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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

LMPH - License Masters Professionels en management des activités hoteliérès pour le developpment de l’Industrie Turistique en Georgie, Azerbaidjan, Moldavie

Global programme: TEMPUS
Specific programme: EACEA N.35 2012
Project number: 544191-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-PT-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration: 31 Months (1/5/2014 - 30/11/2016)
Project Manager: Prof. Jean-Noel Pachoud
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Dr. Nicola Paravati
Website: http://tempus.lmph.eu/


The joint project LMPH – Licence Masters professionnels en management des activités hôtelières pour le développement de l’industrie touristique en Géorgie, Azerbaïdjan et Moldavie aims at creating professionalized education and training programs (master degree) in hospitality and hotel management. The project target are young citizens of Georgia, Azerbaïdjan and Moldova.



The project, under the supervision of the Académie de Grenoble, sees the involvement of 33 partners of 10 different countries. It is aimed at the development of an academic and professionalizing training path (Master’s Diploma) in the sector of hotel reception and management and it is addressed to young nationals of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldavia, complying with study curricula shared and approved by the 10 partner universities.
The joint project LMPH is intended for the modernization of the higher education and training hospitality programmes (with a regional priority concerning Tourism, but as well with two larger national priorities regarding Commerce in Azerbaijan and Georgia and the Business world in Moldova) through the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the three-cycle system and the acknowledgement of diplomas.
The project intends to contribute, within the partner countries, to the development of modern tourism, with strong ecological, social and economic demands, through the training of human resources capable of conceiving, conducting, and valuing, commercializing and exploring hospitality projects adapted to each context.
The renewal of the syllabus in hospitality will be done through the mobilization of the universities, the ministries of education, tourism, hospitality structures, student associations, professional organizations in hospitality, all of these according to the competence approach (diagnosis of needs, redaction of job descriptions, specification of the expected professional skills, and subsequent elaboration of syllabus and training contents and pedagogical resources).
The expected results are the following: 3 regional strategic action plans; a  methodological guide shared by the three regions; 120 graduate analysts;  135 graduate course cycles’ renovators; 27 teachers with international specialization in Hospitality  Management; 6 professional profiles descriptions; 3 bachelor degrees and 6 new masters, as well as their respective syllabuses, curricular contents and pedagogical resources; 3 poles of excellence/ resources centres for the management of hospitality activities; 600 graduate students; 3 double or joint diplomas; relocation of some contents, including them in the training at the workplace; a sector-based plan of action for the future.



In general:
- To promote the reform and modernization of higher education in the Partner countries.
- To enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in the Partner countries.
- To foster the reciprocal development of human resources.
- To improve the networking of higher education institutions and research institutes among Partner Countries and the EU member states.
- Modernization of curricula in academic disciplines identified as priorities by the Partner countries through the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the three-cycle system and the recognition of qualifications.
In particular, in each of the regions:
- To contribute to the development of modern tourism incorporating high ecological, social, economic, through the training of human resources capable of designing, appraise, implement, market and operate hospitality projects adapted to their context.
- To professionalize education and training programs in hospitality in accordance with the Bologna process.
- To create a bachelor and two professional masters degrees in hospitality tailored to their specific needs, train 9 teachers (in the EU), to conceive training programmes and contents, create a center of excellence / resource center and teach 200 students on these new curricula, develop student mobility, create a new diploma (double or joint degree).
- To improve the employability of students within management positions in hospitality activities.


UNINETTUNO aims at developing the distance learning model, the training contents and the use of e-learning platform. UNINETTUNO is also member of the European Key Experts Group, together with the Technological Education Institute of Piraeus (Greece), the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Greece) and the University of Algarve (Portugal).


AEA - Syndicat des étudiants de l'UCARepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
AEG - Association autonome d’étudiants de l’UCGGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
AEM - Comité syndical des étudiants de l’UCMRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
BPA - Conseil républicain du Tourisme et des excursionsRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
BPG - Association du tourisme de GeorgieGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
BPM - Association Nationale des Hôtels et des Restaurants de la MDRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
GIP FIPAG - Académie Grenoble : GIP Formation et Insertion ProfessionnelleFranceΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
HA - New Baku HotelRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
HG - Hôtel "Dzveli Metekhi"GeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
HM - Hotel Leogrant, SRLRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Institut Supérieur d'EspinhoPortugalΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
ISESP - Institut Supérieur d'EspinhoPortugalΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MEA - Ministère de l'éducation d'AzerbaidjanRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MEG - Ministère de l'éducation et des Sciences de GéorgieGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MEM - Ministère de l’Education de MoldavieRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MTA - Ministère de la culture et du tourisme d'AzerbaidjanRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MTG - Agence nationale du Tourisme de la GéorgieGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
MTM - Agence du Tourisme de la République de MoldavieRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA1A - Institut du Tourisme d'AzerbaïdjanRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA1G - Université Pédagogique d’Etat de GoriGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA1M - Université Commerciale de MoldavieRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA2A - Collège du tourismeRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA2G - Université de Tbilissi « Gorgassali »GeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UA2M - Université PerspectivaRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UBG - Ecole supérieure d’agrobusiness et développement des régionsBulgariaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UCA - Universite Technique d’AzerbaïdjanRepubblica dell'AzerbaigianΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UCG - Universite Technique de la GéorgieGeorgiaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UCM - Université d’Etat de MoldavieRepubblica di MoldaviaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UES - Université de GironeSpainΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UR1 - Institut Technologique du Pirée (TEI du Pirée)GreciaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UR3 - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de ChaniaGreciaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
UR4 - Université de l’AlgarvePortugalΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
URO - Université Alexandru Ioan CuzaRomaniaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