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Research Activities - Engineering Faculty

Research Strands

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector FIS/01 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS

Prof. Piergiogio Picozza – Associate Professor
Prof. Livio Conti – Researcher

The research activity of Prof. Piergiorgio Picozza is aimed, among others, at research work in the space with the PAMELA and AGILE satellite missions that are currently in the air. Jointly with Prof. Livio Conti, he is also engaged in studying, from space, the ultra-high energy cosmic rays through the JEM-EUSO experiment, that will be put outside the International Space Station and in the LIMADOU-CSES project, a study of the lithosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction for the study of seismic precursors, set up on the Chinese-Italian satellite, CSES.
The PAMELA space mission, conducted by an international cooperation under the supervision of Prof. Picozza, is aimed at studying the nuclear and isotopic component of the cosmic rays, at looking for the primordial antimatter, signals of annihilation of the obscure matter, at monitoring solar activities and at studying the radiation belts around the Earth. The results achieved on the antiproton-proton and positron-electron relations, which were widely covered even outside the relevant scientific community, with over 1,000 interpretative articles appearing in the short run, were of great importance. Also the data obtained on the streams of protons and helium, electrons and nuclei of cosmic radiation which will allow for knowing more about the mechanisms of production, acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays over the Galaxy, were of great importance. Thanks to the PAMELA experiment, for the first time, it has even been possible to study, in continuous and direct basis, the effects of the sun on the stream of cosmic rays and to establish the energy spectrum of the particles released in sudden and violent solar eruptions. In addition, a radiation layer around the Earth, including antiprotons, was detected.
The AGILE Mission, conducted by the Italian Space Agency, is aimed a studying high-energy gamma radiation through the detection of the Gamma Ray Burst and the discovery of new Pulsars, results that opened a new significant perspective for learning about the most violent processes taking place in the Universe.
The results of PAMELA and AGILE, achieved by now, were published in the main scientific journals, including Physics Reports, Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, Astrophysical Journal. Piergiorgio Picozza’s scientific interests are also aimed at the field of the Science of Life in the Space through a continuous monitoring of radiation inside Space Stations and the study of the risks run by astronauts because of ionizing particles, which is very useful when planning interplanetary flights.
Prof. Picozza and Prof. Livio Conti are cooperating in the following two research strands.

Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR)
The study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is aimed at understanding the origin and nature of these processes that represent one of the unsolved problems of current astro-particle physics. This is the main objective of the JEM-EUROS (Extreme Universe Space Observatory at the Japanese Experiment Module) international space mission, led by Prof. Picozza, which sees the collaboration of over 300 researchers of institutions and universities of 16 countries. The research work will be conducted through a non-conventional ultraviolet wide-field telescope set up outside the International Space Station. It will be aimed along the Nadir in order to detect the ultraviolet photons released by the swarms generated by the UHECRs interacting with the nuclei of the Earth’s atmosphere. The scientific impacts of this mission involve the fields of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental interactions. More specifically, JEM-EUSO proposes to identify the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and the measurement of the energy spectrum of these sources, to obtain information on yet unexplored energy regions far beyond the cut-off of the stream of cosmic rays themselves (GZK effect), caused by physical processes that become accessible with energies higher than 10^19 eV. The discovery of the neutrinos and ultra-high energy gamma rays and the search for possible signals coming from hypothetical strings are other fields that will be explored. The studies on events taking place in the Earth’s atmosphere, such as nightglow, TLE (Transient Luminous Event), meteors and meteorites will be of great importance as well.
At UNINETTUNO, beside Prof. Picozza and Prof. Conti, Prof. Claudio Fornaro participates in this research strands.
An experiment on board of the EUSO stratospheric balloon, with an equipment part of subset of the big telescope, was successfully carried on in August 2014. UNINETTUNO realized the entire on-board software package. At present, two additional experiments that are pathfinder of the main JEM-EUSO experiment are being prepared: EUSO-TA and mini-EUSO. EUS-TA is being set up in Utah, Usa, whereas mini-EUSO will be set up inside the Space Station. We are working at the preparation of a joint mission between JEM-EUSO and the KLIPVE project, proposed by Russian colleagues, aimed at realizing a joint project, now named as K-EUSO. In all these experiments, UNINETTUNO’s engagement is significant and is aimed, beside management, at developing the mechanic components and the on-board software package and at defining the algorithms for data selection and data analysis. In this frame work a special research agreement between UNINETTUNO and RIKEN (Japan) was undersigned.

