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UNINETTUNO’s Law Faculty organizes the Digital Talk "The Law to the Test of Covid-19"


On Thursday, the 14th May, at 9:30 am, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO’s Law Faculty, entitled “The Law to the Test of Covid-19”, will be held online.

Being introduced by Prof. Andrea Sacco Ginevri (Law of Economy), among the contributors there will be: Prof. Arturo Maresca (Labor Law), Prof. Federica Fabrizzi (Constitutional Law), la Prof. Fernanda Faini (Law and the New Technologies), Prof. Francesca Maschio (Private Law), Prof. Giovanni Pesce (Administrative Law), Prof. Sabina Bulgarelli (Law of the Media and of Personal Data) and Prof. Silvia Massi (Penal Law).

This virtual and interactive virtual roundtable aims at promoting reflection and offer an accurate analysis on the COVID-19 emergency and on its impact on the various juridical profiles: constitutionally guaranteed rights, rules pertaining to the regulation of security in the workplace; organization of the PA, the access to the Internet and to the an issue of high topicality such as the protection of privacy. 

The Digital Talk, as always, will be streamed live on Facebook and on UNINETTUNO website