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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

First-level Master’S Course IN
“Cultural Heritage and Enogastronomy”

- Enrolments are open
Master’s Course Secretariat: Chiara Rotundo
Request further information
Contact details
Students’ Secretariat: tel: +39 06 692076.70 | +39 06 692076.71 Green line 800333647  mail: info@uninettunouniversity.net

Scientific committee - UNINETTUNO

  • Prof. Luca Girella - Coordinatore (Civiltà Egee, Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO)
  • Prof. Laura Bartoni (Storia dell’arte moderna, Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO)
  • Prof. Nora Moll (Letteratura italiana, Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO)

Master’s Course Aims/Educational Objectives

One of the major trends currently affecting the Italian scene is the widening of the notion of “cultural heritage” that, beside the most traditional material aspects, introduces immaterial data and innovative practices in promotion projects in the land. The approach underlining Expo Milan 2015, the nomination proposal of the “Mediterranean Diet” as a UNESCO world heritage property, the wider and wider spreading of organic cultivations and zero-km food consumptions give evidence of this new idea of cultural heritage. In this framework it is necessary to train suitable professional profiles, capable of promoting the cultural, material and immaterial resources and the enogastronomic systems existing in a given territory, promoting them thanks to skills born from the mix of expertise that have been traditionally reciprocally separated so far. Therefore, the master’s course proposes an innovative approach which is based on the blend of humanities disciplines – such as anthropology, history, literature – with management, marketing and communication techniques at the service of a coherent and, so far, unprecedented  project of land promotion.
The professional profiles resulting from this educational path will have developed proved skills for identifying territorial identities through the analysis of material and immaterial resources in a specific geographical context and will be able to promote territorial setting thanks to suitable strategic promotion projects.
The master’s course is designed to award a professionalizing study qualification: the knowledge acquired and the skills developed during this path will allow its use in all the sectors aiming at connecting the tourist-cultural activities, mainly meant at getting to know about the land, the agricultural landscape and it anthropological and historical-cultural features, with the enogastronomic heritage that matches tradition with innovation and which is essentially based on a wide availability of the main resources, based, more specifically, on the Mediterranean diet.

The professional profiles trained by this Master’s Course will be able to develop actual professional skills in the following sectors:

  • Private or public organizations devoted to the promotion and development of the land with particular reference to the tourist activities and to the cultural heritage linked to enogastronomy;
  • Agencies and companies dealing with the design, management and promotion of cultural events aimed at matching the history of the land with its enogastronomic culture;
  • Tourist businesses devoted to the travel organization (networks of businesses, tour operators, networks of agencies) or to the supply of tourist-accommodation services (hotels or resorts, sports, cultural or historical attractions, fairs managing boards) that focus their business activities on the capacity to manage tourist flows;
Specialized journalism in the sector of enogastronomic culture and of landscape on a urban and territorial scale.

Training Activities Structuring

This Master’s Course lasts one academic year corresponding to 60 ECTS credits on the whole, structured on an online training section including video lessons, tutoring, workshops based on an online platform, research activities and an training period on the field aimed at checking the feasibility of some projects. The training activity includes six modules. Each modules has a coordinator, video teachers and teacher/tutor.
In order to earn the Master’s Course title, which will be issued by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO it is required the preparation of a project of promotion of cultural heritage on an issue established jointly with the Scientific Committee of the Master’s Course.

Module 1. Knowledge and history of the Territory
Contents: history and archeology of the agricultural landscape and organization of the agricultural production; history of food/nutrition, of cooking and enogastronomic production (historical, literary, iconographic sources etc.); food and wine in the Italian tradition as a cultural and economic asset; literature and territory; cinema, food and land; geographical information systems for cultural heritage.

Module 2. Promotion of cultural heritage
Contents: anthropology and cultural heritage; communication and identity; tangible and intangible cultural heritage; Mediterranean diet; UNESCO heritage; UNESCO management plans for the valorization and promotion of cultural landscapes through enogastronomy; legislation for cultural heritage and tourism.

Module 3. Enogastronomy
Contents: cooking methods; “Notes of Taste”, the library of flavors (from the makeup of recipes and menus to the announcement of a dish); knowledge, interpretation and renewal of the Italian cooking. Journey through the recipes, symbols of the Italian cooking: historical roots, nutritional factors and popularization aspects with an analysis of today’s recipes; restaurant as theatre; a new way of making cooking; the “Circolo dei Buongustai (the Circle of Gourmets)”; study case; the “Circolo dei Buongustai” and the Uccellina Park property.  

Modulo 4. Economics of Cultural Heritage
Contents: main forms of subsidized loans for micro-enterprises and SMEs;business planning; TAI Test (Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test); lifelong learning for adults; main tools for subsidizing businesses in the enogastronomic sector.

Module 5. Communication
Contents: communication  and media; media economics; journalism; cinema and digital media; brand design; creativity and advertising.

Module 6. Management and Marketing
Contents: tourist marketing; tourist economic policy; management of tourist enterprises.

Project work and final exam:
The students will have to design a project, on an individual and/or in a teamwork basis, dealing with the Master’ s Course issues, that will be further developed in an actual context during an internship period at partnering companies. The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of this project that will be assessed by a Commission for the final exam.