Study of the seismic precursors
A wide-ranging study on lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere electromagnetic interactions is underway; this study is aimed at detecting possible temporal correlations between electromagnetic emissions linked to seismic activities and iono-magnetospheric troubles, such as temperature and plasma density perturbations, fluctuations in the electric and magnetic field and precipitation in the Van Allen belt. The focus of this research will be the CSES-LIMADOU Chinese-Italian space mission, guided by Prof. Picozza for the Italian party, and which sees the participation of various Chinese institutes and universities and UNINETTUNO University, the University of Trento, the INFN with its branches of Bologna, Naples, Perugia, Roma Tor Vergata, the National Laboratories of Frascati (Rome, Italy) the TIFPA Center of Trento, the INAF with the IAPS Institute of Rome. In this framework UNINETTUNO, the University of Trento, the INFN and the INAF-IAPS signed an agreement-convention for coordinating the research in Italy. On the CSES satellite several equipments will be set up: two particles detectors, an electric fields detector, two magnetic fields detectors, a Langmuir probe and plasma detector that will be set up on the CSES Chinese satellite that will be launched in September 2016. The Italian party of this collaboration, of which UNINETTUNO is a full member, is realizing the high-energy particles detector and the electric fields detector. It is also responsible for the tuning of the all equipments, both the Italian and the Chinese ones, and this will be carried in the facilities present in Italy.
At UNINETTUNO, beside Prof. Picozza and Prof. Conti, Prof. Dario Assante and Prof. Claudio Fornaro take part in this research work.
More specifically, UNINETTUNO is responsible of the particles detector, of the on-board software package, of the ground support equipment and of the product and quality assurance and safety. In addition, it cooperates in the realization of the EFD electric field detector jointly with the Physics Department of the University and of the INFN section of Roma Tor Vergata
The study of the seismic precursors with experiments from the space is going on since many years and is conducted by the Italian team participating in CSES-LIMADOU. At the beginning we relied on the data of the experiments conducted on Mir, on Salyut and on non-dedicated satellites. The French satellite mission, DEMETER (to which some researchers of the Italian team gave a contribution in the data analysis phase), the ESPERIA project (funded by the Italian Space Agency for the A phase and guided by the University of Roma Tre), Lazio-Egle experiment on the  ISS (realized in collaboration with Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Tre and Perugia) and the ARINA space experiment (in orbit since 2006 with PAMELA) are, instead, projects and realization specifically designed and realized for studying seismic precursors. They were funded in Italy by the Italian Space Agency, by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) with two PRIN programs, by the INFN and by private foundations.
The cooperation between Italy and China for the realization of the CSES satellite and of the equipment to be set up on board was developed further to the scientific expertise acquired by the research teams in Italy and further to the strong interest of the Chinese Space Agency for the development of monitoring technologies and for the study of natural disasters and of the seismic ones, in particular.

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ICAR/08 BUILDING SCIENCE
Prof. Luca Placidi – researcher

The research activity conducted by Prof. Luca Placidi is aimed at different areas and results in the presentation and publication of scientific articles appearing in international journals, in participations in national and international scientific congresses and in participations in research projects.
In the area of continuum mechanics modeling and digital simulation of micro-structured materials, such as the micro-morphic and of second-gradient ones, are being studied. Particular attention is paid to the new research strand, namely the study of the mechanics of fractures and damages through variational methods and using second-gradient materials modeling. Also within this area we are conducting a study and modeling of the bone mechanics and its interaction with new-generation prostheses. Related to this strand there is the study and numerical simulation of armed concrete, a study for which we requested a PRIN funding and a Consolidator-type ERC funding.
In specific seismic engineering a study of the techniques of non-linear modeling of repeated-collision events and therefore, of the non-linear dynamics of bodies subject to unilateral constraints is carried on. In particular, the focus is on anti-seismic sliding-pendulum damping devices in which this kind of effects has not been studied yet.
Instead, the area of Engineering Design, resiliency quantitative markers of complex structures are studied. In particular, compartmentalisation, its helpful effects in relation to unexpected events, called “black swans”, and its negative effects as it regards the aim of structural monitoring are investigated.

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ICAR/17 DESIGN
Prof. Gerardo Maria Cennamo – Researcher

Prof. Gerardo Cennamo research activities covers the actual fields of the design discipline from the founding elements of descriptive geometry to the design in architecture, mainly aiming at the sector of representation with a special attention  to the practices of architectural survey. On these lines the issue related to the urban energy-efficiency renewal of historical cities, analyzed in depth thanks to the role of design as main tool for the analysis and control of the transformations of architectural heritage and, more widely, of entire areas of the cities, is being deepened.
The cases that more properly address these research themes is represented by the many urban suburban areas, city centers, city districts largely shaping the urban areas of the Italian and European territories in general, that, even though they are not subject to specific protection laws or not linked to the definition of “historical centre” according to widely acknowledged city-planning meaning, are expression of a valuable formal balance, synthesis of morphological and architectural features developed during successive epochs or, in more recent terms, centuries. Under these circumstances and also in consideration of the relevant productive capacity, that often can be found in these places (in terms of tourism, restaurants, craftsmanship, business resources), taken for granted the impossibility to defer the implementation of an organic and extensive reduction of energy dissipation due to the permanence of a common architectural heritage, this research work will analyze the main design and management methodologies linked to renewal actions of the buildings of historical cities, in order to promote an indispensable exchange of knowledge and good practices apt to lead to the definition of governance operational tools for creating innovative models of valorization and development of historical areas. Prof. Cennamo is responsible for the research unit participating in a PRIN (PEA4H8/2010) project entitled: “The Protection of the Landscape between Conservation and Transformation. Economy and Beauty for Sustainable Development (La difesa del paesaggio tra conservazione e trasformazione. Economia e bellezza per uno sviluppo sostenibile" funded my MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) of the 08 area, Civil Engineering and Architecture.

