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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Novus Laurus International 2015

Specific programme: NOVUS LAURUS INTERNATIONAL 2015
Duration: 55 Months (6/6/2015 - 31/12/2019)
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Nicola Paravati


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In the framework of the ongoing  process of convergence between Georgia and the European Union’s Countries for the development of intellectual resources and international standards, it is necessary to design an appropriate educational model and to introduce it by adopting new approaches based on the latest technologies.

In order to attain these aims we set the following targets:

  • Creation and operation of Regional Telematic Educational Centre at the State University of
  • La creazione ed il funzionamento di un centro di formazione telematica regionale Akaki Tsereteli in Kutaisi;
  • A range of Exchange/design program and realization of project between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Rome (more specifically, its Technological Pole in Tbilisi at Minerva Ngo) and the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi;
  • Design and implementation of study programs for Georgian and main European languages courses;
  • Establishment of the “International School of Public Healthcare and Health Management” at the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi where some training/master’s or second-cycle degree courses on Public Health, Healthcare Management, Medical Law, medical and biological research, Laboratory Medicine may be realized;
  • Establishment of the Lifelong Education Centre (Post-Degree) at the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi in Medicine and the realization of study programs based on the latest technologies;
  • The organization of the “International Nurses' School” and the realization of study (training) programs in cooperation with the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi;
  • Updating and enhancement of existing study programs and projects;
  • An active cooperation of the partners to find financial resources for the project (local and International funding, fund-raising, activities). 



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The project aims at the development of intellectual resources linked to the university studies and professional world in Georgia in accordance with international standards and envisaging the possibility of introducing an adequate teaching model based on the introduction of the latest technologies in the field of education (e-learning).

This process will have to take place in the context of the ongoing process of convergence between Georgia and the European Community, which started in 2013 with the ratification of the Treaty of Association of Georgia; the project aims at contributing to regional development supplying a qualified, diversified and attractive educational offer envisaging the possibility of awarding the student with a study qualification acknowledged worldwide. 


EYE Official Logo IT

In the framework of the ongoing  process of convergence between Georgia and the European Union’s Countries for the development of intellectual resources and international standards, it is necessary to design an appropriate educational model and to introduce it by adopting new approaches based on the latest technologies.

In order to attain these aims we set the following targets:

  • Creation and operation of Regional Telematic Educational Centre at the State University of
  • La creazione ed il funzionamento di un centro di formazione telematica regionale Akaki Tsereteli in Kutaisi;
  • A range of Exchange/design program and realization of project between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Rome (more specifically, its Technological Pole in Tbilisi at Minerva Ngo) and the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi;
  • Design and implementation of study programs for Georgian and main European languages courses;
  • Establishment of the “International School of Public Healthcare and Health Management” at the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi where some training/master’s or second-cycle degree courses on Public Health, Healthcare Management, Medical Law, medical and biological research, Laboratory Medicine may be realized;
  • Establishment of the Lifelong Education Centre (Post-Degree) at the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi in Medicine and the realization of study programs based on the latest technologies;
  • The organization of the “International Nurses' School” and the realization of study (training) programs in cooperation with the Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi;
  • Updating and enhancement of existing study programs and projects;
  • An active cooperation of the partners to find financial resources for the project (local and International funding, fund-raising, activities). 



Presenting its educational model in Georgia to demonstrate that it can be possible to integrate traditional studies with the online ones maintaining high standards


International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
ONG Health Research UnionGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
ONG MinervaGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
State University of Kutaisi “Akaki Tsereteli”GeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