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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

News 2020

January     February     March     April     May     June     December


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO announces the signature of a three-year partnership with Fiera Milano Media - Business International: working in the field of the academic and vocational high-level learning.


The new e-learning training project on the e-learning platform of Uninettuno has been finished successfully on 21 January 2021 The first edition of the multilingual (English and Arabic) e-learning training program titled Reporting climate change and sustainable development.


In the framework of Destinazione Comune (Common Destination) Project, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO makes available to people entitled to international and subsidiary protection residing in the Latium Region, 20 study grants to access university study paths for earning three-year [...]


On Thursday, June the 18th, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk "The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020" will be held online. The event, coordinated by the Dean of the Communication Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dario Edoardo Viganò, which will see the participation of some of the protagoni [...]


Tuesday, the 16th June 2020, from 10 am to 11:30 am, in the Conference Hall of our University, there will be The Energy of the Future: the Energy Transition between Challenges and Opportunities  Conference of which we are the promoters, jointly with ENEL National Electric Energy Agency.


On Tuesday, May the 26 The Impact on Cultural Industry: Survival or Recovery? will be held online.


On Thursday, the 21st May, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO Law Faculty,  entitled “The Sources of Law and the Organization of the State at the Test of the Emergency: Who governs the Fundamental Rights?” will be held online.


On Tuesday, the 19th May, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “Public Investments: The Role of the State and Public-Private Finance” will take place online.


On Thursday, the 14th May, at 9:30 am, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO’s Law Faculty, entitled “The Law to the Test of Covid-19”, will be held online.

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