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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

BIGInternPrize - Δραστηριότητες

Κατάσταση υλοποίησης
80 - 100% 50 - 80% 0 - 50%

Δραστηριότητες / αποτελέσματα Περιγραφή Συνεργάτες Παρεχόμενο
IO1 - Research, Validation and Future Strategy This IO consists of: 1. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES producing at least 16 mini research papers (max 3.000 words) on the subject of bite size learning. 2. GENERATION AND USE OF VALIDATION TOOLS that will be used as part of the strategy of adoption of bite size learning. 3. A JOINT POSITION PAPER on the subject of "VET for the Always Connected, the Disconnected and the Discontented." It will explore the use of bite size learning strategies in vocational education and training. Activities: IO1/A1 : Mapping of Macro Topic : the subject of bite size learning will be mapped out so that areas of interest are identified and this mapping will be used to discipline the research in IO1 A2. IO1/A2 : Research Activities : minimum 16 mini research papers on the CoP platform; each paper will be published after peer review by at least two other members of the CoP. IO1/A3 : Generation and Use of Validation Tools : questionnaires and interviews of beneficiaries will be used during the pilot activities. IO1/A4 : Adaptation of Validation Tools :the tools will be assessed for efficiency and efficacy and will be adapted to be installed in the CoP platform as well as in the Joint Position Paper. IO1/A5 : A Joint Position Paper : on the subject of "VET for the Always Connected, the Disconnected and the Discontented." -
IO2 - Production and Testing of Training Content This IO consists of: 1. TRAINING CONTENT FOR VET TRAINERS that will equip, enable and empower them to support, mentor and excite the minds of the students during the process of generating creative business ideas. 2. A LEARNING MAP for bite size learning videos on aspects of the generation, testing and presenting business ideas. 3. AT LEAST 30 BITE SIZE LESSONS (maximum 15 minutes) in video format. The video lessons will be online on the project website and tested by the partners with their trainers and students and then they will be used in the preparation before C2 with trainers, students and entrepreneurs. Activities: IO2/A1 : Pooling of Training Resources : identification of the training content they can be used and adapt for the context of BIG InternPrize, and of the experts to be involved. IO2 A2 : Preparation for Testing in C1 : preparation of training contents to be prepared for filming and for to be used for online learning bites. IO2 A3 : Testing of Edited Clips from C1 : the filmed footage will be edited and published online on the project portal and on the CoP platform. IO2 A4 : Learning Map : generation of a learning map for bite size learning videos on aspects of the generation, testing and presenting of business ideas. IO2 A5 : Production of Bite Size Lessons : the partners will produce at least 30 bite size lessons (maximum 15 minutes each) in video format. -
IO3 - CoP and Observatory This IO will consist of: 1 TEMPLATES AND TOOLS TO SHARE CREATIVE BUSINESS IDEAS: new tools that they will add and install in the platform of the CoP to enable members to share creative and innovative business ideas and put them up for discussion and peer review. 2. GENERATION OF THE BIG INTERNPRIZE POOL OF MEMBERS IN THE COP that will include teachers / trainers, students and entrepreneurs. 3. AT LEAST 80 CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE BUSINESS IDEAS SHARED ON THE PLATFORM WITH PEER REVIEW engaging trainers, students and entrepreneurs. 4. A CoP OBSERVATORY that will make observations about the learning curve and engagement of all members in the CoP and information about the element of bite size learning. Activities: IO3/A1: Preparation : creation of a shared idea of the CoP. IO3/A2: Work plan : development of tools and templates for the new CoP (during kick-off meeting). IO3-A3: Development of the templates and tools for the CoP Platform by VisMedNet technicians to perfect the client experience. IO3-A4: Tools for validation of the learning experience, aimed at enabling the partners to have a good view of the learning and growing experience of the participants involved in the CoP activities. IO3-A5: Augmentation of CoP (IO1 and IO2) : involving at least 80 trainers in teh activities of the CoP. IO3-A6: Augmentation of CoP (Students) : after training C1, involvingat least 120 students. IO3-A7: Generation of Ideas and Engagement of Enterprises : Students will, with teacher support and mentoring, start putting ideas for innovative business opportunities and putting them on the CoP platform. IO3-A8: Preparation for C2 training, that will bring trainers, students and entrepreneurs together in face-to-face pitching of business ideas. -

  Σελίδα 1 του 1