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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Waste to Art

Global programme: Erasmus+
Specific programme: Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Call: 2023
Project number: 2023-1-TR-KA220-HED-000157753
Duration: 24 Months (31-12-2023 - 31-12-2025)
Project Manager: Fikret Yıldız
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Dario Assante
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Serena Bernardini


WATA (WAste To Art) is a project aimed at reducing waste and promoting environmental sustainability through the use of waste materials in art activities. The objectives include minimizing waste in art classes, protecting natural resources, and ensuring the participation of disadvantaged students. The project activities involve creating educational modules, a teacher's handbook, a research report, an academic article, and providing training to educators. The expected outcomes include reduced waste, preserved natural resources, widespread adoption of waste materials in art classes, increased knowledge among educators, and the creation of educational materials and application examples. The project aims to foster creativity, sustainability, and equal access to art education.


Presently, current estimates indicate that total global consumption exceeds the planet's regenerative capacity by 50% (WWF, 2014). The world is currently in a situation where natural resources are rapidly depleted and the recovery of depleted resources becomes very difficult. This situation, which endangers the lives of humans and other living things, has led people to propose solutions. In this context, the concept of 'environmental sustainability' is being tried to be disseminated. The sustainability of these resources can only be achieved through the efficient use of limited natural resources.
According to the European Environment Agency, about 10% of the total waste generated in Europe consists of what is known as 'urban waste'; these are mostly household wastes, and a lesser part of them originate in public buildings such as small businesses, schools, and hospitals. A significant portion of paper and cardboard waste, which constitutes 32% of school waste, is generated by art activities held in schools.
The WatA Project will be ensured the use of waste materials in art events becomes widespread, so could be possible to reuse school waste up to 55%, and also the need for material production for art activities will be reduced. With the decrease in the production need, the amount of natural resources used for material production will also decrease and will be contributed to "waste prevention".
Through the WatA project disadvantaged students who cannot access the activity materials due to economic and geographical reasons will be prevented from being deprived of their right to art education. Waste materials are easily accessible and bring almost no financial burden to students. Through WatA project will ensure the widespread of use of waste materials in in-class art activities hence the financial burden on disadvantaged students and their families will be reduced.


The goal of the project; To reduce the use of natural resources and the amount of waste released to nature for environmental sustainability.
The General Objectives of the Project are;
-To reduce the amount of waste generated in the classes where art activities are held, -To ensure the protection of natural resources used for the production of artistic activity materials,
-To increase students' interest in art and their creativity
-To ensure the active participation of disadvantaged students who cannot reach the necessary materials for artistic activity classes due to financial inadequacy or geographical factors.
Specific Objectives of the Project;
-To promote the use of waste materials in art activities in schools,  
-To increase "environmental awareness",
-To increase the knowledge and skills of educators who give education on the practice of making art activities using waste materials, -To create application examples and training materials with the use of waste materials in art activities.

دور أونينتونو

The Faculty of Engineering of UNINETTUNO University is involved in the WATA project with the following main tasks:

  • Preparing WatA Education Module-2:
This task involves the development of an educational module related to waste management and art. The module covers the Elements to Consider in the Selection of Waste Materials to be Used in Art Activities and Preparation of the Educational Environment..
  • Training for 10 Participants:
UNINETTUNO is responsible for providing training sessions to a group of 10 participants. This training may focus on various aspects related to waste management, art creation from waste materials, and possibly the broader context of sustainability.
Project Content Meeting:
This meeting is a collaborative effort involving different project partners to discuss and plan the content for the WATA project. It could cover the overall goals, timelines, and strategies for the effective implementation of the project.
Multiplier Event (25 Participants):
The Multiplier Event is an occasion where the project aims to reach a wider audience and multiply its impact. In this case, it involves 25 participants. The event includes showcasing the outcomes of the project, sharing knowledge gained, and encouraging further engagement in the community.


PartnersCountryجهات الاتصالWeb
Ankara UniversityTurkeyجهات الاتصالWeb
Uluslararası Büyük Eğitimciler ve Özel Eğitimciler DerneğiTurkeyجهات الاتصالWeb
Maribor UniversitySloveniaجهات الاتصالWeb
University of LatviaLatviaجهات الاتصالWeb
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyجهات الاتصالWeb