The students will carry on applicative activities at the partnering companies based in the national territory in connection with the issues included among the aims of the Master’s Course.
As it regards the internship, upon specific and motivated request of the Master’s Course student it will be possible to replace it with an applicative project to be agreed with the Coordinator of the Master’s Course.

Training Activities

The training activities take place on the Internet, in the “Master” section of the portal: www.uninettunouniversity.net, the first portal in the world where teaching is delivered in 4 languages: Italian, English, French and Arabic.
The adopted psycho-pedagogic model concretizes the shift:

  • From teacher’s central role to the student’s central role;
  • From knowledge transfer to knowledge creation;
  • From a passive and competitive learning to active and collaborative learning.

The students play an active role in their learning progress and can study whenever and wherever they wish to. In the course of their learning path, the students are guided by an online tutoring system which is able to facilitate their learning and web-based communication process and to supply them with the tools to carry out their study of a specific subject successfully.
Online tutoring is organized into classes of students, through an advanced system of agenda that is able to recognize each individual and obtain the tracking of training activities and a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the learning process of each single student.

How to study

The Internet-based training activities take place in a web-based macro-area which is called the Didactic Cyberspace. In the Didactic Cyberspace the training and learning process takes place and accesses are diversified through customized login and password depending on the role played by the different actors of the training process: Professors, Tutors and Students. These three categories of users can access the same information regarding each subject. More specifically, the Professor and Tutor can modify or replace training materials and add new ones for the whole course duration, whereas the student can dispose of an area of his own where he can include data, information and personal notes.
The student can access to:

  • The Appointed Teaching Professor’s Page;
  • The Tutor’s Page.

On these pages there are the Learning Environments where is possible to access:

  • Training Materials which represent the course contents: digitized video lessons including bookmarks allowing for hypertextual and multimedia linking to books, selected bibliographical references, texts of the exercises, lists of selected websites. The system of dynamic bookmarks gives the Internet-based video lessons a hypertextual character allowing different levels of navigation: from one lesson to the other one, among subjects of a single lesson, between the materials referring to the same subject.
  • Distance Tutoring. The students enrolled in the Master’s course will be assisted in every step of their study path by Telematic Professors-Tutors. The Telematic Professor-Tutor, represents a guide as well as a constant presence along the Learning Process.

The distance Tutoring activities may be carried out in two ways:

    • in a synchronic manner, by using chats, video-chats, video and audio-conferencing, implemented in the Didactic Cyberspace, but also the three-dimensional classroom created on the UNINETTUNO Island of knowledge on Second Life.
    • in a diachronic manner, through tools such as e-mail and discussion forums on the Internet. The discussion forums, related to the topics of a given teaching subject, enable to enlarge dialogue and trigger a collaborative learning and give the opportunity for autonomous thinking on the issue being discussed and on the study activities carried on.
  • Virtual Classroom in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life: on UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University) Island of Knowledge a 3D lecture hall was realized and it is devoted to this master’s courses. In this environment the students and professors/tutors’ avatars interact in the three-dimensional world of UNINETTUNO by their voice. Practice work, assessment tests and videoconferences with the protagonists of the Master’s Course, who will be attending through their avatars, are carried out, as well as real-time practice activities guided by the professors/tutors’ avatars.
In the virtual classroom of Second Life in the UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge the students and the professors/tutors teach and learn in a collaborative and cooperative way; they build and share knowledge with people belonging to different political, cultural and religious settings, they dialogue, cultural differences are confronted, socialization processes are implemented as well as the creation of new knowledge.

Master’s Course Target Students

This Master’s Course is aimed at young graduates wishing to build fast developing and dynamic professional skills as well as at professionals interested in enhancing their own competencies; more specifically, the Master’s Course is aimed at:

  • Individuals possessing a three-year degree or equivalent title;
  • Professional and/or managers in the sector of the promotion of cultural heritage, tourism and local tourist systems and landscape design and of enogastronomic activities;
  • Executives and managers of public and private companies;
  • Officials and executives of administrative institutes and offices (ministries, regional offices, public board wishing to innovate their staff skills profiles);
  • dirigenti e funzionari di istituti e uffici amministrativi (Ministeri, Uffici regionali, Enti pubblici che vogliano innovare i profili di competenza);

And at all those who wish to acquire, develop and specialize their specific knowledge in the sectors of promotion, communication and valorization of the land as it regards cultural and enogastronomic tourism.

Admission Requirements

All those who intend to enroll for this university master’s course must possess a degree (according to the previous regulations a three-year degree, a specializing/second-cycle degree), no matter from which faculty they come, earned in university of the Italian Republic or other equivalent higher education Institute, or any other equivalent title earned at another university, even abroad, provided that it is legally recognized in Italy.

How to enroll / Enrolment Fees

You have to enroll directly on the Internet filling in a special online form and making the payment of the relative fees by credit card or bank transfer.
The administrative online form manages all the student’s administrative activities and career. The Secretariat will acknowledge the enrolment sending an e-mail including the matriculation number, user ID and password.

Enrolment fees

The enrolment fees for this Master’s Course is € 1.800,00.


Secretariat of the Master’s Course  - Chiara Rotundo
Students  Secretariat: Green Line 800333647
Address: Cultural Heritage Faculty – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 – 00186 Rome (Italy)
Telephone numbers: tel.+39 0669207677; fax +39 0669207621
Email: info@uninettunouniversity.net