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Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master’s Courses

In this page it is possible to consult the program and contents of all the  Online I and II Level Master’s Courses, comprised in the educational offer of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. Many of these university master’s courses are run in partnership with renowned foreign institutions (London School of Business and Finance; London College of Contemporary Arts; Atheneum Liberal Studies in Athens)

Clicking on the online master’s course name you will get all the relevant information, namely:
  • Aims
  • Course structure
  • How to study
  • How to enroll
  • Enrolment fees
  • Learning support
  • Information brochure

Once enrolled, the student will be able to access UNINETTUNO digital platform and didactic cyberspace: the virtual place where the student will be able to develop his learning  processes and use the video lessons and all the hypertextual and multimedia educational materials made available to him.

UNINETTUNO university master’s courses are delivered by the best – Italian and foreign – lecturers who are experts in the relevant field and, in many cases, they are delivered in bilingual version (Italian and English). Partnership agreements with the best foreign universities, in force for many of UNINETTUNO master’s courses, represent a great added value for the attainment of the very high-level educational and professional objectives.

Additionally, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO provides, for the students who attend post-degree online master’s courses in the fields of finance, investments, marketing, fashion, design and creativity, some face-to-face study periods in its technological poles in London and New York.
With the I and II level master’s courses, available in our University’s educational offer – whose head office is in Rome – the virtual and the real meet to supply the student with an international-level and full comprehensive training and a unique multicultural living experience.


Cultural Heritage Faculty

Management and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age - Open
First-Level Master in “Cultural Heritage and Enogastronomy” - Open

Economics and Law Faculty

Master in Global MBA (blended Rome edition)    "NEW EDITION" - Open
Master's Degree in Workplace Safety Law    "NUOVA EDIZIONE" - Iscrizioni aperte
Master in Manager dell’inclusione socio-lavorativa     "NEW EDITION"
Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives     "NEW EDITION" - Open

Engineering Faculty

Master in Circular Economics 4.0: Energy, Technology and Environment    "NEW EDITION"
Master in Energy Management    "NEW EDITION" - Open
Master in Strategies and Techniques of Project Management    "NEW EDITION" - Open
Master in Applied and Industrial Mathematics Uninettuno    "NEW EDITION" - NOT ACTIVE FOR REGISTRATION
B.I.M. MASTER-The Big Data for Civil Engineering, Architecture and Heritage     "NEW EDITION" - Open

Psychology Faculty

Impact of traumatic and/or stressing experiences: prevention and intervention strategies - Open

Communications Science Faculty

Master in Journalism and Cross-media Communication    "NEW EDITION" - Open


Economics Faculty


Master in partnership with the London School of Business and Finance in London

MBA - Master of Business Administration (Global)    "NEW EDITION"
In cooperation with the London School of Business & Finance (www.lsbf.org.uk) - Open
Master in Finance and Investments    "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the London School of Business & Finance (www.lsbf.org.uk) - Open
Master in Strategic Marketing    "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the London School of Business & Finance (www.lsbf.org.uk) - Open
Master in Public Health     "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the London School of Business & Finance (www.lsbf.org.uk) - Open

- Master in partnership with the Berlin School of Business Innovation

MBA - Master of Business Administration (Global)     "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the Berlin School of Business Innovation ( http://berlinsbi.com/) - Open
Master in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management     "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the Berlin School of Business Innovation ( http://berlinsbi.com/) - Open
Master in Finance and Investments     "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the Berlin School of Business Innovation ( http://berlinsbi.com/) - Open
Master in Strategic Marketing     "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with the Berlin School of Business Innovation ( http://berlinsbi.com/) - Open
Master of Science in Health Management    "Blended edition in Berlin with BSBI"
Realized in collaboration with the Atheneum Liberal Studies (http://www.atheneumedu.com) and the Berlin School of Business Innovation (http://berlinsbi.com)- Open
MBA - Master in Maritime and Shipping Management     "Blended edition in Berlin"
Realized in collaboration with the Atheneum Liberal Studies ( http://www.atheneumedu.com) and the Institute for International Maritime Studies (http://www.iims.gr)- NOT ACTIVE FOR REGISTRATION

- Master in collaboration with Atheneum Liberal Studies

Master of Science in Health Management    "online, NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with Atheneum Liberal Studies ( http://www.atheneumedu.com)- Open
MBA - Master in Accounting and Finance    "NEW EDITION"
Realized in collaboration with Atheneum Liberal Studies ( http://www.atheneumedu.com) and with EPSILONNET College (http://www.epsilonnet.gr) - NOT ACTIVE FOR REGISTRATION

- Master in partnership with NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Master in Business Law for the Fashion System
Realized in collaboration with: NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti ( https://www.naba.it/en)

Engineering Faculty

Master in Sustainable Architecture and Design
Realized in collaboration with (School of Sustainability Foundation) Campus in Milan ( https://www.schoolofsustainability.it/program-3/apply/)
MA in Energy Management "Blended edition a Berlino con BSBI"
Realized in collaboration with la Berlin School of Business Innovation (http://berlinsbi.com- Open
MA in Logistics "Blended edition a Berlino con BSBI"
Realized in collaboration with la Berlin School of Business Innovation (http://berlinsbi.com- Open
MA in Engineering Management "Blended edition a Berlino con BSBI"
Realized in collaboration with la Berlin School of Business Innovation (http://berlinsbi.com- Open

Psychology Faculty

- Master in partnership with the Berlin School of Business and Innovation

Master in Psychological Sciences    "Blended edition in Berlin with BSBI"
Realized in collaboration with the Berlin School of Business Innovation ( http://berlinsbi.com/)- UNDER ACTIVATION