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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

UNINETTUNO Online Master’s Course in Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Status: to be implemented soon
Director: Prof. Renato Spigler
Training Activities Supervisor: Prof. Clemente Cesarano

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Contact details:
Students Secretariat: Tel. : +39 06 692076.70 | +39 06 692076.71 email: info@uninettunouniversity.net
Engineering Faculty: Tel. : 39 06 69207630 email: presidenza.ingegneria@uninettunouniversity.net


The Master’s Course in Applied and Industrial Mathematics aims at training professional profiles able to take part in analysis, design, realization and management activities in scientific and technical areas in which the use of mathematics is essential and, most notably, as regards the main aspects of applied, computational and industrial mathematics, apart from specific aspects related to the selected path. The envisaged training path supplies methodological competences in the field of mathematics that is to say a deepening of the specific competences assured by a post-master-level course, focused on specifically mathematics issues in order to create a professional profile possessing a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to a continuously evolving market and which is able to accurately analyze and formalize scientific-technological problems. Therefore, the aim of this training path is that of supplying, on the one hand, a solid cross-field scientific and methodological expertise and, on the other hand, a deepening and specialization in one of the fields on which this Master’s Course is structured. The characterizing specialized sectors are: fluid dynamics, mathematical finance, data science and their statistical processing, bio-informatics and other bio-sciences, neural networks and their application even in Public Administration. The solid basic expertise that will be supplied will also be useful to assure further knowledge beyond that acquired in the Second-Level (Master-Level) courses already mastered by the student who is admitted to this Master’s Course in order to prepare him for a PhD. However, the main purpose is to professionalize the student since a theoretical training is useful to make his way of thinking more flexible and this is how his aptitude to industrial innovation is promoted. An internship period at research board or at a company working in one of the above-mentioned and of the student’s interest sectors is compulsory. This internship period will be useful to the student to prepare his Master’s Course Thesis.
This Master’s Course is held under the patronage of the SIMAI - Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics).

Target Students and Requirements

All offered contents correspond to the specific provisions needed to train this professional profile that the Master’s Course is aimed to prepare based on the needs that can be found in public and private research laboratories and in the technologically most-advanced companies.
Those holding a Second-Cycle Degree in the following Classes are admitted to the Master’s Course:

  • LM-40 (Mathematics);
  • LM-17 (Physics);
  • LM-18 (Computer Science);
  • LM- from 20 to 35 included (Engineering);
  • LM-44 (Mathematical-Physics Modeling for Engineering);
  • LM-53 (Materials Science and Engineering);
  • LM-82 (Statistical Sciences);
  • LM-83 (Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Sciences);
  • LM-6 (Biology);
  • LM-54 (Chemical Sciences);
  • LM-66 (Computer Security);
  • LM-74 (Geological Sciences and Technologies);
  • LM-79 (Geophysical Sciences).

Or any other equivalent title.

The title must have been awarded no later than the 31st October 2016. In addition, the graduating students in the above-listed second-cycle degrees who plan to get their degree no later than the 31st December 2016 will be eligible.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to assess all applicants holding a Second-Cycle Degree in a Study Course not included in the list given above.

Minimum and maximum number of enrolled students
The minimum number of enrolled students is fixed at 10, where the maximum one is at 30.

Selection criteria
In the event that the number of applications exceeds the fixed maximum number, the selection will be made based on  the grade of the Second-Cycle Degree and, in case of equal grades, it will be made according to a first-come first served basis.

Deadline for application submission
The deadline for application submission is fixed at the 31st October 2016.

Teaching method

The teaching method is based on the platform on www.uninettunouniversit.net (the first portal in world where teaching is delivered in 5 languages: Italian, English, French, Arabic and Greek), as well as in the traditional mode. In the section related to the ''Master’s Course in Applied and Industrial Mathematics'', the students will be able to access all virtual contents.
The students play an active role in the learning process and have the possibility to study at any time and in any place. Along their learning path, they are assisted by an online tutoring system that facilitates their learning path and the Web-based communications and that gives them the tools to be successful in the study of the subject.
Online tutoring is organized in classes of students, based on an advanced system of agenda capable of acknowledging each single user and, therefore, customize and get the tracing of the training activities and a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the learning progress of each individual student.