The project basic research line is mainly addressed to the question of landscape intended in the widest and current meaning of the term, that is as a complex resource including elements that can be materially, naturally and artificially identifiable as well as by immaterial factors, essential elements for developing the potentials existing in the territories in terms of natural, economic, cultural and social capital. In the project framework and coherently with its main objectives and aims, UNINETTUNO research units deepen the question of the energy-sparing renewal of historical town and tries, conceiving design as a fundamental tool for studying and analyzing the changes of the architectural heritage, to highlight the main procedural questions, cooperating in the identification of suitable methodologies and operational tools.
As it regards scientific publications, its level can be considered satisfactory on the whole (as proved by the list of publications, enclosed to the present report). Of course, in the light of the first actions of ANVUR, in the future it will be necessary to further enhance the publication activities and the impact of scientific works carried on by UNINETTUNO Engineering Faculty.
In this sense, the Faculty’s recent strengthening thanks to the agreement entered with (Italian National Council of Research) (and the almost finalized INFN agreement) and the awarding of Faculty tenures to the international-level major scientists, together with the possibility of jointly benefitting of the prestigious laboratories of CNR to conduct experimental research work, will assure a further development of the research activities in the forthcoming years.
However, starting from the current academic year there is a special commitment to access the main funds, such as those of the Horizon 2020 European program, of the European Research Foundation (ERC) and of the main national programs such as SIR, PRIN, FIRB and others. Also local initiatives, such as the Call for 203 Program of the Latium Region, even if approached with and interdisciplinary method by the various University’s Faculties, may involve the Engineering Faculty’s competences.
In order to enhance interdisciplinary synergies within the Faculty, focused research groups were recently established, “UNINETTUNO – High Energy” and “UNINETTUNO – Earth” respectively, in which framework we try to coordinate interdisciplinary issues thanks to contribution of area researchers and professors involved.
Based on what said above, below the report on the research activities is structured on the separate presentation of the research results obtained in the main scientific-disciplinary sectors related to the Engineering Faculty. It is to be noted that, as in the best traditions of the Italian Engineering Faculties, these activities range from the sector of basic scientific research (physics, chemistry, mathematics) to typically engineering sectors (mechanics, electronics, computer science, structural mechanics) to come to more “tertiary” sectors such as those of project management, quality and management at industry level.

Prof. Michele Giordano – Associate Professor

The research activity of Prof. Michele Giordano is aimed at issues that are typical of the ING-IND/16 scientific-disciplinary sector and will be focused on Engineering and Materials Science. More specifically, it is focused on the areas of composite nonmaterial, mainly formed by polymers, including multi-scale design and the processing of multifunctional composite materials. Prof. Giordano’s activity includes as well the management of healthcare materials and the study of thin films for engineering applications in the sensory and optoelectrical fields.

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ING-IND/17 MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANTS
Prof. Saulius Kaciulis – Associate Professor

Prof. Kaciulis’ research activity will go on the study of issues that are typical of the ING/IND 17 scientific-disciplinary sector in cooperation with the University of Roma Tor Vergata. Since 1985 to the present day Prof. S. Kaciulis has been working in the field of the analysis of solid-state surfaces through the following techniques: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS), etc. The issues he working on are the surfaces and the interfaces in the field of featuring anti-wear coating, thin films and multilayered structures based on semiconductors and metallic oxides, bio-compatible materials, metal alloys and other innovative materials.

Prof. Elpidio Romano – researcher
In line with the variety of disciplinary contents strictly referring to the Industrial Plants and Management and Design of Traffic and Transport System path, the research activities conducted up to now was addressed to the main aspects of planning, design and management of production, transport and logistics systems. The conducted research activity produced several scientific works. The scientific activity was conducted in the framework of: resolution of problems related to traffic flows, design and management through advanced programming and simulation models, of intermodal systems; of the realization of infrastructural projects in the transportation sector; of logistics and production management. Particular attention was paid to problems related to the design of logistics hubs (ports and airport, mainly) from an operation/functional perspective and from a simply infrastructural perspective as well as based on Forward and Reverse Logistics and to optimization problems to establish innovative policies for waste collection and disposal (WEEE - Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipments).
In the various research activities original simulation models in an integrated environment (SD and Animation; SD; SD + DES + Agent Based; simulation + optimization), were developed and characterized by modules considered as general ones. In other terms, further to the development of operational systems, realized in an integrated simulation language, experiments were conducted in different fields, both transport and logistics ones – production ones, checking the capacity of reproduction and support of operational/functional/infrastructural choices, making minor conceptual changes, in the various fields of interest. This activity resulted into the search for a common language to suggest the various modules on which a simulation module is based which is characterized by some general concepts applicable to a number of real systems:

  • Event chains, in order to characterize the evolution of the states through which the system shifts during time;
  • Hourglasses, to show the time consumption in the use of some resources and/or indicate the evolution of time needed to shift from one status to another: a ship’s travelling time in a basin; uploading and downloading times on docks; taking-off and landing times of an aircraft; stay times in hospital departments; materials parking time in warehouses, etc.

Another main issue that was developed deals with plants maintenance with a special reference to condition-based maintenance.  Further fields of scientific interest deal with the field of quantitative assessment of scheduling issues and of balancing of production/assembling lines and the use of simulation quantitative techniques for problems related to healthcare as a services production systems and in the medical fields, in particular. His research activity finds evidence in the scientific works published in the period being considered for international conferences, national and international journals and in some books. 

Prof. Gabriel Maria Ingo – Associate Professor

Prof. Gabriel Maria Ingo’s research activity goes on the study of issues that are typical of the ING/IND 22 scientific-disciplinary sector, in collaboration with Prof. Emma Angelini of the Polytechnic of Turin, Department of Applied Science and Technology. The research interests he has been carrying on since many years in the framework of the study and conservation of Cultural Heritage mainly involve archeological and historical-artistic metallic materials. In particular, he studies precious alloys materials coming from various collections: rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, golden strings for cloth and mirrors in silver alloy of different historical ages. After having, defined the analyzed samples in structural and chemical composition terms, the research work goes on along three strands: 1) Chemical and electrochemical studies mainly aimed at specific issues related to archeology intended to supply information as it regards the history of metal processing and finishing; this part of the research will require a methodological development as well as survey of typical examples having an historical significance. 2) Studies on corrosion and protection of golden alloy objects in underground places and museum exhibitions and conservation of their surface aspect. 3) Surface and sub-surface analysis through non-disruptive or limited-impact beam advanced techniques on the objects being analyzed).

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ING-IND/31 ELETTROTECHNICS
Prof. Dario Assante – Researcher
Prof. Luciano De Menna – Associate Professor
Prof. Luigi Egiziano – Associate Professor

The research activity conducted by Prof. Assante, Prof. De Menna and Prof. Egiziano is focused on electromagnetic modeling. More specifically, the issues of main interest are the transmission lines, lightning events, modeling of particles accelerators, electromagnetic compatibility, high-speed interconnection modeling, electric modeling of composites and polymeric nanocomposites, the study of electromagnetic perturbations of seismic origin in the ionosphere.
As regards atmospheric discharges that are electromagnetic events of great scientific interest, mainly in terms of the effects produced on electrical systems, the research activity deals with three basic aspects of this event: the modeling of lightening that is the study of pattern of electricity along the channel of discharge of the lightening, the propagation of the electromagnetic field in presence of a conductive field both above and under the soil and the study of induced overvoltages on transmission lines. As regards the modeling of cavities and components for particles accelerators, the research activity is aimed at analyzing cavities that are typically used in particles accelerators in order to characterize their electromagnetic behavior by calculating synthetic parameters such as longitudinal and transversal coupling impedance. These parameters are useful to globally quantify the interactions between the structure and the layers that crosses it and are essential for machine design.
The last research activity that is being developed is related to the CSES class satellite in cooperation with several colleagues of the Physics area and with many universities and research institutes in Italy (University of Roma Tor Vergata, Trento and Roma Tre and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) and abroad (China Earthquake Administration, China). The main activities concerns the participation in the development of the various components of the CSES satellite

Prof. Simone Cabasino – Associate Professor

Prof. Simone Cabasino a founding member of NEAT S.r.l. He conducts research work on security high-integrity systems studying the life-cycle of systems which are required an adequate security integrity level (SIL) to be able to carry on critical functions in terms of security. He conducted research work as First Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and directed several R&D units and industrial companies. He was chief designer and co-designer of various hardware and software systems: frames, high-performance calculators, compilers, innovative languages and operational systems. As researcher at the INFN he was coordinator of units and designer of the architecture of parallel super-calculators of the APE family. He was one of the creators of the Dynamic Concept language. He authored nearly 50 international publications on system software, high-performance applications, simulations, super-calculus and languages. In 1998 he left the INFN.

Prof. Domenico Iuliano – Associate Professor
The research activity of Prof. Domenico Juliano develops mainly in the sector of business organization and with particular reference to the study and implementation of turn-around plans and industrial and financial restructuring, implementation of programs to enhance industrial and business performances, implementation of programs for managing and optimizing liquid assets and cash flows. He acquired ad wide expertise in the field of business organization since, between 2005 and 2010, as Case Team Leader, having the task of manager at the Bain & Company Italy, where he gained experience in company mergers and acquisitions, strategic and industrial planning, industrial and financial organization and restructuring in the Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Engineering & Construction, Energy & Utility, Private Equity sectors. He was also Senior Associate, as manager, at Alvarez & Marsal of Milan, acquiring specific expertise in industrial and financial restructuring and turnaround in the Automotive, Apparel  Luxury Fashion and Private Equity sectors.

Prof. Marta Flamini – Researcher
The research activity of Prof. Marta Flamini refers to the field of information security and privacy. It deals with the study of economic models for establishing the investment levels in terms of security that a service provider has to support to protect the personal data of its customers. Various aspects of the question are studied such as: models for assessing business losses suffered by the customer due to data breach by the service provider, given a specific rule for reducing the probability of data breaches compared to the level of security investments supported by the service provider; assessment of the penalty to be assigned to the service provider according to law on malpractice mentioned in the related literature; model for estimates, affected by errors with a specific distribution of probabilities, of the loss suffered by the customer, given a specific level investments in security adopted by the service provider.
Another research strand deals with the estimate of the Herfindahl-Hirshman (HHI) index, as index of market concentration expressing the competition level among companies. In many cases, the exact value of this index is impossible to calculate because of the scarcity of information available on the market shares of each company: in this framework, therefore, a study of the HHI estimate models in a incomplete information situation is studied. The research activity of Prof. Marta Flamini is developed also in the Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MAT/09, Operational Research. Problems of combinatory optimization are studied which find a practical application in manufacturing and transport services. Models are studied and algorithms for solving routing and scheduling problems for decision-making support systems aimed at managing air traffic on the ground, railways traffic and routing of vehicles on urban networks are studied; scheduling problems related to the management and optimization of manufacturing production are studied and solved.

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector ING-INF/04 AUTOMATICS
Prof. Ottorino Veneri – Associate Professor

The current and forthcoming research activity of Prof. Ottorino Veneri, researcher at the Istituto Motori of CNR (Italian National Council of Research) deals mainly with the theoretical and experimental study of the working of high-density energy electrical accumulators and high-density power super-capacitors utilized in propelling systems. This research activity includes as well the study of scaling criteria, experimental characterization and optimized management of electrical engines and generators, electrical devices and equipments for the static conversion of electric power used in purely electrical and hybrid propelling systems. In addition, Prof. Veneri works on the study, experimental characterization and management of electrical streams for recharging stations of plug-in hybrid propellers assessing interconnections problems of these equipments in smart-grids and to the main power system and the experimental analysis of the total energy performances and of the single subsets and components of the traction hybrid systems and of their relative recharge devises. These issues are developed also in cooperation with the students of whom Prof. Veneri is co-reporter for the final dissertations and responsible for training periods.

Prof. Romeo Beccherelli – Associate Professor
Prof. Fernado Ferri – Associate Professor
Prof.ssa Patrizia Grifoni – Associate Professor
Prof. Marco Padula – Associate Professor
Prof. Claudio Fornaro – Researcher

Prof. Emanuel Weitschek – Researcher

Prof. Romeo Beccherelli is currently working on the technology of sensors and of Microsystems. The issues on which he will conduct his research are micro photonic devices that can be calibrated for telecommunications and survey and big arrays for gas, volatile substances, dampness and pressure sensors. He gained an international reputation working on liquid crystals displays during his research doctorate at the Electronics Engineering Department – University of Rome "La Sapienza", a assistant researcher at the Engineering Science Department – University of Oxford and as visiting research fellow at the Department of Electronics and Information Science of the University of Ghent (Belgium) and at the Department of Physics – Microelectronics and Nano-sciences Department - Chalmers University of Technology ", Gothenburg (Sweden). He coordinates “highly relevant” bilateral research projects between Italy and Greece (going on and funded by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry) aimed at studying and developing photonics based on crystals for optical communications based on silicon and liquid crystals. He coordinates “high-relevant” bilateral research projects between Italy and Turkey (going on and funded by the Italian Education Ministry and the Turkish TUBITAK) studying silicon micro-photons resonators for optical communication and sensors. He participates as work-package leader in the EU funded project: FP6- IST - NoE " VANGELO". He is work-package leader in the EU-funded project FP7- ICT - STREP " Neurochem", study and development of big arrays of gas sensors and their electronic components. He coordinates the EU-funded project FP7-PEOPLE - IEF " ALLOPLASM " aimed at studying surface Plasmon- polariton devices.

Prof. Fernando Ferri is senior researcher at CNR (Italian National Council of Research) since 2001. He coordinates two European projects and an Italian one and he has been responsible for CNR units for nearly 15 European and Italian projects since 1996. His main current and future research areas are: social computer science, social computing, man-machine interaction, multimodal interaction, Sketch-based interfaces, multimedia applications, user modeling, knowledge databases, geographical information systems, risk management and e-health.

