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Events 2013


January     February     March     April     May     June     July     September     October     November     December
25th ICDE World Conference in China. dd/MM/yyyy-18/10/2013 TJANJIN, CINA The 25th ICDE World Conference in China. The World Biennial Conference ICDE on Open and Distance Education is the world''s leading event in the field of open and distance education, which also provides a forum for the presentation of forefront developments, networks creation and professional development.
Virtual Internationalization of Education (VIE) - ICL 2013. dd/MM/yyyy-27/09/2013 KAZAN, RUSSIA Virtual Internationalization of Education (VIE) - ICL 2013. In un contesto, quello di oggi, dove l''internazionalizzazione è diventata sempre più importante per vari motivi nella formazione terziaria, il Virtual Internationalization of Education - VIE 2013 fornisce un forum interdisciplinare per gli scienziati internazionali per discutere i vari aspetti dell'' internazionalizzazione dell''istruzione con il supporto di strumenti elettronici .
FECS''13 - The 2013 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. dd/MM/yyyy-25/07/2013 LAS VEGAS, USA The FECS''13 - The 2013 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
The FECS is an international conference that involves researchers, scholars, professionals, students and academics and is considered the largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering, and applied informatics, numbering 2.100 participants from more than 85 countries around the world.
Edulearn13 - 5th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. dd/MM/yyyy-03/07/2013 BARCELONA, SPAIN The Edulearn13 - 5th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. This conference was attended by over 700 delegates from 75 different countries.
Beyond the crisis: Communicating the hope between the two shores of the Mediterranean. 21/06/2013 International Telematic University UNINETTUNO - ROME Beyond the crisis: Communicating the hope between the two shores of the Mediterranean. In the globalisation era, the paradox of the countries that are very close geographically but very far culturally still remains.
International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW). dd/MM/yyyy-14/06/2013 NEW YORK, USA The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW). Together with researchers and professionals from all over the world - from academia and business – the ICELW is committed to improve the on-line learning in such a way that the difference in terms of performance in the workplace and psychological issues may become measurable.
45th EUCEN Conference: Transferring Knowledge in a Globalised World. dd/MM/yyyy-31/05/2013 CHARMEY, SWITZERLAND

The 45th EUCEN Conference: Transferring Knowledge in a Globalised World: University Permanent Education. This is the theme of the Conference, which examined the role of University Permanent Education in the knowledge society, by analysing two aspects:

    1. competition, collaboration, cooperation, and policies for universities internationalisation; and
    2. knowledge transfer through ICT.
UIIN | University Industry Innovation Network. dd/MM/yyyy-29/05/2013 AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS The UIIN | University Industry Innovation Network. From 27 to 29 May 2013, the University Industry Innovation Network has organized the conference on “University – Industry” Interaction in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
High School Game 2013 dd/MM/yyyy-27/05/2013 Civitavecchia (RM) UNINETTUNO è partner della manifestazione High School Game che premia i migliori studenti delle classi 4^ e 5^ degli istituti secondari di secondo grado, attraverso un quiz interattivo che mette alla prova preparazione e velocità dei concorrenti.
Le Cinque giornate per le comunità mediterranee - Fondazione Anna Lindh dd/MM/yyyy-25/05/2013 Forte Marghera di Mestre - Venezia A Venezia le Cinque giornate per le comunità mediterraneePolitica e ambiente dal 21 maggio, con rete italiana Anna Lindh

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