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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

IN-CLOUD - Innovation in the Cloud bridging Universities and Businesses

Global programme: Erasmus +
Specific programme: Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education
Call: 2015
Project number: 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004733
Duration: 24 Months (01-09-2015 - 31-08-2017)
Project Manager: Dario Assante
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Maria Amata Garito
Website: http://www.learn-in-cloud.eu


Cloud computing is mapping the future in the field of ICT, facilitating new business models and entrepreneurship at all levels. It is an innovative paradigm that, if applied inside companies, public administrations and universities can improve their ability 'of innovation, economic strength and competitiveness.
The European Commission has recognized the importance of cloud computing in terms of economic 
growth and employability in the whole European area and in the last years has started to finance projects addressing to this topic.
The main outputs of the projects are the identification of the professional qualifications in the field of CLOUD computing, the design and delivery of an online training course, available on web platform and TV satellite channel on the use of the CLOUD computing, addressing staff of private and public organisations, researchers and students.


The IN-CLOUD proposal intends to operate pursuing the objectives of the European Cloud Computing Strategy, with the general objective of fostering a partnership between Higher Education and the corporate sector, in order to qualify new professionals able to boost the competitiveness and growth of European Companies and Universities, thanks to the advantages offered by the cloud computing technology.
The partnership will be engaged in the initial stage, in the analysis on the current use of cloud computing in the countries involved and in the identification of training needs of the stakeholders. The results collected will be used for the design and implementation the training course that will be structured designed according to the European Lifelong Learning instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET).
Following there will be the delivery of the training course and the assessment of the learning outcomes. Thanks to the training path designed by the IN-CLOUD, researchers and students attending the course will increase their management and entrepreneurial skills while companies will be able, by training their staff  to benefit from an innovative and competitive structures.


IN-CLOUD intends:
- to raise awareness among European Companies, Public Administrations and Universities regarding how cloud computing can boost economic growth and innovation
- to create VET qualifications for professionals inside European Companies and Public Administrations, training them to introduce and manage cloud computing technologies and services inside their systems

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UNINETTUNO, being the applicant organisation will be responsible for the project management and will set up a system of participated decision making process between partners in order to:
- underwrite information exchange and sharing
- elaborate a common implementation method related to managerial, administrative and financial issues
- overcome issues and problem related to external variables and internal dynamics
- IN-CLOUD objectives achievement: guarantee that the quality of the project processes and results meet predetermined standards and that the project planning and implementation are effective.
These activities will be performed by using the the project website,  that will have a restricted area devoted to project management, file sharing, activity planning and decision making.
Partners, under coordination of UNINETTUNO will set up partnership coordination tools:
- Steering Committee (SC): composed by 8 staff members appointed by each partner, will represent the higher reference for IN- CLOUD; SC will be formally empowered by project Consortium to take binding decisions
- Project Management Handbook (PMH): online resource set up in 3 months from project start. PMH will provide for a Special Annex with Risk analysis and Migration Plan with: detailed identification of indicators and critical issues of management activity; identification of consequential risks that could thwart the project execution; definition of possible solutions to identified risks
- Quality and Evaluation Working Group (QEWG), composed by UNINETTUNO, EVM and LEO, responsible for performing the periodical assessment of the activities and evaluation of the outcomes.
- Dissemination and Exploitation Working Group (DEWG), Madan Parque, Anatoliki and IAT, responsible for defining the dissemination and exploitation strategy and coordinate the dissemination and exploitation activities.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
Anatoliki S.A.Greciaجهات الاتصالWeb
Associacao parque de ciencia e tecnologia de almada/setubal-madanPortugalجهات الاتصالWeb
Effebi Association Italyجهات الاتصالWeb
EVM S.L.Spainجهات الاتصالWeb
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyجهات الاتصالWeb
Lisburn Enterprise OrganisationUnited Kingdomجهات الاتصالWeb
UNED - Universidad Nacional De Educacion a DistanciaSpainجهات الاتصالWeb
Westphalian University GelsenkirchenGermanyجهات الاتصالWeb