Leading partners
D1.1 Information gathering template. Type: report
CIDAS Cooperativa Sociale
M 5
D1.2 Interviews. Type: report
CIDAS Cooperativa Sociale
M 9
D1.3 Information gathering report: societal, ethical, cross cultural
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
M 10
D1.4 Report on the validated prioritised cultural markers and technology impact
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
D2.1. Service provision analysis methodology kit. Type: Report. This deliverable will include survey items and interviews template for performing the analysis of service provision flows with local authorities and public service providers
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
D2.2. Service Provision Needs and Gaps Analysis. Type: Report. This deliverable will report the findings of the analysis performed, providing both raw data and cross interpretation. This will lead to a first “Need intuitions” scheme to be presented in the first phase of each of the three Workshops
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
D2.3 Co-Creation Workshop preparation kit.Type: Report. This document will provide to workshops participants within the consortium a shared set of tools, techniques, starting points and outcomes to be achieved through the workshops themselves.
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
M 9
D2.4 Co-Creation Workshops Agenda.Type: Report. Workshops scheduling, to be communicated to participants and acting as a “storyboard” to be observed during workshops execution. It will include scheduling for presentations, warm ups, subgroup works, restitution phases, etc, and will guide participants in starting from some “intuitions” and arriving to shared scenarios and mock-ups
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
M 9
D2.5 REBUILD Service Scenarios and Prototypes. Type: Report.This deliverable will report the outputs of the three workshops, further analyzed and discussed with participants. The final report will feed the service development activities.
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
D2.6 REBUILD testing: modules and user groups.Type: Report. This document will provide to WP6 information about what is more relevant to be tested during the development phase according to end users (both immigrants and local/public services representatives), and which will be the user groups available for participating in the testing phase. This document will feed WP6 activitie
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO