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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271


Global programme: Erasmus Plus
Specific programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Call: Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project number: 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065752
Duration: 40 Months (1/9/2019 - 31/12/2022)
Project Manager: Olga Maria Alegre de la Rosa (University of La Laguna)
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Caforio
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Barbara Sani


The aim of MEDUSA project is the development of an international online Master in diversity education and social inclusion able to foster positive attitudes towards students with special educational needs, so that the Master's students of all the European universities involved take on a professional and social commitment in their role as community agents.


MEDUSA arises from a Strategic Partnership composed of four entities from three countries (Spain, Italy and Romania) that are highly concerned about social inclusion and diversity issues: Three universities and one SME. With the aim to develop an International Master´s Degree in education in Diversity and Social Inclusion, which will offer an adapted curriculum to equip the young generation with the specific, basic and transversal competences currently required in the Education sector. This international Master Degree will provide students with opportunities to gain additional skills by studying and training on-line.


The specific objectives of the project are the following:

SO1. Capacity Building in the educative sector: Promoting ACTIVE COOPERATION and partnership between actors from the knowledge triangle: HE institutions (ULL, ULBS, UTIU), industry (EVM), Social Partners and local/Regional Bodies (Stakeholders) to obtain an impact on social responsibility, modernisation and internationalisation of HE.
SO2. Create FLEXIBLE LEARNING PATHWAYS able to provide and recognize HE students the most important competences and skills, such as leadership, internationalisation and use of digital learning. This new pathway will include validation of prior learning and will aim to improve the level of both sector specific, high level basic and transversal competences and skills, with particular regard to those relevant for the labour market in the diversity and social inclusion related sector: management, languages and leadership as well as their contribution to a cohesive society, in particular through increased opportunities for both learning and labour mobility and throughstrengthened cooperation between HE, VET, and work.
SO3. Promoting cooperation and MOBILITY ACTIVITIES, providing more opportunities for students to gain all the specific and transversal skills required and involving them along with partners staff and stakeholders in shaping the outcomes and ensuring their relevance.


UNINETTUNO is the Leader of Output Title O3 - Learning Platform.

The objectives that will be accomplished with the IO3 are: 
- To obtain an e-learning platform;
- To define platform specifications;
- Architectural adjustment of the platform;
- Customisation of the contents;
- Testing and improving the platform;
- To release the pilot platform.
Moreover, UNINETTUNO is also in charge the management of the disseminartion and exploitation of the project with the following responsabilities: Identifying the needs the project responds to, identifying the expected project results, identifying potential users and final beneficiaries of the project's outcomes, determining specific dissemination actions that fit for each project's stakeholders, specifying the appropriate dissemination channels, determining the timeline of the various dissemination actions, allocating various tasks to the relevant partners, Lobbying EU institutions, networking among association network and collaborators, Communication activities, Information dissemination or Event organization.


International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Universidad de La LagunaSpainΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
University of LodzPolandΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din SibiuRomaniaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