JOB Center, UNINETTUNO's Outgoing Orientation and Placement Office, is born! JOB Center is a new structure that provides all the useful tools for UNINETTUNO undergraduates and graduates to enter the labor market.
JOB Center guides the student in the choice of several job opportunities and supports him/her with a fully dedicated office and cutting-edge digital tools such as artificial intelligence.
Thanks to the JOB Center, it is possible to learn and be trained on how to build a CV or a cover letter, on how to present yourself at an interview obtaining the best result.
You will be able to browse through thousands of offers collected on the largest search engines or selected by our Office among UNINETTUNO’s partner companies.
The JOB Center is an Office with resources dedicated to training students on the use of the new platform.
Applying for enrolment on the platform is easy: just send an email to: and you will receive an Access Code that you will be asked to enter during the registration procedure.
Get the most out of your academic training, enter the JOB Center and make a difference when looking for your future job!