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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

UNINETTUNO Online Cultural Heritage Faculty

Cultural Heritage Faculty Deanship
Dean: Prof. Giovanni Antonino Puglisi
Vice Principal: Prof. Luca Girella
Faculty Secretariat
Chiara Rotundo
tel: +39 06 692076.77
mail: presidenza.beniculturali@uninettunouniversity.net

At the Cultural Heritage Faculty of our University you will be able to earn a three-year degree in Cultural Heritage (Class L-1 of the Decree 270/2004 of the Ministry of Education, University and Research) by enrolling for the degree course in Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage..

The three-year degree course in Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage provides for two paths:

By clicking on the single paths it will be possible to consult the corresponding study program.
The degree course is aimed at training professional profiles possessing a sound basic training, suitable language skills and solid humanities and technical-scientific skills related to a wide range of cultural assets, from the traditional ones (archeological, architectural, mobile art works, archival and book assets) to intangible assets up to the most complex aspects of the cultural landscape and of interculturalism (urban and historical build landscape, historical infrastructures present in a territory, cultural mediation).

UNINETTUNO’s online degree in Cultural Heritage supplies you with humanities skills matching them with the most advanced technologies that are used in the sector concerned: a comprehensive learning with a focus on the past, but always looking forward.

Three-Year Degree Cours

Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage - Class L-1

Regulations of the Study Course (italian)
Re-exam Team
