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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 -

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Charter of the service

(in compliance with and for all purposes of art. 4 of D.M. 17 April 2003)

Art. 1- Name and locations of the International Telematic University

The International Telematic University, in compliance with para. 2, art. 2, of the DM 17/4/2003 [GU n. 98 of 29 April 2003], is called, from now on, UNINETTUNO.
The legal operational place is in Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, n. 39. Further operational seats can be activated, in Italy and abroad, and they assume from now the name of "Technological Pole".

Art. 2 - Institutional aims

UNINETTUNO, delivers academic titles ex art. 3, of DM 3 November 1999, n. 509, of first and second level: degree (L), specialistic degree (LS), specialisation diploma (DS); it also delivers Master certificates of first and second level. The institutional aims are those in art. 1, of the Charter of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

UNINETTUNO recognizes to the students the right to study and engages itself in providing them, during the period of validity of the contract, services of quality -in the full respect of the fundamental principles, in matter of delivery of public services, and in compliance with the directive of the Prime Minister of 27 January 1994- in the framework of its didactic and scientific programming for the educational offer available and for the services, the activities, the related delivery methods and in the full respect of the directions in the University Didactic Rules and in the following Charter of services. This Charter establishes the obligations toward the student and is governed by art. 4 of DM 17 April 2003 (GU n.98 of 29-4-2003).

For its education and information services, UNINETTUNO uses only distance tools and engages itself in granting their usability through the network, so that distance becomes the most efficient tool in order to achieve its institutional goals and, through them, the achievement of the educational success of its own students. In any case, to the student properly programmed and organized training courses to allow the optimisation of ICT tools are granted.

Everything expressed in this Charter of the services defines exclusively distance services, excepted the progress examinations and the final exam defined for each course activated.

Art. 3 - Rules of the services and rights of the student

The fundamental rules of the services that UNINETTUNO gave to itself to grant the students the exercise of their own rights, with the equal treatment, are reflected in this Charter of services, in the University didactic rules, and in the Technological Solutions File, in compliance with and for all purposes of DM 17 April 2003; these documents constitute an integration to the Contract with the student. The achievement of quality in services is fulfilled with criteria of efficiency and efficacy, and it is possible to measure them for a correct evaluation of one's own results, through the following indicators:
Quality of delivery of educational contribution, of the usability of services and of the educational supports;

  • Clearness and correctness of communication and information;
  • Level of grant of the right to study, without discriminations due to sex, race, language, religion and political opinion, and with criteria of justice, impartiality, objectivity and rationality;
  • Continuity and regularity in the process of delivery of the services;
  • Functioning of the alternative technological solutions in order to avoid interruptions of service due to the network and security system of the technological equipment;
  • Degree of involvement and active participation of the user to the improvement of the quality of service;
  • Degree of satisfaction of the user.

The student enrolled in UNINETTUNO acquires also the following rights: to services of quality, equality of treatment, transparency and rationality of the evaluation system, clearness of information; timeliness of tutoring, usability of the telematic system, protection of data and personal information. The Charter of services is valid for one year, can be found in the network and at the seats ex art. 1. For info:

Art. 4 - Description of services and technological standards

The requirements and the characteristics of services are summarized as it follows. They correspond to the technological standards in the Technical Enclosure to DM 17 April 2003, and are also reflected in the University Didactic Rules and in the Technological solutions File.

