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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 -

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

UNINETTUNO Online Engineering Faculty

Engineering Faculty Deanship
Dean: Prof. Bernardino Chiaia
Vice Principal: Prof. Elpidio Romano
Faculty Secretariat
Marco De Simone, Piera Di Turi, Simone Longo
tel: +39 06 692076.30

The educational offer of UNINETTUNO Online Engineering Faculty is very rich and meets the demands of a labor market that is more and more new technologies-oriented.
For those people wishing to earn an online degree in Engineering, UNINETTUNO Faculty is running three-year degree courses (bachelor-level) as well as second-cycle (master-level) degree courses based on what is provided for by the Ministerial Decree nr. 270/2004 of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
More specifically, in this page you will find all information on three-year degrees and on their relative paths:

If you wish, instead, to enroll for a second-cycle degree, you can access the following degrees and their related paths:

Three-Year Degree Courses

Management Engineering - Class L-9 
Regulations of the Study Course - Study Programs (italian)
Re-exam Team
Computer Engineering - Class L-8
Regulations of the Study Course - Study Programs (italian)
Re-exam Team - Study Programs (italian)

Second-Cycle Degree Courses

Civil Engineering - Class LM23
Regulations of the Study Course
Management Engineering - Class LM-31
Regulations of the Study Course
Computer Engineering – Class LM-32
Regulations of the Study Course



Training courses