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“Reporting climate change and sustainable development”.The new e-learning training project on the e-learning platform of Uninettuno has been finished successfully on 21 January 2021


The first edition of the multilingual (English and Arabic) e-learning training program titled “Reporting climate change and sustainable development” funded by the EIB – European Investment Bank - 2020, Universitá Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNo, and COPEAM has been finished successfully. 

Twenty-one students from different Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Algerie, Jordan,Greece, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria,Slovenia) have participated in the course/training. 3 modules, 14 hours of video lessons, 474 slides, 323 documents uploaded on the platform including 274 articles16 documents related to bibliography18 documents related to siteography15 other documents as “multimedia”8 exercises, and 13 topics opened in the forum. Another great experience for our University and International students who have experience, knowledge, and a high level of education sharing different cultures, approaches, and experiences.