment-related risk mitigation; use of renewable energy sources; and eco-labeling of IT products. In a broader view, Green IT tries to convert IT infrastructure in a Green support for the environment but also for the society, that is, to use green IT not only for minimizing the environmental impact but also to maximizing the social benefits (more social & environmental responsibility in the IT industries).

The Erasmus Mundus project "GreenIT" aims to establish a mobility network around Green IT, which involves 10 European partners on the one side and 10 Arab countries partners in the other side. The Arab HEIs are 2 from Tunisia, 3 from Morocco, 2 from Algeria and 3 from Egypt. The action wishes to put special emphasis in dissemination in Libya to attract mobilities from this country, especially for students in vulnerable situations.

In total, there are 185 mobility flows: 71 BA, 46 MA, 22 PhD, 18 post-docs, and 28 staff mobilities. 22 mobility flows will come from Algeria, 31 from Egypt, 3 from Libya, 40 from Morocco, 39 from Tunisia, 50 from the EU.


This mobility plan focus on improving Education, Research and Innovation in North African Countries with a 2-fold objective:
1. Economic Development: improving technological transfer & innovation, reinforcing employability and access to global marketplace in the Green-IT area.
2. Social Development: promoting equal training opportunities (specially for women), improving governance & social inclusion.

دور أونينتونو

Uninettuno, as partner of the project, entertains students, Post-doc and Teachers of the Tunisine, Moroccan, Egyptian and Algerian Universities in its center in Rome, for cultural exchanges finalized to carrying out didactic activity and research. Moreover the students and the teachers of the athenaeum can approach the Universities partners for periods of study and research.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
6 th October Investors AssociationEgyptجهات الاتصالWeb
Abdelmaled Esaâdi University Moroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
Associacao parque de ciencia e tecnologia de almada/setubal-madanPortugalجهات الاتصالWeb
Association Marocaine pour la Protection du Littoral et Développement Durable (AMPLDD)Moroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
Bordeaux 1 UniversityFranceجهات الاتصالWeb
Cairo University Egyptجهات الاتصالWeb
Carlos III University of MadridSpainجهات الاتصالWeb
CYNAPSYS Software Enterprise Tunisiaجهات الاتصالWeb
Externaliza Spainجهات الاتصالWeb
Future University Egyptجهات الاتصالWeb
GEG – Gabinete de Estruturas e Geotecnia Portugalجهات الاتصالWeb
GradiantSpainجهات الاتصالWeb
GreenTIC Moroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
Hamburg University of TechnologyGermanyجهات الاتصالWeb
Ibn Tofail University Moroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
Lodz University of TechnologyPolandجهات الاتصالWeb
Polytechnic of MilanItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
SocialWare Lab Spainجهات الاتصالWeb
Telecom SudParis Franceجهات الاتصالWeb
Universidade de VigoSpainجهات الاتصالWeb
University Abderrahmane MIRA of Béjaïa Algérieجهات الاتصالWeb
University Hassan II Casablanca Moroccoجهات الاتصالWeb
University M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes Algérieجهات الاتصالWeb
University of Beni-Suef Egyptجهات الاتصالWeb
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – SofiaBulgariaجهات الاتصالWeb
University of MonastirTunisiaجهات الاتصالWeb
University of PortoPortugalجهات الاتصالWeb
University of SfaxTunisiaجهات الاتصالWeb