  • Education services , include the activities synchronically delivered in the virtual class (live meetings with teachers and tutors, in discussion groups with a maximum of 30 users per activity on the web portal), and asynchronically, in order to allow to the student the possibility of learning in full autonomy (web-based portal, e-learning platform, satellite TV).
  • Information services, to allow the student through the ICT tools the finding, in real time of all communication/information useful for the correct management of his/her university career both from an administrative and educational point of view, and the exercise of his/her own right of information and communication
  • Tutoring services,to assist the student in the different phases of his/her career, with particular attention to the overcoming of criticalities that can take place during the educational path; among the main services we are underlining: the starting to the educational path of the first six months of activity, the contents support for the disciplines which are considered difficult, the consultation for the drawing up of a customized programme of study, the coordination of the activities of professional training, the assistance to the education activities in virtual laboratory and during the intermediate evaluation the preparation to the progress examinations and to the final test.
  • Services of Intelligent Library (SBI), to grant the student with the easy and immediate finding of objects and educational contents, duly ordered and meta-dated in function of specific topics which are subject of study, in-depth analysis, and organised to make efficient and targeted the preparation to the different moments of evaluation programmed (self-evaluation, intermediate evaluation): all of this, in the net, with and without moderators.
  • Orientation services, to allow to the user of the Internet site, which is fully devoted to this service, to receive the information precise which he/she needs to make balanced choices and to take decisions that can orient him/her to studies more suitable to his/her skills. The service also satisfies the requests of information of users non codified.
  • Administrative secretariat service, fully online, to permit to the student a distance management of his/her university career. The secretariat is divided into two areas: administrative and didactic areas. The former favours the communication exchange and the exercise of the right to the recognition and finding of certifications proving the career of the student. The latter is to support the communication among teaching and non teaching staff, in the spirit of granting the right to education of the student.
  • Research services, targeted to the students which are graduating (degree and specialistic degree), to support final tests and degree thesis; and for the students of the other sources in support of the action on specific field of research, ex Title III of the University Didactic Rules.

Art. 5 - Mode of delivery of services and didactic

The delivery of education services is continuous, 24 hours out of 24 hours, for all the education activities which can be undertaken in synchronic and asynchronic ways (many to many) and with times and modalities programmed for the live events (one to many). Each live event is moderated by teachers, tutors, who authorise the access of the people attending the course, up to a maximum of 30 participants. The event is granted in any case to the totality of the people enrolled into the reference course.

The didactic method bases its principles on criteria and standards defined in art. 4, of DM of 17 April 2003 and related Technical Annex, and can find an adequate and punctual reference in the Technological Solutions File.

The learning modalities allow:

  • Assisted studying through live events, with teachers and tutors as moderators;
  • Collaborative study through activities delivered in synchrionic and asynchronic way, with moderator even authomatised and remote;
  • Participatory study Through the autonomous involvement of the student in the different live events and remote situations;
  • Autonomous study fully self-managed by the student, continuously monitored but not mediated.

The main virtual spaces available, which grant the main requirements of usability, connectivity, interactivity, interoperability and traceability, are the following:

  • Satellite virtual class, with asynchronic usability in order to find digital videolessons through TV channel (Raidue, Raisat1, Raisat2), finalised to the autonomous learning of the student.
  • Internet-based virtual class, with synchronic way of usability on an interactive platform interoperable, to participate to live lessons of the teachers, and to crash courses of teachers of various disciplines, finalised to the collaborative, participative and assisted learning of the student.
  • e-learning platform, with asynchronic way of usability to look at the mediatheque of the lessons and the bibliographic references, to do practical lessons, evaluation tests in support of the virtual class, and in any case finalised to the autonomous learning, self-managed by the student.
  • Web-based portal, with asynchronic way of usability for managing communication and information exchange; and with synchronic way of usability to develop activities, in-depth analysis, to carry on practical lessons in group, to share projects, programmes and topics of discussion: all, with the attentive help of moderators and animators.

All the live events (lessons, practical lessons, in-depth courses, crash courses) are moderated by the people responsible of the event, or by his/her delegates, who allow the access to groups of discussion for a maximum of 30 users at a time, although the service is granted to the totality of the students enrolled in that particular course of study.
All the activities are meta-dated to allow to the authorised teaching and non teaching staff to find information and reports useful to monitor the general didactic progress of the single user, of the teachers. Of the tutors. The system of traceability gives the student the possibility to monitor his/her own career and to self-evaluate his/her engagement.

The student wishing to take the exam for a course has to fill in the “Students’ Opinion” questionnaire before booking the exam. The submission of the questionnaire is compulsory for booking the exam. The University assures that these data will be utilized anonymously.

Art. 6 - Programmes of study

The study programmes are distance delivered and change depending on the course of study, according to and in the purpose of art. 3 of DM 509/99, corresponding to: degree course, specialistic degree course, specialisation course, postgraduate scientific course, higher education course.

The programmes of study are disciplined by the University Didactic Rules, didactic rules and regulations foreseen in DM 509/99; they pursue the aim in art. 10 through specific education activities and in conformity to the class of reference, ex art. 4, of the same Decree.