At present Prof. Patrizia Grifoni is a researcher at the Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e Politiche Sociali of the Italian National Council of Research and this starting from 1990. His current and future main research areas are: social computer science, social computing, man-machine interaction, multimodal interaction, Sketch-based interfaces, multimedia applications, user modeling, knowledge databases, geographical information systems, risk management, Web 2.0, Future Internet, GIS, social networks.

Prof. Marco Padula is the first CNR researcher, responsible for Milan site of ITC-CNR since 2004 (Provision nr. 26/2009, Ref. 00011908, 10/03/2009), this appointment has been uninterrupted and is still going on. Dimension of the structure: 2 prime researchers, 2 researchers, 1 TD technologist, 4 technical-administrative staff members, research grant holders, interns, graduating students. He is member of the Steering Committee of the International Foresight S&T group of CNR, responsible for the computer-based platform (President’s provision nr. 0043590 of the 9th June 2014) currently having 173 registered users.
Prof. Marco Padula’s research activity envisages the collaboration in the realization of the ITC-CNR Training, ISO 9001:2000 certified by the RINA and the participation to several European projects such as: CONNIE (Construction News and Information electronically (eContent, 2005 program): Albania: Conoscere, Comunicare, Condividere (program INTERREG III-A FESR/CARDS Italy-Albania 2004/2006, Priority IV – Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Institutional Cooperation); SITRuS – Sistema Innovativo per il Turismo Rurale e Sostenibile. Nuove tecnologie (program INTERREG III-A FESR/CARDS Italy-Albania 2004/2006, Priority IV – Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Institutional Cooperaiton); WET-SYS – Gestione sostenibile del sistema delle aree umide appulo-albanesi: riqualificazione di bacini artificiali costieri naturalizzati (program INTERREG III-A Italy-Albania, Priority II – Environment and Health); European Code of Practices for Telehealth services – (program of Community Action in the Field of Health, active); HOST – Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing (program AAL Joint Program, call 3): PICKFIBER – (program Interreg IVC – INNOVATION4WELFARE). His research activity develops in the sectors of Web-based interaction and services, of information systems and of e-learning.

The current research activity of Prof. Claudio Fornaro is based on several fields of computer science, computer security (security “tout court”, public key infrastructures, intrusion detection, watermarking), performance analyses in the healthcare sector. It also includes simulations, design and development of embedded software for managing data acquisition devices. In particular, these last ones are aimed at the JEM-EUSO telescope and CSES satellite projects. The realization of various pathfinder experiments of the JEM-EUSO project are underway such as: the setting-up of a stratospheric balloon of the EUSO-Balloon experiment (launched in August 2014 in Timmins – Canada, ON); the launch of a second balloon is planned in France in 2016; a third long-lasting balloon – 50 days – will be launched in New Zealand in 2016 as well, in cooperation with NASA; the EUSO-TA experiment in the desert of Utah – USA at the Cosmic Ray Center in Delta; and for the Mini-EUSO experiment to be set up on the International Space Station in 2017. For the EUSO project, Claudio Fornaro realized the EUSO-Balloon experiment data acquisition software and he controlled it at the ground station at the Stratospheric Balloon Base of Timmins (Canada) in the second half of August 2014. He is currently contributing to the development of the data handling for the balloon and Mini-EUSO experiments. The second project in which Prof. Fornaro is involved, this time as responsible for the data acquisition embedded system, is called CSES/Limadou. The project envisages the realization of two experiments called HEPD and EFD to be installed on the CSES satellite designed in cooperation with the Chinese Space Agency. The aim of this mission is to study the precursors of seismic events from satellite which can be detected from the Van Allen belts and from the high ionosphere.

At present Prof. Emanuel Weitschek is a researcher in the ING-INF/05 scientific disciplinary sector (information processing systems) at the Engineering Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. In addition, he cooperates with the “Antonio Ruberti” Institut for System and Computer Science CNR – Italian National Council of Research. His main scientific research fields are bio-informatics, bio-medical informatics and big data. In these fields Emanuel Weitschek conducted and coordinated some activities of software development, extraction, conversion, management, integration and analysis of data coming from big databases including genomic and clinical data. Emanuel Weitschek cooperates with many research institutes and agencies such as the Istituto Superiore di Sanità for acquiring and analyzing genomic sequences coming from viruses and bacteria, with the Centro di Neurolesi “Bonino Pulejo” for processing biomedical signals (electroencephalograms) of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, with the Fondazione EBRI (founded by Rita Levi Montalcini) for analyzing clinical and genomic data from patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, the Greek research centre Demokritos and the University of Helsinki, for classifying species starting from genomic sequences, with the Politecnico of Milan for managing and querying data of patients suffering from cancer and the University of Tunis for analyzing data from gene expressions. Emanuel Weitschek authored over 30 scientific publications on international journals, conference proceedings, chapters of books and technical reports. He also submitted his research works in many international conferences (Europe, America, Asia, Oceania), through which he started several international scientific collaborations.

