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25th ICDE World Conference in China.


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The 25th ICDE World Conference in China. The World Biennial Conference ICDE on Open and Distance Education is the world's leading event in the field of open and distance education, which also provides a forum for the presentation of forefront developments, networks creation and professional development.

The World Conference has attracted on average 1,000 participants from all over the world that represent the research community, teaching staff, management of educational institutions, the public sector, and both training institutions and suppliers from the private sector.

The host university of this 25th world Conference ICDE was the Tianjin Open University, China. The President of the Tianjin Open University, professor FENG Xuefei, gave on this occasion a presentation of the headquarters. The Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata GARITO, sent her paper entitled: “Application of the E-xcellence model for the Quality Assurance of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO”.