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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

NetCu - Δραστηριότητες

Κατάσταση υλοποίησης
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

Δραστηριότητες / αποτελέσματα Περιγραφή Συνεργάτες Παρεχόμενο
WP1 - Management EADTU coordinates the project and coaches the participants towards the stated deliverables. EADTU is responsible for the coordination and the monitoring of CBVI on a day-to-day basis concerning all activities to be carried out. This workpackage will ensure that deadlines are met and deliverables are produced in accordance with the contract, the project timetable, the quality framework and the budget limitations. EADTU ensures the general project management with regard to financial administration, monitoring & reporting. UTIU Role: UTIU manages the participation in project meetings, monitoring of ones own tasks, deliverables and budget, establishing the contracts and tasks within ones own institute, and ensuring the quality of the results -
WP2 - Collection and analysis of existing networked curricula in ODE and blended learning The overall objective of this WP is to compile an inventory of already existing networked curricula and partnerships in the field of ODE and blended learning in Europe. Relevant research categories will inter alia be: object of the cooperation (joint, double, course, module, degree), educational model, institutional & geographical composition of the partnership, fields of study, degree level, language/s of tuition and examination, recognition, mobility paths, integration of content, fees and funding, quality assurance, the role of ICT, the management of the curriculum, institutional frameworks in the partnership, advantages and challenges experiences in the partnership. The research in this WP will be split into a description and analysis of the networked curricula in the consortium (2a) and those outside (2b). A mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods will be used for both groups. WP2a Description and analysis of the networked curricula in the consortium From the partnership several case studies will be investigated (see Annex) representing the complex landscape of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. WP2b Description and analysis of the networked curricula outside the consortium Also for the research on networked curricula outside the consortium a literature and website review will be done. Also an analysis of the environment of networked curricula regarding the national, legal and institutional frameworks will be part of the research work. Next to extensive literature research a stakeholder workshop will be organized with experts from institutions like the EC, EUA, ESU, ACA and quality agencies to further investigate their strategies and objectives with regards to networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. involving these stakeholders is also a first step towards exploitation (WP6). UTIU Role: UTIU will lead Sub-WP2a. It will co-design questionnaire together with the other partners, collect the case studies and evaluate them and compile a report. IUTU will further participate in partner meetings, the case study workshop and the external stakeholder workshop and provide expert input to all WP deliverables. -
WP3 - Models and guidelines for establishing networked curricula in ODE and blended learning The overall objective of this WP is to compile an inventory of already existing networked curricula and partnerships in the field of ODE and blended learning in Europe. Relevant research categories will inter alia be: object of the cooperation (joint, double, course, module, degree), educational model, institutional & geographical composition of the partnership, fields of study, degree level, language/s of tuition and examination, recognition, mobility paths, integration of content, fees and funding, quality assurance, the role of ICT, the management of the curriculum, institutional frameworks in the partnership, advantages and challenges experiences in the partnership. The research in this WP will be split into a description and analysis of the networked curricula in the consortium (2a) and those outside (2b). A mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods will be used for both groups. WP2a Description and analysis of the networked curricula in the consortium From the partnership several case studies will be investigated (see Annex) representing the complex landscape of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. WP2b Description and analysis of the networked curricula outside the consortium. Also for the research on networked curricula outside the consortium a literature and website review will be done. Also an analysis of the environment of networked curricula regarding the national, legal and institutional frameworks will be part of the research work. Next to extensive literature research a stakeholder workshop will be organized with experts from institutions like the EC, EUA, ESU, ACA and quality agencies to further investigate their strategies and objectives with regards to networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. involving these stakeholders is also a first step towards exploitation (WP6). UTIU Role: In cooperation with the other WP-members IUTU will derive models of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning, develop guidelines and give further input to the compendium. -
WP4 - Innovative ICT and educational instruments for networked curricula in ODE and blended learning The technological dimension of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning In open and distance education and blended learning the implementation of innovative ICT and educational instruments is key for the success and attractiveness: Web 2.0 technologies facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Further developments in online assessment technologies help institutions to not only offer the teaching and learning in a virtual space but also the examination. Open educational resources provide … Which technologies are being used in the case studies of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning, how and for what purpose are they applied and what is the benefit of them? What is used in examples outside the partnership? What other technologies are there and how could networked curricula benefit from them? To these and related questions this WP will provide an answer The collected data will be transformed into a toolbox for networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. The functionalities of the different tools will be checked against the results of a needs analysis of the case studies. Members from the core group will choose a tool from the toolbox they consider useful for the purposes of their networked curriculum and test it accordingly. How useful was a tool used in one good practice when used in another networked curriculum? What were the advantages and disadvantages? How did the students perceive it? These are some of the central questions that should be answered after the test run. The results will be compiled in a report and help to further enhance the virtual campus setting of networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. UTIU Role: UTIU will assist in creating the toolbox, apply one of the instruments out of it in its case study and provide a report on the results. -
