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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Living in Rome

This page provides practical information about living in Rome in the following sections:

How to get around Rome

Public transport

ATAC is the company that manages the public transport system in Rome, which includes many types of transport services: metro, metro trains, buses and trams.
On the ATAC website you can get information on routes and timetables of the different public transport, calculate the path to reach a certain place of the city by the public transport and receive information about the different types of tickets.
Tickets for public transport can be used on any mode of transport (metro, bus and tram) with different conditions depending on the type of ticket. here. The most common types of ticket are:


  • BIT-Biglietti a Tempo (Ticket for a certain Time):this type of ticket costs €1,50 and can be used for 100 minutes from the moment of validation. This ticket, hovewer, can be used only once in metro, but also more than once in other modes of transport (tram, bus), even in a combined way (for example, during 100 minutes you can take metro once and two different buses with the same ticket). You can buy a ticket at the ticket offices, newsagents, tobacconist's shops and automatic vending machines in the stations and on some buses. The ticket must be validated at the beginning of the path, retained for the entire duration of the trip and presented to the controllers in case it was required.
  • Abbonamento Mensile Personale (Personal Monthly Pass): this type of ticket (pass) costs €35,00 and it is valid for the calendar month as indicated on the pass or on the receipt of pass charge, for an unlimited number of journeys in the territory of the city (Roma Capitale). Until the 5th day of the month, it is possible to buy the monthly pass in tobacconist’s shops and newsagents. Starting from the 6th day you can buy it only in the ticket offices managed by ATAC.
  • Abbonamento Annuale Roma (Annual Pass Rome): this type of ticket (pass) costs €250,00 and it is valid 365 days from the date indicated on the receipt. To obtain it you should have the Metrebus Card, which you can get by filling in a form and attaching a photo for documents. The form to fill is available at the ticket offices managed by ATAC.



The metro operates from 5:30 AM until 11:30 PM and runs every 5-10 minutes. Currently the metro network consists of 3 lines: line A (red), line B (blue), line C (green). You can find a map of the metro network here.


A dense network of buses ensures mobility in Roma 24 hours a day. You can find the timetables of the lines at bus stops or on the ATAC, website, where you can also view the different routes.


The tram network operates from 5:30 AM until 11:30 PM and the trams run every 5-10 minutes. Currently the tram network consists of 6 lines. You can find a map of the tram network here.


Health Service

All the students and the foreign teachers must get an appropriate health insurance before arriving in Italy.
In certain cases (e.g. Erasmus mobility programmes), the insurance is provided by the University of origin or by the host University. In cases where such insurance is not already provided, the student or the teacher will be responsible for getting it.

With regard to non-EU citizens, the possession of appropriate health insurance is a necessary requirement to get the visa.
In Italy health services are provided by the National Health Service (NHS).
Only foreign citizen in possession of a valid residence permit can use the services offered by the National Health System through the Local Health Units (LHU).

Citizens of the European Union:

In order to use the services offered by the NHS, EU-citizens must have the European Health Insurance Card - EHIC (o European Health Insurance Card - EHIC). You should obtain this cards before departure
The card allows EU-citizens to use the health care services under the same conditions as Italian citizens.

NOTE: the European Health Insurance Card:

  • it is not an alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover private healthcare assistance or costs such as return flight to the country of origin or costs relating to lost or stolen property;
  • It does not cover the costs if you travel only with the purpose of obtaining medical treatment;
  • It does not guarantee free services. The health care systems of different countries are different: certain services that in the own country are free may not be free in another state.

NOTE: if you transfer habitual residence to another country, you need to use the S1 form instead of the EHIC card to receive medical care in your new country of habitual residence.

Non-EU citizens

All non-EU citizens, before the entry in Italy, should get a health insurance that takes into account at least the following aspects:

  • should cover emergency treatment or urgent hospitalization;
  • should cover the entire duration of the stay abroad;
  • should guarantee the insured the repatriation in case of a serious illness. Furthermore, the insurance should be translated in Italian or at least in English.


Other useful information

How to Open a Current Bank Account

To open a Current Bank Account at Italian Banking Authority it is necessary to have the following documents:

How to purchase an Italian SIM card

To purchase a SIM card for mobile phone (as to open a bank account) it is necessary to have a Tax Identification Code and a valid identification document (Identity Card or Passport).
In Italy there are different telephone companies, which offer numerous promotions variable from month to month.

Phone numbers useful in case of emergency

Carabinieri 112

Police 113

Fire service 115

Road Rescue Emergency 116

Emergency medical services 118

Municipality of Rome 06 060606