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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

HEAL - Higher Education E-Learning courses Assessment and Label

Project website


Communty programo

E-Learning Initiative

First contractore

Agence EduFrance


The HEAL Project aims at setting procedures for testing, evaluation and labeling of online courses in European Higher Education Institutions by EU citizens that use them (including students, teachers and tutors). HEAL project envisages the realization of the following activities:

  • Workshops, conferences, seminars to develop concept of EU labeled online courses;
  • Realization of a European observatory on e-learning courses and open platforms to promote intercultural exchanges and comparative analyses. The cross-cultural approach of HEAL requires the production and exchange of materials in a multilingual version;
  • Research,  development, implementation of new open-source  environments and tests to improve reliability and quality of online courses;
  • Publication and dissemination of the results.


The target groups identified by the HEAL project are mainly higher education teachers and students. But it is also targeted to adult learners and lifelong e-learning in general. Actually, the objective is to assure the transfer of knowledge to users who are unable to attend in-campus university courses, to students needing complementary and specializing course that are not available on site.


28 February 2003 - 28 February 2005


Edufrance is an organization including 120 public and private higher education organizations. The partnership will have the form of a network including the most important five countries and will involve various actors in each country.