WP5 - Dissemination of the project For the dissemination a detailed promotion and publication plan will be used for effectively informing students, HEIs and theirs staff as well as other stakeholders on the European policy level. It gives an overview of the activities that will support communication to raise awareness of and interest in the NetCU project. Categories of activities under this heading are: • Communication by partners; all partners are responsible for communicating the progress and outcomes of the project at relevant local, national and international meetings they are involved in and report to the coordinator of the project on these occasions. • Web-based communication; a web-based portal will be established and promoted by the EADTU secretariat and the partner organisations to inform a wide public on the developments of the project. • Publications; foreseen are a wide range of publications on the European level as well as in other continents. This by the EADTU partners in Europe and associate partners in the rest of the world. • Mailings through extensive databases; as part of its newsletter EADTU will regularly inform the HE community on new developments in NetCu. EADTU uses for this purpose a database of some 5000 contacts in the community. With every major delivery of NetCU, e.g. after the report publication and especially upon finalizing the compendium, dissemination activities will be boosted and dedicated mailings will be send to the various stakeholders. To establish the impact of the project, partners within the project are stimulated as much as possible, to quantify their responses on promotion materials and measures. The actual feasibility of performance measurement may differ depending on the instruments used. But where possible, numbers of students, stakeholders, number of page-hits on the site will be counted. UTIU Role: UTIU will perform the dissemination tasks as allocated to the institution and as outlined in the dissemination strategy plan which will be adopted by the entire consortium. Main tasks will be:communicating the progress & outcomes of the project at local, national & international meetings IUTU is involved in and report to EADTU on these occasions, including responses received. -
WP6 - Exploitation The objective of valorizing aims to fulfil the objective of general post-project usage of project results. It differs from commercialisation in that that is focused on generating a profit. When the NetCU project comes to its end, its results should not only still be available for usage by different groups but the mainstraming process should already be under way. To reach this several activities will be bundled: For the introduction of the compendium, workshops for different stakeholders will be organised. I. Workshops at all partners: In these workshop the compendium will be introduced to deans, international relations staff and teaching & technical staff from the whole organisation. This will create a spill-over effect within the universities that are already active in the field resp. initiate pilots where no networked curricula has been set-up yet. II. University rectors will be informed in the EADTU General Board III. Stakeholders from the political & meta-university level & students representatives Experts from institutions like the EC, EUA, ESU will again be invited to discuss the compendium and the project results but also to stimulate further implementation outside the partnership. The feedback from the workshop will be used for final enhancements of the compendium before publication. Partner institutions in the case studies/pilots will be involved by their representative in the NetCU project. They are institutions that are already active in the field and therefore the spill-over potential is very high. This will be done in project meetings of the case study's consortium. To further trigger the set-up of networked curricula a partner match-making fair will be organized at the EADTU Conference 2012. After the conference this will be offered via the NetCU website. For further knowledge building a wiki will be implemented into the website. The data from the compendium will be the start of it and updated, extended and upgraded in a collaborative setting. UTIU Role: UTIU will support the exploitation of the NetCU project as allocated to the institution and as outlined in the exploitation strategy plan. UTIU will organise a workshop for its staff to present the project results and actively initiate the development of new networked curricula in ODE and blended learning. Also UTIU will stimulate input from its case study. -
WP7 - Quality Assurance A dedicated quality management plan will be developed in this project. The plan is to ensure that monitoring of the project is performed adequately and accurately. It identifies procedures, criteria and resources for monitoring the project. It also deals with the evaluation of the progress of the project, risk and issue management, and with internal and/or external evaluation of the deliverables in comparison with the needs of the target group(s) and sector(s) and of the potential users. Quality management ensures that the project stays on track with the scheduled deliverables and within the budget. Project processes will be monitored for effectiveness and project risks will continuously be addressed. Project status reports are generated to indicate status and make recommendations. A quality assurance manual will spearhead effective cooperation and communication between the partner institutions and accordingly is to help signal any possible conflicts that may arise between partners. Final evaluation reports and lessons learned, pertaining to the whole project will be established. The project implementation and the project results will be evaluated by an internal evaluation team consisting of TLU as a lead partner and EADTU for support. The internal evaluators will meet online and in combination with project-meetings to a) prepare the evaluation procedure and set the indicators, to b) prepare the interim report and c) a last time for discussing the final report. The QA will include use of an external assessor: Koen Delare of EDUSER (www.eduser.eu ) as the external expert In 1998 he started working for the Coimbra Group of Universities as Project Manager and became Director in 2000. During the five years he was in charge of the Office in Brussels he gained extensive experience in project and service contract management, project writing and networking activities. -

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