Scientific-Disciplinary Sector MAT/05 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS
Prof. Nicola Mastronardi – Associate professor
Prof. Clemente Cesarano – Researcher
Prof. Domenico Finco – Researcher

Prof. Nicola Mastronardi’s research activity is mainly based on the analysis and solution of large and structured linear systems known in literature as the KKT or saddle point systems. Of course, the systems’ structures depends on the problem originating them and in this project systems resulting from linear and quadratic programming problems solved through “rimal-dual” Interior Point methods and from problems of optimal control of dynamic processes with several controls will be considered. The common feature of the resolution and pre-conditioning strategies that will be developed will be the use of structural properties of matrixes. As regards the systems resulting from Interior Point methods the possible reformulations into blocks of systems and the spectrum properties of the matrixes in the whole course of iterations of the Interior Point method will be analyzed.
Therefore, the resolution procedures for linear systems making more efficient the whole optimizing procedures are studies. In particular, low level modifications of known pre-conditioners, updating techniques for sequences of KKT systems and normal equations obtained from the reformulation of KKT systems, ad-hoc pre-conditioners deriving from an analysis of the specific properties of blocks of KKT systems. For systems deriving from the discretization of optimal control of dynamic processes with several controls new block anti-triangular factorizations are studied. The objective is to define an efficient and stable algorithm, based on orthogonal transformations that can recursively calculate the anti-triangular factorization of a KKT system and that keeps part of the initial structure of the matrix of coefficient in order to solve the associate linear system with a cost that depends, in linear way, on the dimensions of the matrix. In addition, Prof. Mastronardi, in cooperation with Prof. Cesarano, works on numerical methods for problems involving orthogonal polynomials.

Prof. Clemente Cesarano’s research activity is based, on the one hand, on the study of issues specifically pertaining the MAT/05 Mathematical Analysis scientific-disciplinary sector and it develops also in the similar MAT/08 – Numerical Analysis similar sector, thanks to his collaboration with Prof. Mastronardi of the Istituto delle Applicazioni del Calcolo of CNR, an institute in which Prof. Cesarano is associate researcher since October 2013, that in the scientific field of industrial engineering in collaboration with Prof. Veneri of the Istituto Motori of CNR in Naples. The research interests he has been developing in the field of Mathematical Analysis since many years mainly involve the field of special functions and orthogonal polynomials, especially the applications for solving both ordinary and partial derivative differential equations. In particular, the results recently obtained on the operational techniques of the orthogonal polynomials such as the polynomials of Chebyshev and the polynomial of Hermite allowed to develop, in these years, a further investigation of the identified properties as well as a multi-sectoral study for the different applications that allowed by these techniques. Given these premises, since March 2014 Prof. Cesarano has been cooperating with the Department of Applied Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” ; this collaboration mainly concerns the analytical-algebraic aspects of the above-mentioned Hermite’s polynomials in order to look for further connections between the eminently algebraic-geometrical feature and the many spectrum analyses they allow in the fields of mathematical analysis and numerical analysis. A further research activity being developed concerns the development of fractional calculus. An issue previously treated by Prof. Cesarano and which is now developed in cooperation with Prof. Vazquez of the Univerdad Complutense de Madrid and with Prof. Jimenez of the Universidad Politéchnica de Madrid thanks to a specific research agreement. The numerical methods, meant as applications of special functions (in particular, Bessel-type functions) as well as of the wide family of orthogonal polynomials, have recently been objects of further study in cooperation with the researchers of the Istituto delle Applicazioni del Calcolo of CNR, having as reference person Prof. Mastronardi. Finally, the recent cooperation with the Istituto Motori of CNR, in the persons of Prof. Veneri and Prof. Capaldi, is based on applications of numerical calculus for the development the project PLACIS (Plateforme Collaborative d'Ingénierie Systèmes) and in particular for the realization of flow charts aimed at better understanding the way the studied systems works (functional aspect) and on the design of analytical models aimed at a simulation and analysis the actual behavior of the system (logical aspect).
Prof. Domenico Finco’s research activity is mainly based on two research strands covering both the MAT 05 sector, for which he was hired as permanent research and the MAT 05 one, for which he earned a qualification as associate professor. The first research strand deals with the study of the properties of Schroedinger non-linear equation, as paradigm of dispersive equation, on branched structures or in presence of punctual faults and can be set in framework of the non-linear partial derivative equations and of related problems such as, for example, the study of stationary solutions and their stability through variational and topological methods on which several results were obtained. In the future he will deepen the question whether not simple topology can condition the properties of stationary states. Some preliminary results show an extraordinary and unexpected richness of behaviors. Stationary states in which Jacobi functions appear and that can be explicitly constructed, show different types of bifurcations, from auto-values immerse in the continuum, from the bottom of the spectrum, secondary bifurcations from resonances of the linearized, from isolated auto-values that cannot be found in other models and for which there is no general theory covering these cases. The participation in the 2012 FIRB Project "Dispersive Dynamics: Fourier’s Analysis and Variational Methods" can be set in this framework. The second strand deals with the application of techniques drawn by functional analysis for an accurate construction of Hamiltonians with several bodies with zero interaction that are usually used in physics for describing ultra-cold gases within the unitary limit. This strand can be set within the field of quantum mechanics and of the study of stability properties. His participation in the 2012 PRIN Project “Mathematical Problems of Kinetic Theories and Applications” can be set in this framework. In the future he intends to study the existence of auto-added extensions of the non-STM type and enlarge to N-fermions the stability results obtained up to now. Further research fields deal with the construction of accurate models for studying the decoherence and justification of models with non-linear faults as effective models starting from rescaled nonlinear models in the framework of collaborations currently running with A. Teta, D. Noja, C. Cacciapuoti. A dissemination activity of the gained research results in a number of national and international conferences is going on; in this respect he was one of the organizers of a national conference

