Online Enrolment
The enrolment to the Master’s Course in Strategies and Techniques of Project Management takes place through our online procedure. It is indispensable to have an e-mail account which is required when registering.
In order to access the matriculation procedure it is necessary to act as follows:
Enter the Administrative Secretariat area which will allow you to enroll for the Master’s Course directly online.
Execute the new account registration through the system guided procedure.
If you find any problem, call the Students Secretariat (+39 06 692076.70 | +39 06 692076.71) that will help you in filling in the form below.

At the end of the procedure a username and a password will be generated; these are to be used to access the restricted area.
Access the restricted area of the Administrative Secretariat using the username and password generated by the registration procedure

Execute the online matriculation procedure entering the data that will be required. When all data are entered, you will be asked which payment mode you prefer.

It is possible to pay the matriculation fee with an online payment by credit card or by bank transfer.
Below you find the current account details for the bank transfer:
Beneficiary: Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO |
IntesaSanPaolo SpA |
Via del Corso, n. 226 |
00186 Rome (Italy) |
IBAN: IT46 G030 6905 0201 0000 0070 068 |
BIC BCITITMM (only for bank transfers from abroad) |
In case of payment by bank transfer you will have to send the payment receipt to the following e-mail account: or to the fax number: +39 06 69207621
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will acknowledge enrolment by sending an e-mail including matriculation number, User ID and Password needed to access the e-learning platform.