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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271-0669207671

Online Graduation Theses

During the COVID-19 health emergency, UNINETTUNO implemented a procedure for discussing the graduation theses remotely enabling all students to complete their graduation path within the planned deadlines.
The discussions took place by using the Interactive Classrooms available in the Didactic Cyberspace of the UNINETTUNO’s platform.
By means of Interactive Classrooms expressly realized and exclusively devoted to the discussion of the graduation theses, for each single Faculty, the candidates were able to discuss the thesis work by an audio and video connection with the Graduation Commission, with the aid of PowerPoint slides, as it happens during face-to-face sessions.
Besides the candidates, family members and relatives were able to attend the sessions as well.

How the graduation sessions will be carried on

Preparatory meeting

The Graduation Commissions will gather before the session with the exclusive attendance of the Commission members, by means of UNINETTUNO’s Interactive Classrooms system that was designed for this purpose.

During this restricted meeting, the Commission members will discuss, one by one, each thesis assigning a grade to each work. By following the practice, the Commission analyses the student’s academic career and his starting grade, based on the average grade of the passed exams (divided by 30 for 110), rounded down to .49 decimal points and rounded up starting to .50 decimal points.
The Commission closes its meeting preparing the list of the graduating students including their starting grade and the possible final grade that will have to be confirmed after the discussion of the thesis by the candidate. During this phase, there is also the preparation of the Graduation Records, with the aid of the Faculties’ Deanship Offices.

Graduation sessions

The Graduation Session in the Interactive Classroom are managed by the Faculty Dean’s Offices, which will be acting as Coordinators. They can be attended by both the Professors/Supervisors and Graduating Students and any family members or relatives keen on attending them. The sessions are also be recorded. At the end of the discussion of each student, the Commission decides a grade to be assigned to the above-mentioned discussion and the Chairperson of the Commission will make the declaration by adding to the final wording, the question “Will you accept this grade?”

The Faculty Dean’s Offices will fill in the Graduation Records including the grade of each student and will send a scanned copy of it to the Professors and to the Students to ask them to sign them; the career of each student will be closed when the Graduation Records is filled in and signed. The original copies of the records will be then also undersigned after the conclusion of the emergency control period.

The history of this procedure is given below:

How to set up your interactive classroom

“In order to attend the Discussion of the Theses by using the interactive classrooms you will have to activate your University-Microsoft account (if you have not yet done so) and install Teams and set it up properly.

Installing Teams

NOTE: this same text, including explanatory pictures, is also available at this this link

  1. In the homepage of the University’s website, enter your credentials and select the “Access” item.
  2. From the menu on the left, select the “My Student’s Page” link that you see under your name.
  3. In the student’s page, from the menu displayed on the top, select the “Options” item.
  4. In the “Options” page, you will find the “Teams” section; if you have not already signed in, select the “Sign-in your UNINETTUNO-Microsoft” button and select the “Back to your own profile” button. If you have already signed-in, you can select the “Back to your own profile” button.
  5. If you are using a desktop device, select the link below to start the download:
    Download Teams
    Go on by selecting “Download Teams”; when the download is complete, double click on the downloaded file to start the installation of the software package.
  6. If you are using a mobile device select the icon to access Play Store (for Android devices) or App Store (for Apple devices) and enter “Microsoft Teams” in search banner; select the “Install” item based on the outcome of Microsoft Teams (Microsoft Corporation)
  7. If you are unable to carry on the setting up, open the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and after having selected the link to access an interactive classroom, select the “Go on with this browser” option

Setting-up Teams

NOTE: this same text, including explanatory pictures, is also available at this this link

  • Launch the Teams application on your device (in a Windows environment from the “start” menu or from the “search” one write “Teams”; in a Mac environment go into Finder, select the “Applications” item and double click on “Teams”).
  • Make sure you have an audio and video device connected to the computer you are using.
  • Enter your access address into the interface and, after that, your password (if you have problems with your credentials, access your Student’s Page, select the “options” item from the menu on the top and visit the section devoted to Teams).
  • In the interface below, unselect the “Allow organization to manage your device” and select “No, access only this app”.
  • After having signed in with Teams, select the icon with your initials that you see on the top right of the screen.
  • Select the “settings” item, the “devices” one and check the functionalities of the audio and video devices:
  • After having selected the right device, make a test call to check the audio devices and check if you can see a preview of the picture in the video camera section.
  • From the University website select the “Students” item from the menu on the top
  • From the menu on the left select the item “Graduation Thesis" and select the link that corresponds to your Faculty
  • Choose to participate by selecting the "Open the Teams app" option
  • Select the "Participate now" option

Access the interactive classroom by Graduation Theses of the Faculties