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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

ViCES - Video Conferencing Educational Services

Global programme: Tempus IV
Specific programme: Joint Project – Governance Reform (JP GR)
Project number: 144650-TEMPUS-2008-IT-JPGR
Duration: 36 Months (15-01-2009 - 14-01-2012)
Project Manager: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Website: http://vices.marnet.net.mk/


The Project VICES main aims are:

1. To establish video conferencing services as a part of Distance Learning (DL) system among
Universities in R. Macedonia at the already existing IP based communication infrastructure in MARNET (Macedonian Academic and Research Network).
2. To adapt methodology for using the videoconferencing subsystem in educational purposes in multi lingual distance learning environment in order to enhance mutual understanding between people and cultures and ease mobility of University staff and students.
3. To provide basis for development of common video conferencing based distance learning environment which will enhance inter-disciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity of the training services at national and International level.
4. To build up the capacity of MARNET for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, by assisting in opening up the MARNET more to all educational institutions in the country, as well as to the civil society. This will be done by establishing business procedures and polices that will address the national priorities for continues education in one hand, and provide basis for self sustainability of the service on the other hand.
5. To support the process of institutional, organizational and financial reform of MARNET, thus enabling the modernization of higher education in R. Macedonia.







  Partner Country
Prime Contractor UNIFI - University of Florence, School of Engineering Italy
Partner Countries Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries European University – R.Macedonia
Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries University "St. Kliment Ohridiski" – Bitola Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries "Goce Delcev" University - Stip Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries South East European University (SEEU) - Tetovo Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries FON University - Skopje Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries Ministry of Education and Science of R.Macedonia (MON) Republic of Macedonia
Partner Countries University of Belgrade – Accademic Network of Serbia Republic of Serbia
Partner Countries Polytechnic University of Tirana Albania
European Countries Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (UTIU) Italy
European Countries K.U.Leuven – AVNet Belgium
European Countries NIIF Institute Hungary

دور أونينتونو

UNINETTUNO provided a consultancy service to establish the teaching approach to use in video conferencing services, participated in developing guidelines for multilingual support for video conferencing (in counseling), participated to the creation the initial  self-sustainable business plan for these types of services and establishing links with videoconferencing networks and share the experience with these networks (aimed to dissemination and quality control), participated in workshops and conferences for dissemination.