Scientific Disciplinary Sector MAT/06 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
Prof. Raffaele Persico - Researcher

The research activity of Raffaele Persico developed in the field of “Nondestructive Testing” (NDT) and in the field of the “Ground Penetrating Radar” (GPR) systems, particularly with regard to problems related to the reconstruction of objects buried by GPR data. More specifically, Raffaele Persico investigated linear and non-linear inverse diffusion algorithms, in which framework he studied the possible and interplaying relationships between the quality of the obtainable reconstruction, its reliability versus parametric uncertainties and the burden required in terms of measurement, processing time and needed computing resources. This was made with a special reference to the setting-up of the measurement, of highness of the measurement line, to the radiating features of the antennas, to the possible stratification of scenario of reference, to the choice of the spatial pace and of the frequency pace and to the possible magnetic properties of the propagation means and of the objects embedded into it and taking into account (through suitable error analyses) the errors of the model and the parametric uncertainties coming into play. Then, he conducted studies on the problem of local lower bounds as regards non-linear approach and taking into account the involved model errors and parametric uncertainties. The analyses conducted and the inversion techniques were tested both in terms of synthetic data (by using commercial processing codes as well as specifically implemented or modified codes, written in a MATLAB environment) and of actual data collected in Italy and abroad, both on test-sites and on the field with particular reference to sites of archeological and cultural interest in general.
Research activities were conducted as regards the hardware of GPR systems and, more specifically, Raffaele Persico designed and patented, jointly with his colleagues Masini and Soldovieri, the reconfigurable geo-radar stepped frequency system of which he supervised the realization of a prototype which is still being used by IBAM-CNR. As regards this prototype, an algorithm for programming the duration of the times of integration of the harmonics forming a signal which, on the basis of the measurement of the statistical parameters on the field scales these times in order to lower the effect of possible radiofrequency interferences.
The latest activities were focused on GPR application for investigating artifacts of cultural interest. In particular, an activity dealing with a hardware package meant for inspecting columns and pillars is underway and on this they submitted a request for an Italian patent; a prototype was also produced. In addition, he conducted some activities for including the results of geo-radar prospecting in the framework of 3D virtual rendering of archeological sites and of historical buildings that may be object of “virtual excavations”.
Finally, he conducted a research work on the measurement of the ground or of the hosting medium in general electromagnetic characteristics by examining and identifying some strategies to mitigate the main constraints associated to the classical method of diffraction hyperboles. In this framework any possibilities linked to the use of probes for time-domain reflectometry (TDR) are underway.

Scientific Disciplinary Sector IUS/10 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
Prof. Fabio Giuseppe Angelini – Associate professor

Prof. Angelini’s current and future research activity is focused on the privatization of public or state-owned companies, with particular reference to the healthcare sector and to the public boards’ inheritance events. Another field of particular scientific interest is represented by public procurement and contracts, by the public administration’s bonds as well as public-private partnership relations in the infrastructures and public services sector. A field for further study on which Prof. Angelini’s research activity will be focused is the relations between social services and currency where the introduction of the Euro imposed a decisive change in terms of fiscal policies which, inevitably, are having a significant impact both as regards the protection of social rights and that of social service delivery modes.
Since over eight years, part of his scientific interests are being aimed at the study of economic, political and juridical culture of the “ordoliberal” tradition and at the economic analysis of law proposed by the fathers of market-based social economics as well as at the relations between this current of thought and the Church’s social doctrine. As director general of the Tocqueville-Acton Study Center, a think-tank devoted to the study of market economics and of the Church’s social doctrine, developed several projects of land development and gave many contributions in the field of culture and promotion of the value of centrality of the person promoted and co-funded by Fondazione Cariplo.