The single courses, or parts of them, duly codified and quantified in University Education Credits (UEC) can be redesigned according to the usability of skills that they develop, and can be included into study programs predetermined and realised ad hoc, also in conventions with public and private companies (according to para7, art. 5, DM 509/99) to favour the delivery of continuous training courses for adults, and for professional training courses such as IFTS, professional courses, and others.

Each programme of study contains basic training characterising, integrating, and related activities (and other education activities as follows: chosen by the student, second foreign language, practical class, stage, laboratory, etc).

Art. 7 - Functional organization

The UNINETTUNO functional organization is defined by the Charter of the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO".

The governing bodies are: the Board of Directors, the Academic Senate, the Didactic-Scientific Commission, the President, the Rector, the Technological Poles, the Evaluation team, and the didactic-academic bodies.

The structure of operational management is as follows:

  1. System of Operational Management, guided by a "coordinator of class systems" who, in collaboration with the coordinators of the course, provides for the supply of the services and their delivery, through teaching staff (teachers and tutors in the various disciplines), didactic managers, tutors, technical and administrative staff.
  2. System of class, guided by a "coordinator of class systems" who, in collaboration with the coordinators of the course, provides for the supply of the services and their delivery, through teaching staff (teachers and tutors in the various disciplines), didactic managers, tutors, technical and administrative staff.
  3. System of Technological Pole, has the function of coordinating and supervising the education and scientific research activities on-site.

The bodies of control are:

  • Evaluation team through which the university can measure the level of satisfaction of its users and the level of quality provided by the teaching and non teaching staff, and the evaluation of the degree of efficiency of the used technology;
  • Board of the Auditors to control the administration of the institution and the consistency between the statement and the results of the account books and book-keeping entries.

Art. 8 - Services to people with disabilities

The platform usability to people with disabilities are granted by the WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1) standards at A.A. level. As a result, content is made accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of the above.

For specific needs related to the type of disability, at the time of enrollment, the technological requirements available to facilitate learning and access to web-based services are, from time to time, established and integrated into the contract. An inclusion service for students with disabilities and SLDs is in place to promote and ensure inclusive teaching and the right to study for all students.
Students with disabilities and SLDs will be able to:

  • Request the assignment of dispensatory measures and compensatory tools;
  • Access a specific guidance and counseling program.

The service is available in the student services area at the following link: Inclusion Services

Art. 9 - The educational contract

The duration of the contract is one year. Its validity refers to the Training Year (AF), that is to say the academic year. Training activities start from the 1st October and end the 30th September of the following year.

The Charter of the Service and the University Didactic Regulations are an integral part of the contract and can be consulted at the web site:

The contract can be integrated with special services addressed to specific target users who are differently abled, that are not available among the technological standards, already envisaged in the File of the Technological Regulations.

As per contract, the student can lay claims in case of:

  • Inefficiency as it regards a claim or a request for compensation;
  • Non-fulfilment in case of withdrawal from the contract itself.

UNINETTUNO has the right to suspend the delivery of the service in case of non-fulfilment of the contract obligation on the student part.

The place of exclusive jurisdiction is Rome, Italy

Art. 10 – Quality markers and standards

The University ensures the availability of a Quality Assurance System for all Study Courses, structured according to the relative ANVUR’s guidelines and based on the AVA 2 model.
The Quality Assurance System ensures the availability of the following documents:

  • Survey of the students, graduating and graduate students’ opinions
  • Annual filling-in of the single sheet of the Study Courses (SUA-CdS)
  • Preparation of Re-exam Reports

The University engages in regularly measuring the users’ satisfaction level. The results will be posted in the University’s website.
The Service Charter is regularly revised taking into account the updates made on the ministerial guidelines and adopt the suggestions and changes proposed by the users through direct communications or through periodic surveys on their level of satisfaction. The Managing Bodies, in cooperation with the University’s Quality Assurance Office, engage in a continuing monitoring and spreading of the results of the assessments, gained with direct surveys and by applying markers, based on acknowledged standards, which describe the quantity and quality of delivered services in order to assure a greater fulfillment of the users’ expectations and an ongoing enhancement of their satisfaction level.

The markers are established by the University’s Board of Evaluation in agreement with the Central Boards and are monitored during the courses delivery cycles. The outcomes of the monitoring activities are validated in the annual reports of the Board of Evaluation, transmitted to the supervising Ministry and published in the University’s portal.

The Director
