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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

UNINETTUNO Online Psychology Faculty

Psychology Faculty Deanship
Dean: Prof. Diego Centonze
Vice Principal: Prof. Luca Cerniglia
Faculty Secretariat
Rossana Caramia, Gabriele Maniscalco, Alessandro Panarelli, Antonello Trisciuzzi
tel: +39 06 692076.62
mail: presidenza.psicologia@uninettunouniversity.net

Earning a distance university degree in psychology represent a great added value since it is precisely in this field that the psycho-pedagogic model was developed and which allowed our University to acquire a leading position in the field of e-learning at global level.
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO whose educational offer includes an online Degree in Psychology has its head office in Rome as well as technological poles located all over the world.
The educational offer of UNINETTUNO Psychology Faculty provides a three-year (bachelor-level) degree and second-cycle (master-level) degree.

The Three-Year Degree Course in Psychosocial Disciplines – in the L-24 Class of the Ministerial Decree nr. 270/2004 of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, is aimed to deliver the theoretical and operational basics of general, social and developmental psychology; of the survey methodologies; of statistical methods and computer-based procedure for data processing; of the psycho-physiological mechanisms underlying the behavior and dynamics of human relationships. [Watch the Promo of the Course]

Second-Cycle Degree Course in Cognitive Processes and Technologies runs three new paths:

In this page it is possible to consult the study program of all courses and of their respective paths.

Three-Year Degree Course

Psychosocial Disciplines

Regulations of the Study Course
Re-exam team
Study program

Second-Cycle Degree Course

The Second-Cycle Degree Course in Cognitive Processes and Technologies, adopting an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the mind-brain system, of the man-machine interaction and of human interaction in the new social environments, integrates technological and cognitive approaches allowing to gain a deeper insight into human action focusing the training provision and other training activities mainly on multimedia educational aspects and on man-machine interaction.
The graduates will acquire knowledge and theoretical and applicative skills concerning:

  • The interdisciplinary approach to the study of mind and behavior of organisms in the man-machine new interaction contexts and in the new social interaction environments;
  • The study of language from scientific (linguistic, psychological) perspective as well as from a technological perspective (techniques of language processing);

All the students who obtained a three-year or five-year degree can enroll for the Second-Cycle Degree in “Cognitive Processes and Technologies”.

All those who, after completion of their study path, intend to work as professional psychologists or psycho-therapists and take the exam for qualifying for these professions and accessing to the Psychologists’ Association, have to possess a three-year degree corresponding to the L-24 or L-34 class or a second-cycle degree corresponding to the LM-51 or 58/S class. Otherwise, all students possessing a three-year or a second-cycle degree or a five-year degree non corresponding to the L-24, L-34, LM-51 and 58/S or equivalent classes, if they intend to work as professional psychologists or psycho-therapists and therefore take the exam for qualifying for these professions and accessing to the Association of Psychologists, have to settle their training debit taking some exams in psychological disciplines at our University to get the following minimal allocation of entry credits:

  • 44 ECTS credits among the M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/03 sectors
  • 36 ECTS credits among the M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05, M-PSI/06 sectors
  • 10 ECTS credits among the M-PSI/07, M-PSI/08 sectors

Cognitive Processes and Technologies –LM-51 Class

Regulations of the Study Course