How to study

The Internet-based training activities take place in a web-based macro-area which is called the Didactic Cyberspace, in section devoted to the Master’s Course in Applied and Industrial Mathematics. In the Didactic Cyberspace the training and learning process takes place and accesses are diversified through customized login and password based on the role of the players of the educational path: professors, tutors and students. These three categories of users can access the same information regarding each subject. The three user’s profiles can access the same information related to each module. More specifically, the Professor and Tutor can modify or replace training materials and add new ones for the whole course duration, whereas the student can use an area of his own where he can include data, information and personal notes.
The student can access:

  1. The Page of the Professor in charge of the Module;
  2. The Page of the Tutor.

In the pages can be found the Learning Environments where is possible to access:

  • Training Materials which represent the course contents: digitized video lessons including bookmarks allowing for hypertextual and multimedia linking to books, selected bibliographical references, texts of the exercises, webographies. A system of dynamic bookmarks gives the Internet-based video lessons a hypertextual character allowing different levels of navigation: from one lesson to the other one, among subjects of a single lesson, between the materials referring to the same subject.
  • Distance Tutoring. The students enrolled in the Master’s course will be assisted in every step of their study path by Professors-Tutors. The Telematic Professor-Tutor, represents a guide as well as a constant presence along the Learning Process. The distance tutoring activities can take place:
    • in a synchronic manner, by using chats, video-chats, video and audio-conferencing, implemented in the Didactic Cyberspace, but also the three-dimensional classroom created on the UNINETTUNO Island of knowledge on Second Life.
    • in a diachronic manner, through tools such as e-mail, and Internet-based discussion forums. The Internet-based forums, related to the topics of the module, allow to enlarge dialogue and implement collaborative learning and manage independent thinking on the issue being discussed and on the study activities carried on.
  • Virtual Classroom in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life. On UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University) Island of Knowledge a 3D lecture hall was realized and it is devoted to this master’s courses. In this environment the students and professors/tutors’ avatars interact in the three-dimensional world of UNINETTUNO by their voice. Practice work, assessment tests, collaborative learning models guided, in real time, by the Teachers/Tutors’ avatars take place.

In the virtual classroom on Second Life, in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge, the students and the professors/tutors teach and learn in a cooperative and collaborative way; they build and share knowledge with individuals coming from different political, cultural and religious settings; they dialogue and compare cultural differences; socialization process and new knowledge creation processes take place as well.

Training activities structure

The aim of this training path is to meet opposing needs that, on the one hand require a basic scientific and methodological expertise and, on the other hand, envisages the creation of professional profile with a high-level specialized technical expertise. Consequently, it provides an in-depth study of the basic and cross-field characterizing subjects (that supply a methodological expertise needed to analyze and model complex technical-scientific problems) and an offer of more specializing modules allowing to characterize specific competences by supplying technical and applicative methodologies and solution for specific sectors. Beside an in-depth study of the required mathematics and physics, this training path supplies cross-field computer skills through the study of the analysis of algorithms and their implementation (programming). Additionally, since nowadays a good command of the English language is essential in every field, it is an educational objective for all applicants for this Master’s Course being able to write and speak in English, above all on topics related to scientific and technical fields. This is will be facilitated through the provision of some courses in the English language.
As regards specialized knowledge, some aspects strictly related to fluid-dynamics (hydrodynamics and aerodynamics), of mathematical finances, data science, bio-informatics and other bio-sciences and of neural networks.
During this study course it is compulsorily envisaged an internship period, beside some visits to companies. Finally, the work for the thesis will represent a summarizing work in which the student, under the supervision of one of more teachers, will develop a work resulting from the knowledge acquired along his study path. This work can have a theoretical or an experimental character and can be carried on also in companies and research centers that signed an agreement with the University.
The course training structuring includes four distinct successive training periods. The first three ones are characterized by face-to-face and e-learning lectures followed by a final exam (with no mid-term test). Some final exams can be taken by preparing a project work (short paper).
During the first period all students will have to attend four basic modules, in the second and in third periods they can choose sets of three specializing modules for each one of this two periods. It is possible, as well, to organize seminars delivered by experts and visits to companies.
Then, there will be an internship period in an applied research center or laboratory or board or in a company.
The modules will include nearly 300 hours of lessons, delivered both on the e-learning and traditional mode, corresponding to nearly 40 ECTS credits; the remainder credits, nearly 20 ones, will be assigned for the training activity carried on during the internship period.

