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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Entry in Italy

EU citizens

EU citizens may enter Italy with a national identity card or passport valid for foreign travels, without the need to apply for a visa. In this condition it is also possible to stay in Italy for a period not exceeding three months without carrying out any formalities. It is also possible to stay in Italy for a period exceeding three months under certain conditions. In this case, after three months, you have to register as a resident at the Register office of the Municipality of residence. For the registration as a resident for the purpose of study it is necessary to present the following documents: the enrolment to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, health insurance and documentation certifying to the availability of adequate financial resources.
You can find more information about the requirements for residence of the EU citizens and several conditions needed to stay in Italy for more than three months on the information page of the Polizia di Stato - Italian National Police.
You can find more information about the registration as a resident at the Register office on the information page of the Ministry of Interior.

Non-EU citizens

Non-EU citizens need a visa for entering Italy. Furthermore, for stays exceeding three months, you have to get the residence permit. Those who have dual citizenship (Italian or EU/non-EU) do not need to apply for the residence permit.

How To Get A Visa

Students and teachers from non-EU countries interested to visit the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO can get different types of visa (for study, for business, etc...) depending on the nature and duration of their journey. The visa must be applied for at the Italian Embassies and Consulates.
You can find more information about getting a visa on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Residence permit

Italian immigration law provides that citizens not belonging to the European Union, who intend to stay in Italy for a period longer than three months, must apply for the residence permit within 8 days from the date of arrival in Italy. The duration of the residence permit is determined depending on the entry visa. The residence permit can be required for various reasons.
To submit an application for some types of residence permit you can request a kit at Post Offices where Sportello Amico is present. The kit can be delivered through the same Post Offices by the applicant, which will be identified due to her/his passport at the time of delivery.
Alternatively, the application may be submitted at some Municipalities, Patronati (aid offices) and at the Sportello Unico for Immigration of the Prefecture.
For all other types of residence permit, the request must necessarily be submitted at the Immigration Offices of the Questura (police headquarters).
The different types of residence permit and the list of related competent offices you can find here. The documents to be enclosed with the application depend on the reasons for which you are requesting the visa. You can find the list of required documents in the kit.
The costs of the application for a residence permit vary according to the duration of the permit. You can find the costs for different types of residence permit here.
At the time of the application delivery, the applicant will receive a receipt, which must be preserved until obtaining the electronic permit of residence.
In addition, at the time of the application delivery, the applicant will know the date of the convocation at the Immigration Office of the Questura (police headquarters). During this convocation the fingerprinting will be performed. Furthermore, you will have the possibility to integrate any documentation.
The issue/renewal of electronic residence permits takes approximately 60 days from the date of the application submission.
You can also check the status of the permit of residence due to the user-ID and password located on the receipt that you have received at the time of application delivery accessing to the following websites: www.portaleimmigrazione.it or http://questure.poliziadistato.it/stranieri/?mime=1&lang=EN.

How to enter and leave Italy after applying for the first residence permit

Applicants who have the receipt of the application for the first issue of residence permit, may leave the territory of Italy and re-enter, only if they have a type D Visa  valid for multiple entry.
NOTE: since April 5, 2010 the type D visa for multiple entry allows entry to the Schengen Area for 90 days per semester during the period of validity of the visa.
In any case, to travel in countries that do not belong to the Schengen area, it is recommended to verify with the Embassy/Consulate of the Country where you want to go, if you need a visa for entering, according to your citizenship and your current residence.

Tax Identification Code

The Tax Identification Code is an alphanumeric code, which is calculated on the basis of name, surname, date and place of birth. It is used by the Public Administration to identify the citizens who live in Italy. The tax Identification Code may be required by any foreign citizen, both of the European Union and non-EU one.
The Tax Code may be required for different purposes, such as: request of the permit of residence, enrolment at the University, opening of bank account, payment of a scholarship/salary receiving, lease agreement conclusion. Thus, once you arrive in Italy, you should get it as soon as possible.
To get the Tax Identification Code you need to go to one of the Local Offices of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Agency of Revenue), bringing along your Passport/Identity Card. The office of the Agenzia delle Entrate closest to the University is located in Via Ippolito Nievo n° 36, and you can reach it with the tram n° 8. The office is open Monday and Friday from 7:45 AM to 1:30 PM and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 07:45 AM to 3:30 PM.

NOTE: online there are several web sites that allow you to calculate the Tax Identification Code. However, the Tax Identification Code produced by these sites is not registered and officially issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate and therefore is not usable for the purposes listed above (e.g. request of the permit of residence, enrolment at the University, opening of bank account).