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Beyond the crisis: Communicating the hope between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

International Telematic University UNINETTUNO - ROME


Beyond the crisis: Communicating the hope between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
In the globalisation era, the paradox of the countries that are very close geographically but very far culturally still remains.

The war in Syria, the unrest in Turkey, as well as the suffering of many nations of the Maghreb can see that Europe is still too indifferent.

The dialogue among university professors, experts and journalists of the different areas is presented today as a prerequisite for attention and collaboration with each other. This is the goal of the seminar “Communicating the hope between the two shores of the Mediterranean”, organised by the International Telematic University Uninettuno in collaboration with the University Roma Tre. The initiative is carried out within the framework of the X International Symposium of University Professors, organized by the University Pastoral Office of the Vicariate of Rome and dedicated to the topic: “Culture in front of God. Challenges, research, perspectives from the Mediterranean to the world” (Rome, June 20-22, 2013).