The Master’s Course is structured on three paths:

  • Fluid-dynamic-industrial;
  • Mathematical Financial Modeling;
  • Data Science, Complex Networks, and Statistics.

The Master’s Course begins with an introductory virtual classroom whose objective is to describe to the use and distance learning tools and to illustrate the aims and contents of each module.
The Master’s Course is structured on four periods (please refer to the Planning section for further details): the first three ones are devoted to the use of the lessons and to self-study or the study supported by academic staff members in charge of the modules in the different ODL activities phases.
The first period is common to all three paths on which the Master’s Course is structured.
During the second and third period the students will follow the modules based on the selected path; more specifically, during the third period some project works, aimed at connecting the training activities carried on with the Internship and paper preparation activities, envisaged for the following and last period, are envisaged.
The fourth period is devoted to the Internship and to the preparation of the thesis which overall workload corresponds to 20 credits ECTS. The internship activity can be partly recognized through one’s own professional activity, but only if it is strictly related to the topics treated by the Master’s Course.

Scientific Committee

Prof. Renato Spigler (Director of the Master’s Course)
Prof. Bernardino Chiaia (Dean of the Engineering Faculty)
Prof. Clemente Cesarano (Training Activities Supervisor)
Prof. Luciano Modica
Prof. Vito Michele Abrusci
Prof. Enrico de Bernardis

Guide to the exams

At the end of each course delivery period there is a period for the exams of the courses followed during the previous course delivery period. These periods comprise the dates on which face-to-face exams in UNINETTUNO’s head office in Rome, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 39, take place.
The exam date is notified to the participants by a 15-day notice, sent by e-mail.
All exams take place in same day. The candidate is required to answer open-ended questions or to complete some exercises on the topics studied during the courses.

Admission to the exam: each course envisages specific criteria that are established by the teacher in charge of the course as regard exam admissions. At the beginning of each course delivery period the teachers in charge of the courses will let the participants know about the teaching activities planning, the rules to be admitted to the exam and a calendar of the training activities that will take place such as chats, virtual classrooms, assessment tests

Project Works

At the end of training activity period, passed to learn specializing knowledge aimed at understanding the project management logistics and techniques, two work projects will be implemented dealing with management and maintenance design phases based on a direct approach to the definition of problem-solving models concerning the action and pro-action phases; phases of analysis and management of information through the use of suitable information systems.
The two project works will be structured on two distinct conceptual steps: the step to learn some concept and assessment of theoretical models; the step to realize one’s own model/final report. Anyway, all topics are strongly interrelated and functional to the preparation of final reports. This will last a month approximately.

Internship and final exam

The internship activity may be carried on at the following Institutions:
IBM Italia
IASI - CNR Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica "Antonio Ruberti"
INSEAN - CNR Istituto Nazionale per Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale
ISS Istituto Superiore di Sanità
C.R. ENEA Frascati
Cranfield University (U.K.)
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BILBAO (Spain)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)

The Master’s Course is under the patronage of SIMAI - Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics).
The internship activity can be recognized through one’s own professional activity, but only if it is strictly related to the topics treated by the Master’s Course.
The final exam consists in the presentation of a report in which the activities and the experiences made during the internship period are described, in the preparation of thesis and in the illustration of the topics treated in it through a short presentation in front of an exam commission.

Enrolment, Documents and Fees

In order to enroll for the Master’s Course it is possible to get in touch with the Secretariat calling the following numbers: +39 06 692076.70 | +39 06 692076.71.

The Master’s Course has an overall cost of 3,200 euro.
* These enrolment costs are only for students residing in Italy. For more detailed information please get in touch with the students’ secretariat (info@uninettunouniversity.net) or with the nearest Technological Pole (List of Technological Poles)

Upon completion of the enrolment procedure you have to send an e-mail to the Dean’s Office Secretariat of UNINETTUNO Engineering Faculty at: presidenza.ingegneria@Uninettunouniversity.net, enclosing a photocopy of an identity document, a photocopy of the earned university title and a CV.