Simplified Technical English, Specification ASD-STE100

This brochure gives information about the ASD Simplified Technical English specification and the possibility to get ASD-certified online Computer Based Training (CBT) through UNINETTUNO.
Download the brochure (Courses on Simplified Technical English, Specification ASD-STE100)
ASD-STE100 is an international specification for the preparation of technical documentation in a controlled natural language. The ASD-STE100 specification (STE) is copyrighted by the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe(ASD,, It is maintained, controlled, and distributed at no cost by the ASD Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group (STEMG, ).
STE was developed in the early Eighties as AECMA Simplified English to help users of English-language maintenance documentation to better understand what they read. It contains a set of writing rules and a dictionary with a controlled vocabulary. The writing rules cover aspects of grammar and style, while the dictionary gives a controlled vocabulary of approved words. These approved words were selected because they were familiar words and easy to understand. Generally, each approved word has only one meaning and one approved part of speech. In addition to its general dictionary, the rules of STE permit the use of company-specific or project-oriented words (referred to in Simplified Technical English as technical names and technical verbs).
Although STE was originally developed for the aerospace industry, today it has become the most widely used controlled language on the planet. In fact, the success of STE is such that other industries use it beyond its original intended purpose of aerospace maintenance documentation. Interest in STE has also increased dramatically in the areas of language services, professional translation and interpreting, and in the academic world.
Why training is necessary
The primary objective of STE is the creation of simplified texts for the readers. However, STE is not a simplified version of English for the writers. Writing correctly in STE is not an easy task as it requires a good command of the English language together with a good knowledge of the subject that the author is writing about. This combination is without a doubt the key to writing successfully in STE. Authors who want to write proficiently and correctly in STE must have only one point of reference: the specification itself. There is nothing that can replace it.
Without training, authors tend to focus simply on the dictionary and not on the writing rules, which are equally important. Simply giving authors a copy of the specification is probably the best way to discourage them from learning about STE and applying it correctly. It is important for authors to fully understand the STE rules, and to think about what they are writing. Therefore, STE training is the first essential step for a technical author to be able to apply STE correctly.
ASD-STE100: STE Basic Course
It is possible to complete the basic STE course in four weeks. It is a distance-learning course delivered through the UNINETTUNO educational portal using a specially developed e-learning distance-teaching model. This consists of a course package, which includes video lessons, online texts, exercises, and a final exam, given and supervised by online video professors / tutors. The course is specially designed for authors, technical writers, proofreaders, and editors who want to understand the basic principles of STE and use it in their professional lives. A prerequisite is a very good command of English. Experience in technical writing is useful.
Enrolment information and course duration, certification and cost
It is possible to enroll at any time of the year. Four weeks are necessary to complete the course. Upon successful completion of the course, UNINETTUNO and ASD will award the student an official joint certificate. Please contact UNINETTUNO at for information about enrolment, course starting dates and costs.
ASD-STE100: Training for Trainers (Train-the-trainer Course)
In addition to the basic course for authors, UNINETTUNO can also certify STE trainers. This course will be primarily directed to those who do in-company authoring, editing, and proofreading of technical documentation and would like to become certified STE trainers. It is also intended to certify trainers who do training for companies who offer training in Technical English and would like to expand their range of teaching skills.
A prerequisite for the course is that the participant has successfully completed the STE basic course offered by Uninettuno or an equivalent course taught by one certified trainer (refer to ).
The course consists of video lessons to cover the course development, presentation, and structure as well as the creation of exercises to cover all necessary topics. The students will be asked to develop course materials including the course structure, a course presentation, and related exercises. The course structure, presentation and exercises will be assessed by the course tutor and will contribute to the final grade.
The participants will also be asked to demonstrate proficiency in the use of STE by submitting texts which are not written in STE and then rewriting them to be in conformance with the specification.
After successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate which shows that they have been certified to offer STE training. However, it does not authorize the trainer to certify other trainers. Uninettuno is to be the sole provider of trainer certification.
As for the basic course, it is possible to enroll at any time of the year. Eight weeks are necessary to complete this course.
Study methods
The UNINETTUNO courses are delivered using the psycho-pedagogical model developed by Prof. Maria Amata Garito and her team at UNINETTUNO as the result of several international research projects.
In UNINETTUNO courses, the student is always at the center of the training, guided by the online professor/tutor who facilitates the web-based learning online.
On the portal there is a dedicated area for STE training.
- Video lessons:
The online video lessons are the starting point for the learning process. Each video lesson contains several topics and is indexed. Thus, the student can either follow the entire video lesson, or select the specific topic that he or she wishes to study more in detail. Each topic is linked via hypertext to the supporting texts and online exercises.
- Online Exercises:
This is an environment in which the student integrates theory with practical experience. It includes online exercises linked to the topics and discussed in the video lessons.
- Online tutoring:
Online tutoring is organized for each course session. A professor/tutor will follow each student for the entire course duration. An advanced qualitative and quantitative tracking system permits continuous monitoring of each student’s progress. The tutoring activities can take the form of online chats and/or traditional e-mail correspondence.
- Final Exam:
At the end of the course, the student must pass an exam which consists of a written test done under the guidance of the tutor.
How to enroll
For more information
Tel: 39 06 69207671 - 39 06 69207670